"I believe you should have heard from Hua Daizi. I have agreed to all your requests. Now it's time to return that thing to me." Qiuyue Xiaosan's voice came from the other side of the phone.

"This is what you want, so you'd better come and get it yourself."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you come to me to pick up what you want, and I will send you the address here later." After Liu Sheng Xia Ye finished speaking, he hung up the phone, and then began to send text messages to the phone he was talking to just now. Address information here in the past.

Next to a building, Akizuki Xiaosan was holding a mobile phone and talking to a person in a security uniform.

"Seiichiro, just lend me your electric shock baton."

"Xiaosan, if you are in danger, I can ask for leave to deal with it with you, but the electric shock baton is something that has been reported, so I can't give it to you." request, but he is willing to act with Qiuyue Xiaosan.

"No, Seiichiro, I need to deal with this matter alone. We have been old classmates for so many years, can't you promise me once? I can promise you that I will get it back for you before you leave work , so you don’t have to worry about the inspection.” Akizuki Kozo will never agree to Seiichiro going with him.

"Then can you tell me where you are going, so that if you don't make the appointment on time, I can go find you." Seiichiro also put forward his condition.

"The address is..." At this time, Akizuki Takazo heard the voice of the text message, saw that it was Yagyu Natsuya's number, opened it and read the message, and then repeated the address to Seiichiro.

In the end, Seiichiro lent his electric shock baton to Akizuki Takazo, but told Akizuki Takazo overnight not to use it to hurt others unless it is absolutely necessary.

Because of the nature of their work, their electric shock batons can take half the life of ordinary people.

Akizuki Xiaosan agreed to Seiichiro's request, and then rushed to the address Yagyu Natsuya sent him.

"Is that abandoned plastic factory? Go and have a look before you get off work." After Akizuki Takazo left, his friend Seiichiro said to himself.


Akizuki Takasan is not Yagyu Xia Ye, so he doesn't need mobile phone navigation to find this destination, so the time for him to arrive will be shortened.

Feeling that the surrounding area is sparsely populated and the gate of the plastic factory was destroyed, Qiuyue Xiaosan showed a smile.

Yagyu Xiaye, the exchange student he hated, really dared to be alone. After hiding the electric shock baton, Qiuyue Xiaosan entered the gate of the plastic factory.

"Liusheng Xiaye, where are you? Are you planning to break the contract, dare to play me directly!" However, after entering the plastic factory, Qiuyue Xiaosan was still a little nervous when he didn't see Liusheng Xiaye in the first place.

"Teacher Qiuyue, no, your surname should not be Qiuyue anymore. And you are not in school now, so there is no teacher-student relationship between me and you, and you are just a person who hates me." Liu Shengxia Ye There was no intention of hiding, after Qiuyue Xiaosan's yelling, Liu Sheng Xiaye walked to the door of the room where he was staying and said to Qiuyue Xiaosan who rushed over.

"Yes, I have to thank you for restoring my previous name, Yoshida Kozo." Yoshida Kozo said his name before marrying Akizuki Kayoko, and then walked towards the room where Yagyu Natsuya was.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"I didn't want to know the meaning of your name, but you are really brave to come here alone. I thought you would find someone to come here." Seeing Yoshida Xiaosan approaching, Yagyu Xia Ye was fine. In a panic, he didn't intend to go out of the room, as if he was waiting for Yoshida Xiaosan to come in.

Seeing that Yagyu Xia Ye did not move his position also reassured Yoshida Xiaosan a lot. If Liu Shengxia Ye felt danger and ran away later, he had to be careful.

After entering the room, Yoshida Xiaosan kicked the door of the room shut with his feet, and said, "It's just facing one student, there is no need to mobilize the crowd."

Faced with Yoshida Xiaosan's self-confidence, Yagyu Xia also saw his awkward walking posture, Yagyu Xia Ye did not express any opinions, and said to Yoshida Xiaosan: "You have done what you promised yesterday, so I should also store the memory The card is given to you, but can you guarantee that after you get the memory card, you will disappear in this city?"

"Of course, what happened yesterday has proved that I am an honest person, right? You just need to hand me the memory card, and I will leave Saint Maple College and this city, so give me the memory card .” Yoshida Kozo stretched out his left hand to Yagyu Xia Ye.

However, while Yoshida Xiaosan was speaking, he also noticed the cargo box in the corner and questioned Yagyu Xia Ye.

"What's in it, you don't want to use any means, do you?"

Because there is absolutely no problem hiding a person in this cuboid cargo box. If it is really two-to-one, Yoshida Xiaosan really has no bottom.

However, when Yoshida Xiaosan was relieved, the box was sealed.

That is to say, even if there is someone inside, the box still needs to be opened from the outside. As long as Yagyu Xiaye does not have the opportunity and time to open the box, then Yoshida Xiaosan thinks that the winning ticket is still in his hands.

"It's just some gifts I prepared. The gifts I prepared for this abandoned plastic factory have nothing to do with you." Yagyu Xiaye answered Yoshida Xiaosan's question.

"Then quickly give me the memory card." Yoshida Kozo urged Yagyu Xiaye.

According to Yagyu Xiaye, Yoshida Xiaosan can't guarantee whether someone will come in this abandoned plastic factory again, so it's better to solve the problem quickly.

This time, Yagyu Xiaye did not hesitate, took out a memory card with a note on it and threw it to Yoshida Kozo.

Yoshida Xiaosan connected the memory card with his left hand, and then carefully read the words on the note, and found that it was exactly the same as Director Nagano's words.

Therefore, the memory card he got was the one that Yagyu Xia Ye gave him yesterday.

Putting the memory card carefully in his pocket, Yoshida Takazo burst out laughing.

"Boy Yagyu, it's too young for a student like you to fight with me. Due to the pressure yesterday, I am indeed divorced by Huadaizi, but after getting the bargaining chip in your hand today, I will meet the demands later on." Continue to promise you. I will continue to teach at Shengfeng College, and even pursue Hua Daizi again, these are the places where you miscalculated."

"And you actually embarrassed me in front of Zhennai. It seems that if you don't teach you a lesson, you don't know how to read the words respecting the teacher and respecting the way."

After getting his handle from Yanagi Xiaye, Yoshida Xiaosan finally breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time, his resentment towards Yagyu Xiaye really broke out.

Not just talking about it, Yoshida Xiaosan also took out the electric shock baton he had been hiding on his body.

"You can't blame me for such a result, you can only blame yourself for not staying at Qiuyue's house, nor coming to Sacred Maple College as an exchange student." Yoshida Xiaosan slowly approached Yagyu Xiaye.

The door of the room was closed, and there was no place to hide in the size of the room, not to mention the lethal weapon like the electric shock baton in his hand, no matter how he looked at it, it was his chance to win.

But in the face of Yoshida Xiaosan's sudden outburst, Yagyu Xiaye took out another memory card, shook it in front of Yoshida Xiaosan and said, "I wonder if you have heard of a skill called copying?"

"You guys dare to bully me!" Yoshida Xiaosan also knew the copying skills, after all, he learned some specially for the video of Kanaka Sana.

He didn't expect Liu Shengxia Ye to do this, so the memory card he got just now would be of no use.

"So you'd better disappear for me!" Yoshida Xiaosan turned on the switch of the electric shock baton, and rushed towards Yagyu Xiaye.


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