In desperation, Yagyu Xia Ye could only sit beside the beautiful girl, and wait for the beautiful girl to wake up.

The situation of this beautiful girl is the same as that of Qiuyue sisters. It is possible that they are sleepy at this time of the next day because they did not sleep well at night.

I just don't know when this beautiful girl will wake up, and the destination of Yagyu Xiaye and Qiuyue sisters is not many stops away.

After feeling Liu Shengxia Ye sitting down, the beautiful girl leaned her head on Liu Sheng Xia Ye's shoulder, and the hand that was holding Liu Sheng Xia Ye's clothes before also naturally took Liu Sheng Xia Ye's arm.

What is this called? He obviously went out to play with Sister Qiuyue, but now he is sitting so intimately with an unknown beautiful girl.

This is not finished, maybe because Liu Sheng Xia Ye's shoulders are too hard, it is very uncomfortable to lean on, the beautiful girl runs down Liu Sheng Xia Ye's arm, and finally rests her head on Liu Sheng Xia Ye's thigh, And subconsciously stuffed the puppet.

What's going on?

Liu Sheng Xia Ye did not choose to wake up the beautiful girl, because he could feel that this was the sleeping position that the beautiful girl liked.

What Yagyu Xia Ye was looking forward to now was for this beautiful girl to wake up quickly.


However, this expectation of Yagyu Xiaye has not been realized at the penultimate stop of his and Qiuyue sister's destination.

Is the only way to call the conductor's help?

When Liu Sheng Xia Ye was thinking about the choice, the beautiful girl who fell asleep leaning on his lap felt a movement in her body, and finally called out.


Yo?It is probably the name of someone connected with this beautiful girl.

After the beautiful girl called her name, she raised her head from Liu Shengxia Ye's lap, and then looked at the person she was leaning against.

She thought it would be Yuu, but it wasn't.

Pulling the rabbit puppet that was still on Liu Sheng Xia Ye's lap, he hugged it in his arms, and asked vigilantly, "Who are you?"

"Yusheng Xiaye, since you're awake, go find your friends or relatives. I don't know if you've been in the car before, but I'm going to get off later." Liu Shengxiaye was speaking , made his legs tremble, because he had been leaned on by the beautiful girl for a long time, so his thighs were a little numb.

"I've always been like this just now?" the beautiful girl asked very puzzled.

"It happened that you fainted, and after holding you up, it became like this."

Yagyu Xiaye mentioned the beautiful girl's fainting, and the beautiful girl herself began to recall it, and then remembered that there seemed to be such a thing.

However, after fainting, the beautiful girl just felt that she was in a very safe environment, and she never thought that she would sleep on a stranger's lap.

I always thought it was by Yuu's side, but it turned out to be a stranger.

"Kasugano, thank you for helping me, but I have to find Yu." After Kasugano said her name, she wanted to stand up and look for the Yu she just said, but just halfway up, she stopped Sitting down feebly again.

"Are you alright?" From Yagyu Xiaye's point of view, Kasuga Yeqiong's sleep is almost complete now, and the reason why he is so weak must be because of his own weak body.

"It's okay, I just need to take a rest." Kasuga Yeqiong waved to Liu Shengxiaye, saying that he was fine.

"Well, tell me the physical characteristics of Yuu, and I'll call it for you." Yagyu Xia Ye suggested.

However, facing Yagyu Xia Ye's proposal, Kasuga Nokome shook his head and said confidently: "No need, Yu will find me, and we will get off at the next stop."

Yagyu Xia Ye looked up at the list of stations.

The destination of him and sister Qiuyue is two stations away, and the destination of the next stop is Okumuran.

"That's good, then I'll go back to my position first." Since Kasuga Yeqiong himself has such confidence, it can be said that Yagyu Xiaye's temporary care of her is over, and he is going to say goodbye and go back to Qiuyue sisters. Get on your seat.

"Wait a minute." Yagyu Xiaye had just stood up, and Kasuga Yeqiong grabbed Yagyu Xiaye's clothes like the first time.

"Can you stay here with me and wait for Yu's arrival?"

Liu Sheng Xia Ye looked at Haruhi Yeqiong, in addition to looking forward to Liu Sheng Xia Ye's promise, there was deep anxiety in his eyes.

Of course, it wasn't the uneasiness about Yagyu Xia Ye, but the uneasiness about the environment.

"Okay, just wait here for a while." Anyway, it's not long before Okugi Ran, so it doesn't matter to wait with Kasugano Dome for a while.

"Thank you." Kasuga Yeqiong smiled at Yagyu Xiaye with satisfaction.

This smile reminded Natsuya Yagyu of two little lolitas, Guixin and Yuki Ito, who were in Sakakino City. They only gave the two little lolis a small benefit and help. Kasuga's wild smile.

This can be regarded as a big reward for Liu Sheng Xia Ye.

However, what made Yagyu Xiaye feel a little unnatural was that when he sat down again, Kasuga Yeqiong tilted his head to lean on his shoulder again.

It doesn't matter if you fell asleep before, but now you are awake.

Author's message:

Today, there will still be two changes guaranteed, but this is one of the two changes currently owed, and the remaining one will be repaid within this month.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


"Call me Qiong!" Kasuga Yeqiong, who was leaning on Liusheng Xiaye's shoulder, said to Liusheng Xiaye.

We just met each other, okay? Why do we trust him so much?

"Well, Qiong, I don't think it's good to wait for Yurai like this."

"It doesn't matter, don't talk, let me lean on for a while." Kasuga Yeqiong didn't care at all about the intimacy between her and Liu Sheng Xia Ye, and asked Liu Sheng Xia Ye not to talk.

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