Yagyu Xiaye kept those photos well, and they were never discovered by Akizuki Marina and Akizuki Airi.And even if Akizuki Hua Daiko told the Qiuyue sisters later, Yagyu Xiaye didn't want them to see those photos that were a bit too much.

Yagyu Xiaye didn't have to wait long, and soon Akizuki Mana and Akizuki Airi both changed their clothes and came out of the room.

It seems that Akizuki Airi's dress is Yagyu Xiaye's before, but it's the first time that Akizuki Marina changed the uniform of Shengfeng Academy and added casual clothes.

I have to say that the sisters really belong to Segao.

This wave is not bad.

However, before Liu Shengxia Ye could say any words of praise for the two sisters, Qiuyue Aili said with disgust: "Why didn't you change your clothes? Are you planning to go out with us just dressed like this?"

After listening to Akizuki Airi's words, Yagyu Xiaye also looked down at his own attire.

Perhaps it was because she missed Sakakano City too much, Yagyu Natsuya was wearing the school uniform of Sakakano Academy now, no wonder Akizuki Airi had a big opinion.

"Sorry, wait a minute, I'll change it right away." After Liu Sheng Xia Ye finished speaking, he walked into his room.

"It's really not conscious at all."

"Okay, Ellie, if you do this again, be careful that Xia Ye doesn't plan to go out."

"he does not……"

Akizuki Airi still didn't say anything later, because she knew that Akizuki Marina would work very hard today.

Liusheng Xiaye must have changed clothes faster than Qiuyue sisters. After changing into clothes suitable for traveling, Liusheng Xiaye also went out and left Qiuyue's house with Qiuyue sisters.


"To enjoy the red leaves?" On the tram, Yagyu Xiaye knew where the three of them were going first.

I thought Sister Qiuyue would take him to the historical sites of this city, or just stroll around the museum, but I didn't expect it to be a sightseeing trip.

"Why, don't you like traveling in summer night?" Akizuki Marina was a little nervous, because the first destination was chosen by Akizuki Marina.

If Liu Shengxia Ye really didn't like it, wouldn't some of her subsequent arrangements be completely useless?

Qiuyue Aili also looked at Yagyu Xiaye, wanting to know the answer of Liusheng Xiaye.

"No, it's just a bit of a surprise, because before this, I really can't remember whether I have visited the red leaves."

What Yagyu Natsuya said was true, or it was possible that she had gone to admire the red leaves when she was related to Aragaki Ayase, but Yagyu Natsuya could not remember the slightest bit of memories of that time.

"That's good, there's still a little more time, so you can take a rest Xia Ye." Akizuki Marina said to Yagyu Xia Ye.

"I don't need it, but I think you and Ellie need to take a break. Don't worry, I have the ticket in my hand, and I will call you when I arrive at the station."

The lack of sleep of the two sisters Akizuki Marina and Akizuki Airi was noticed by Yagyu Xia Ye in the morning.At that time, I thought I was just going back after wandering around for a while, so I didn't care, but now if Akizuki Marina and Akizuki Airi don't take a break, then after arriving at the destination, the two sisters must have no physical strength and energy to play.

"Sister, let's listen to him." Seeing that Akizuki Marina was going to cheer up and persist in chatting with Yagyu Xiaye, Akizuki Airi also reminded Akizuki Marina.

After Akizuki Airi persuaded Akizuki Marina, she took the initiative to rest her head on Akizuki Marina's shoulder.

"Sorry, Xia Ye, I have caused you trouble." Akizuki Marina felt very sorry for not being able to chat with Yagyu Xia Ye to relieve boredom while riding in the car.

"Don't be sorry, as long as the place you recommend is worth going."

"I will definitely not let you down Xia Ye." Qiuyue Marina assured Yagyu Xia Ye.

After that, Akizuki Marina also leaned back on the chair with the backrest and began to rest.


Fortunately, there were only a few scattered passengers in the carriage, so Yagyu Xia Ye could also enjoy the peaceful atmosphere.

It seems that I haven't experienced the thing of riding alone in a car for a long time, because when I was in Sakakino Academy, I was with Gui Yanye almost every day.

There were still several stations away from the destination, seeing that the two sisters Akizuki Marina and Akizuki Airi were almost asleep, Yagyu Xiaye decided to stand up and walk around in the carriage.

Liu Shengxia Ye had just stood up and was about to turn around and walk around when he felt his feet stepped on something.

However, before Liu Shengxia Ye could see what he had stepped on, something fell towards his arms. After Liu Sheng Xia Ye subconsciously stretched out his hand to support him, he knew that the person who fell suddenly was a people.

Author's message:

Thanks to Bei Mingzhen, Yue Ming, and Qiao Miao, who died unexpectedly, for each rewarding with a monthly ticket, thank you.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After Yagyu Xia Ye supported the fallen person, he immediately moved her to the vacant seat next to her.

However, when Liu Shengxia Ye wanted to go to the carriage to ask who was related to the fallen girl, the girl grabbed Liu Sheng Xia Ye's clothes.

Yagyu Xia Ye glanced at the girl leaning on the seat, and found that she hadn't opened her eyes, and her current consciousness probably wasn't very clear.

This is a beautiful girl with a sweet and lovely appearance, long creamy white hair and fair skin.She is dressed in a white dress and has two black bows on her head, making her look very cartoonish.


This was Yagyu Xiaye's first impression of this beautiful girl, and at this time, he also saw something he stepped on the ground.

A black bunny puppet with long ears.

Liu Sheng Xia Ye bent down, picked up the rabbit puppet, shook it a few times on his body to shake off the dust, and stuffed it into the arms of the beautiful girl.

Maybe it was because she was too familiar with this puppet, so the beautiful girl subconsciously hugged the rabbit puppet in her arms, and she also increased her strength to pull Liu Shengxiaye's clothes with her hands.

Yagyu Xia Ye looked around, except for him, all the passengers in the car were leaning on their chairs and falling asleep.

In other words, the person related to this beautiful girl is probably sleeping now, and it is very difficult to determine which one it is.

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