Almost two hours later, Yagyu Xiaye appeared at the gate of the abandoned plastic factory again.

Before entering, Yagyu Xiaye could hear Yoshida Xiaosan's painful and sour voice from the door.

So Yagyu Xia Ye didn't go in again to see what was going on with Yoshida Xiaosan.

He left the plastic factory again, but Liu Sheng Xiaye did not return to Shengfeng Academy immediately.

Instead, I found a public phone and called the police, saying that something suspicious happened at the plastic factory.

Punishing Yoshida Xiaosan in this way is not Yagyu Xia Ye's goal at all. When the police arrive, they will be able to see the video recorder. Not only can they see the ugly appearance of Yoshida Xiaosan, but also the data that was stored in the memory card before.

Yoshida Kozo and Nagano director some privacy and handle.

After doing all this, Liu Sheng Xia Ye went to Shengfeng College to attend classes according to the navigation of the mobile phone.


When Liu Shengxia came to Shengfeng Academy, it was already time for lunch break.

Today is Friday, and there will be no classes tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, so Yagyu Xiaye's life as an exchange student at Sacred Maple College will end today.

Therefore, Yagyu Xia Ye still had to go to the principal's office and go through the official cutscene.

Sure enough, as Yagyu Xiaye guessed, the principal of Shengfeng College did not write anything on the evaluation of Liusheng Xiaye's exchange students, but just stamped a stamp on the document and handed it to Liusheng Xiaye.

"I'm going back in two days. It's still a bit slow." After completing the exchange student work, Yagyu Xiaye also began to look forward to returning to Sakakino City.

After Yagyu Kubei wanted to see Katsura Manami and others, Yagyu Kubei reminded Yagyu Xiaye not to have contact with Katsura Manami and others.

When he came to Shengfeng College as an exchange student, Yagyu Kubei also asked Liusheng Xiaye not to contact Gui Yanye, Xiyuan Temple World and others.

Yagyu Xiaye didn't intend to disobey Yagyu Jiubingwei, and had never contacted Katsura Manami, Gui Yanye and others.

Moreover, I don't know how Liusheng Jiubingwei persuaded Gui Yanye and others. Gui Yanye and Xiyuan Temple did not take the initiative to contact Liusheng Xiaye.

"Boss, you're back." Yagyu Xiaye, who wanted to go back to the classroom, met Senior Colonel Nishimura.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Ximura, I happened to meet you. Come with me." Now that he met Colonel Nishimura here, Xia Ye Liusheng gave up his plan to go back to the classroom first.

Senior Colonel Nishimura and Yagyu Xia Ye came to the meeting room of the Student Union together.

"Boss, you didn't show up at school yesterday afternoon or this morning. What did you go to do?" Senior Colonel Nishimura also had something to do with Liu Shengxia Ye, so he asked after arriving at the place where he was talking.

"I just went to solve the matter between director Nagano and Akizuki Takazo." Even if he knew Yoshida Takazo's original name now, if he said it directly, Senior Colonel Nishimura would definitely not know who Yagyu Natsuki was talking about.

"What, Director Nagano..."

Senior Colonel Nishimura approached Yagyu Xiaye because he wanted to talk about Director Nagano.

Because of news from some special channels, Senior Colonel Nishimura knew that Director Nagano had been arrested by the police, and he also knew that the matter seemed serious this time, and it was possible that Director Nagano would confess to it for the rest of his life.

But it never occurred to him that the arrest of Director Nagano would be related to Yagyu Xia Ye.And according to what Yagyu Xia Ye said just now, not only Director Nagano, but even Akizuki Takazo may be solved by him.

However, Senior Colonel Nishimura still has no news about Chiuyue Xiaosan, so he doesn't know if this is true.

However, Colonel Nishimura is still willing to believe that this is true.

After all, Liu Shengxia Ye is the boss of his senior colonel in the West Village.

"There's nothing to be surprised about. I just took some shots in secret. As for what made them suffer the consequences, it's just some things they did before." Yagyu Xia Ye didn't tell the details of Nagano Director and Akizuki Takasan. Colonel Nishimura listened, because knowing this might be detrimental to Colonel Nishimura.

"Boss, why did you call me here?"

"I'm only an exchange student for one week, so today is my last day at school. I've come here because I want to explain a few things to you." Yagyu Xiaye said to Colonel Nishimura.

Yagyu Xiaye's exchange student time ended so soon, and Senior Colonel Nishimura felt that the time was a bit fast, but he was asking about what Yagyu Xiaye had to explain.

"Boss, tell me, there is something we need to do."

"First, it's the matter of Sana Cangzhong dropping out of school. She will transfer to another school in a short time, and you can secretly advance this time."

"Students transfer, but this requires the student's own wishes, and it is not something we can control." Of course, Senior Colonel Nishimura knows who Yagyu Natsuya is talking about, but he just doesn't understand why Yagyu Natsuya needs Cangzhong Sana Transferring, and then said: "Boss, speaking of transferring, there is a student in your class who is also going to transfer, do you need us to investigate?"

"Who wants to transfer? Does it have something to do with me?" Liu Sheng Xia Ye came to Sacred Maple College as an exchange student for less than a week, so he met very limited people at Sacred Maple College, let alone people with too many connections.

"It's Masato Ono." When Senior Colonel Nishimura mentioned Masato Ono, he personally bowed his head in front of Yagyu Xia Ye.

Because, it was because of Masato Ono's instigation that the unscrupulous boys like Senior Colonel Nishimura followed Nagano Taizo to intercept Yagyu Natsuya and Qiuyue sisters.

The final result was that Masato Ono and Taizo Nagano had their heads shaved by Yagyu Natsuya and were injured, while Colonel Nishimura and others were only flawed, and finally chose to follow Yagyu Natsuya.

Ono Masato's injury was not as serious as Nagano Taizo's, but there was no school these days, one may be because of the bald head, and the other is that Yagyu Xia Ye is still in school.

Since they don't know how long Yagyu Natsuya will exchange students, Masato Ono's parents come to the school and ask Masato Ono to transfer to another school.

The school has approved it.

"It turned out to be that guy, since you've changed schools, don't worry about it."

"Boss, do you have anything else to explain?" Liu Shengxia Ye just said the first thing.

"Second, it is to protect Qiuyue sisters so that they can at least study with peace of mind. Of course, this protection will not need to be carried out after you graduate." The second thing Yagyu Xiaye wants to explain is about Qiuyue Mana and Qiuyue Airi This pair of sisters.

Yagyu Xia Ye accepted the commission of Akizuki Marina to protect the safety of their sisters at home and school.

Now that Akizuki Xiaosan has been removed, the family affairs are gone, but there may still be accidents at school, so Yagyu Xiaye will confess to Senior Colonel Nishimura.

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