"Xia Ye, Ellie, don't be poor, you can go to school after eating." Akizuki Kayoko went to work after finishing breakfast, so it was Qiu Yue who stopped Yagyu Xia Ye and Akizuki Airi at this time Truth Nai.


On the first half of the way to school, Yagyu Xiaye walked with sisters Qiuyue.

However, when they came to a fork in the road, Liu Shengxia Ye said: "I will go over there to do some things, so let's leave here."

"You won't get lost, will you?" Qiuyue Aili didn't believe Yagyu Xia Ye very much.

However, in the face of Qiuyue Aili's doubts, Yagyu Xiaye shook the mobile phone in his hand and said: "Now is a technological society, I don't think you will get lost."

"That's not necessarily true." Even so, Qiuyue Aili didn't quite believe Yagyu Xia Ye.

"Okay, Ellie, let's believe in Xiaye." After stopping Akizuki Airi, Akizuki Marina said to Yagyu Xiaye: "Xiaye, I hope you can finish your business as soon as possible, and then come to school for class. You know But for the exchange students of the school, if the evaluation of the exchange is not good enough, if you go back to the original school, nothing will change."

"Understood, I'll go back after I'm done." After Xia Ye waved to Sister Qiuyue, Liu Sheng walked towards the opposite direction of Shengfeng Academy.

After Yagyu Xiaye disappeared at the next corner, Akizuki Marina pulled Akizuki Aili to the direction of Shengfeng College.


Yagyu Xiaye's destination is the place he observed for a long time yesterday, an abandoned plastic factory.

This location was found by Liusheng Xiaye through mobile phones and on-site inspections. There was no traffic at all, and it happened to start Liusheng Xiaye's plan.

After violently opening the locked gate, Yagyu Xiaye entered the plastic factory.

Although it has been abandoned and controlled, but tidying up and taking risks here can still make people survive.

However, Yagyu Xiaye did not intend to take a big adventure. After a visual inspection, he found a suitable room, and Liusheng Xiaye nodded with satisfaction.

After finding the location, Liu Sheng Xia Ye walked out of the plastic factory again, and he was going to wait outside for the arrival of an item he bought yesterday.

Before Yagyu Xiaye had to wait long, a delivery vehicle stopped outside the plastic factory.

After getting out of the car, the driver of the vehicle checked whether the address was correct or not. When he saw Liu Sheng Xia Ye, he rushed forward and asked, "Excuse me, is this Mr. Liu Sheng?"

Because Yagyu Natsuya was still wearing the school uniform of Sakakino Academy, the driver did not see that Yagyu Natsuya was still a student.

"Yes, the goods I ordered have arrived, haven't they?" From the decorations on the outside of the vehicle, Liu Shengxiaye knew that this was the company he bought from.

After getting confirmation from Liu Sheng Xia Ye, the driver asked again: "Mr. Liu Sheng, it is indeed your item, but is it really okay to unload it here? We can deliver it to your house."

Author's message:

Thank you Shuke 1126210442 for a monthly ticket support, thank you.

Book push: "The Stand Messenger's To Love" by Emiyal

Introduction: After a boy named Yuki Rito has a substitute, all kinds of wonderful stories and daily life happened with many girls.

The skill proficiency of God Wrestling is slowly improving.

However, due to the presence of substitutes, God's Fall is actually just a display now, please wait patiently for the skill level to increase.

Normal orientation, and daily orientation.

Harem of pure love.

I have known Mr. Emiyal for quite a long time. His character is still strong, and now this book has 85 words, so I can kill it.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"No need, you also know that the person who bought this must have some special hobbies, so you just unload this here." Liu Sheng Xiaye didn't care about what they said could be delivered to his home. Welfare.

Now that the buyer, Liu Shengxia Ye, had said this, it was not easy for the delivery staff to continue talking. He waved to the driver's cab, and another person came down from below.

Then the two went to the back of the vehicle together. After a loud noise, a cuboid plastic box was carried outside the gate of the plastic factory, where Yagyu Xiaye was.

"Mr. Liusheng, may I ask where to put this thing?" Because Liusheng Xiaye didn't intend to lead the way ahead, the staff who carried the things had to ask Liusheng Xiaye.

"That's enough, you just move here, and I'll take the rest in by myself."

"However, this thing is a bit heavy. Only by yourself, Mr. Yagyu..."

"If you want to ask me for a tip, I'm sorry." After Yagyu Xia Ye finished speaking, he walked towards the cuboid object.

One of the two delivery employees was relatively young, so after hearing Liu Sheng Xia Ye's ruthless words, he was a little annoyed, and wanted to get angry at Liu Sheng Xia Ye, but was stopped by the older man.

"Mr. Yagyu, you have already paid the shipping fee, and we have no intention of asking you for a tip. We are really worried about you..."

Suddenly, the older staff also suddenly stopped talking.

He first saw Liu Shengxia Ye walk up to the cargo, slapped it, and the cargo tilted and was about to fall down.

When he wanted to go over to support it, Liu Shengxia Ye followed the force of the fall, grabbed the two handles on top, and lifted the entire cargo sideways.

"You don't have to worry about it now, right?" Liu Shengxia Ye carried the goods like this, and turned to the two delivery employees.

The space that was suddenly pulled closer made them have to take a step back to avoid Yagyu Xia Ye's "sweep".

"No more, Mr. Liusheng, you are really supernatural." The older employee praised Liusheng Xiaye, and hurriedly took his companion into the car and left.

"Senior, is that guy really a human?" The thing that the two of them were going to carry was unexpectedly picked up by Liu Shengxia Ye, who looked young.Even in the car, the young man who delivered the goods still felt a little scared, and at the same time he was full of gratitude to his senior.Because his senior stopped him who wanted to get angry at Liu Shengxia Ye, if that kind of thing really happened, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"There are so many capable people in this world, it's normal for you not to know. It won't do you any harm to be smarter when you see people talking in the future."

"I see, thank you senior!"


Yagyu Xiaye moved the goods from the delivery company into the room he had been looking forward to before, and placed them standing in the corner like that, without any intention of tearing them down, as if they were gifts for someone.

After finishing all this, Liu Sheng Xia Ye left the room again, wandering around outside the plastic factory, apparently waiting for someone.

The phone rang, and it was an unfamiliar call, Liu Shengxia Ye did not refuse, but picked it up.

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