When she turned her head and saw that it was Akizuki Airi, Akizuki Marina's face turned red all of a sudden.

"Ellie, I just want to go to the bathroom, not what you think."

After Akizuki Marina explained, she walked through the door of Yagyu Xiaye's room, and then wanted to walk towards the toilet.

However, when she walked in front of Akizuki Eri, Akizuki Marina stopped in her tracks.

It wasn't Akizuki Marina who wanted to take the initiative to stop, but Akizuki Ari stretched out her hand and held Akizuki Marina.

"Airi, what are you doing? Let me go to the toilet." Akizuki Marina wanted to take her hand away from Akizuki Ari's, but found it difficult.

"Sister, I'm a little scared tonight, so you can sleep with me." Ari Akizuki said, holding Akizuki Marina's hand.

"Then after I go to the toilet, you can go to my room with me." Two days ago, Akizuki Eri went to Akizuki Marina's room, so Akizuki Marina wanted to arrange it like this tonight.

"No, sister, come to my room tonight."

After Akizuki Airi finished speaking, she directly pulled Akizuki Marina into her room, ignoring what Akizuki Marina said that she was going to the bathroom.

Because as Akizuki Marina's younger sister, Akizuki Airi knew that her sister was lying.


After entering Akizuki Airi's room, Akizuki Marina felt that even though she was Akizuki Airi's older sister, her own aura was much weaker now.

"Ailey, I'm going to the bathroom, you're afraid..."

"Sister, do you want to go to his room like me?" Akizuki Marina stopped walking outside at the words of Akizuki Airi.

Quickly walked back to Qiuyue Aili, and explained: "Ai Li, I already said that I just got up to go to the bathroom, how could you..."

"Sister, do you also want to experience the sense of security that I said I experienced in Xia Ye? Sorry, I disturbed you tonight." Akizuki Airi apologized to Akizuki Marina.

This time, Akizuki Marina didn't explain anything, but fell silent.

After waiting for a while, Qiuyue Aili continued to ask: "Sister, if you want to go out to play today, are you prepared?"

It has been a long time since midnight, and it is already the time to enter the second day.

After dawn, it was almost time for sister Qiuyue and Xia Ye Liusheng to go out and hang out together.

"Are you ready?" Akizuki Marina also turned around after hearing Akizuki Airi's question, and said uncertainly, "I guess I'm ready."

"Sister, you can finish it with confidence, I will cheer you up, so sister, do you still have to go to the bathroom now?"

"Of course I'm going."

This time, Akizuki Marina is really going to the toilet.

However, when Akizuki Marina came back from the toilet, Akizuki Airi's performance really made her dumbfounded.

Because Qiuyue Aili didn't obediently fell asleep on the bed and waited for her, but opened the door of the room a crack and looked outside secretly.

It should not only be to see when Akizuki Marina will come back, but also to see if Akizuki Marina will go to Yagyu Xiaye's room again to experience a sense of security.

"Ai Li, your behavior hurts my sister very much!"

"Sister, what are you talking about? I couldn't sleep because you didn't sleep with me, so I waited for you at the door."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Akizuki Marina didn't intend to expose Akizuki Airi's lies, but took Akizuki Aili back to her bed together.

In fact, there is no difference from the room in Akizuki Marina, except that one is on the left side of Yagyu Xiaye's room and the other is on the right side of Yagyu Xiaye's room.

None of them were in Yagyu Xia Ye's room.

Although it should be when she was sleepy, Akizuki Airi was moving around in Akizuki Marina's arms.

"Ellie, what's wrong with you?"

Asked by Akiba Marina, Akizuki Airi stopped twisting, and said in Akizuki Marina's arms: "It's nothing, sister, you will succeed tomorrow."

Will I be successful tomorrow?Does Ellie know something?

It's just that Akizuki Marina didn't have a chance to ask, because Airi actually fell asleep in Akizuki Marina's arms after she finished speaking.




When Yagyu woke up the next day, he found that Akizuki Marina and Akizuki Airi had already woken up in front of him, and breakfast was already prepared on the dining table.

"Is it this early or am I getting up late?"

"Of course you got up late." Qiuyue Aili said directly.

"It's nothing, Ellie and I got up early, Xia Ye, go wash up and have breakfast together." Akizuki Marina explained Yagyu Xia Ye's doubts.

Yagyu Xiaye went to wash and finished, and then came out to have breakfast with sister Qiuyue.

Akizuki Huayoko had already gone to work overtime today, so only sisters Akizuki and Yagyu Xiaye were at home in the morning.

After having breakfast and washing the dishes, Akizuki Marina and Akizuki Airi both went back to the room, and asked Yagyu Xiaye to wait for them, and then they could go out after changing their clothes.

While waiting, Yagyu Xia Ye went to the kitchen and set fire to it and destroyed the photo that he got from Akizuki Kayoko yesterday.

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