Yagyu Xiaye's fingers were strong, and the memory card in his hand was directly flicked towards Yoshida Kozo.

Since the size of the memory card is too small, and Yoshida Xiaosan thought that Yagyu Xia Ye was frightened by the electric shock baton in his hand, so he didn't pay any attention.

When Yoshida Xiaosan was about to rush in front of Yagyu Xiaye, he suddenly yelled "Ah" in pain, the body that rushed stopped, and squatted down, and then touched his eyes with his left hand.

The reason for this is that Yoshida Kozo's eyeball was directly hit by the memory card that Yagyu Natsuya popped out. If this fragile place is hurt, no matter who it is, it will feel pain.

Yagyu Xia Ye stepped forward and kicked Yoshida Xiaosan's right wrist, causing the electric shock baton he was holding tightly to be kicked away, and the sound of electric arcs was continuously emitted on the ground not far away.

"Don't come here!" After Yoshida Xiaosan's support was kicked away by Yagyu Xiaye, his whole person's aura was greatly reduced, and his body sat on the ground and kept moving towards the door of the room, trying to escape from this place. Room.

Unfortunately, Liu Shengxia Ye did not give him such a chance.

Taking another kick, Yagyu Xiaye kicked Yoshida Xiaosan's heart directly, causing Yoshida Xiaosan to lose all his strength and collapse on the ground.

"Your injury is a crime, and you will face criminal responsibility." Yoshida Xiaosan, who can't gather strength for a while, just wants to use the law to stabilize or scare Yagyu Xiaye.

However, Liu Shengxia Ye didn't take his words seriously.

He walked to the side and picked up the electric shock baton he kicked away just now, but he didn't turn off the switch of the electric shock baton.

"Don't act recklessly!" Seeing Yagyu Xiaye walking towards his position again, Yoshida Xiaosan said in horror.

Yagyu Xiaye tried to adjust the switch on the electric shock baton, then reduced the current appropriately, and finally stabbed it directly in the neck of Yoshida Xiaosan who could not move.

Yoshida Xiaosan didn't even struggle, and immediately passed out.

Author's message:

Thanks to Xiaoxiao Qiufeng for the reward of 6000 happy coins and 8 monthly tickets for the support, thanks to a boy named Chun for the reward of 100 happy coins, and thanks to Yeye for the reward of 1 monthly ticket for true love, thank you.

ps: So one more chapter will be added, and it will be completed this month. In addition to the previous owed, two more chapters will be added this month.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After stunned Yoshida Kozo, Yagyu Xiaye ignored the memory card on the ground that hit Yoshida Kozo, and then took back the memory card that Yoshida had given him earlier from Yoshida Kozo's pocket.

Of course, Yagyu Xiaye didn't copy the data in the memory card, it was Yagyu Xiaye's own memory card that hit Yoshida Kozo.

After taking back the memory card, I searched Yoshida Kozo's cell phone, and then I didn't care about Yoshida Kozo anymore.

Yagyu Xiaye turned off the switch of the electric shock prod, walked to the corner box, and prepared to untie the goods inside.

The box was sealed with tape. Fortunately, the electric shock rod in his hand had other uses. Yagyu Xiaye used the knife on the electric shock rod to cut the seal, and finally opened the box.

After the front cover is opened, the contents inside are revealed.

Similar to what Yoshida Xiaosan was worried about before, there is indeed a person hidden in this box.

It's just not a living person, but a silicone body.

Simply put, this is a silicone doll.

It's not an ordinary toy that needs to be inflated, this thing is similar to a real person.

For example, the feeling of touch and the movement of the joints are not inflatable. The doll is comparable, and the most important thing is that the price is really expensive, but in order to implement his plan, Yagyu Xiaye still bought this thing.

After pulling the silicone doll out of the protective layer, Yagyu Xiaye also had to admire it.

According to the weighing just now, the weight of this doll is about [-] catties, the height is [-] meters, and the face is highly recognizable. Coupled with the princess dress, if you look at it from a distance, you will definitely think it is a real person.

It's just that Yagyu Xiaye didn't intend to play with this doll, let alone cherish it, and directly pushed the doll to Yoshida Xiaosan's side.

After doing all this, Yagyu Xia Ye searched inside the box again, because the seller said that he would provide some simple equipment.

Finally at the bottom position, Yagyu Xiaye found a gift, a simple video recorder.

After opening it, Yagyu Xiaye put the memory card that he had taken back from Yoshida Takasan into it, and it showed that it was usable, and there was still a lot of space left.

After finding a better location and fixing the video recorder, Yagyu Xia Ye returned to Yoshida Xiaosan's side.

"I hope you enjoy this feeling."

After speaking, Yagyu Xiaye took out a reagent bottle and a small gourd.

The stuff in the reagent bottle is what Yoshida Xiaosan handed to Liu Shengxia Ye on the rooftop yesterday, and the thing in the small gourd is what Liu Sheng Xia Ye got from Liu Sheng yesterday, and it is used to restore the sharpness of the man’s great sword Medicinal.

Yagyu Xiaye first opened the lid of the small gourd, then grabbed Yoshida Xiaosan's hair, lifted Yoshida Xiaosan's head, and poured all the medicine in the small gourd into Yoshida Xiaosan's mouth.

He didn't let Yoshida Xiaosan take the medicine in the reagent bottle right away, because Yagyu Xiaye felt that the gas inside was liquefied, and if he acted rashly, he might be tricked himself.

So, he was waiting to see if Liu Sheng's medicine would work.

It didn't take long for Yagyu Xiaye to see effective results, and Yoshida Xiaosan really set up the tent.

Seeing this situation, Yagyu Xiaye immediately bent down and pulled the silicone doll over Yoshida Xiaosan's body.

Then he picked up the memory card that belonged to him that had fallen on the ground before, and after turning on the video recorder, Yagyu Xiaye left the room.

But he didn't leave the abandoned plastic factory, but stood outside the door, through a broken glass window, Yagyu Xiaye threw the reagent bottle and smashed it next to Yoshida Xiaosan's head.

Sure enough, just as Yagyu Xia Ye guessed, the liquid in the reagent bottle evaporated immediately after it was broken, turning into a crimson mist that surrounded Yoshida Xiaosan and the silicone doll.

Yoshida Xiaosan's hands seemed to instinctively hug the silicone doll on his body, Yagyu Xia Ye knew that the power of the drug had also been exerted.

Seeing that the crimson mist began to expand in the room and was about to float out, Yagyu Xiaye also chose to leave the plastic factory and go outside the plastic factory.

In order to prevent himself from being tricked, Liu Shengxia Ye deliberately widened the distance.


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