"It's so delicious, sister, this is not your skill." When Akizuki Marina was at home, although she would cook when Akizuki Huayoko was away, what kind of food is Akizuki Marina? As a younger sister Qiuyue Aili knew it very well.

However, in the face of sister Akizuki Airi's denial, Akizuki Marina still explained that she contributed to this.

"Although I didn't do it, I also assisted in many things."

In this regard, Qiuyue Aili did not refute, but continued to eat.

As the oldest hostel mother-in-law here, she didn't stop Qiuyue and sisters from having a conversation at the dinner table.

"Your accommodation fee for tonight will also be waived for you." The mother-in-law of the hotel put down her chopsticks and said suddenly.

"Mother-in-law, it's okay..." From Liu Shengxia Ye, I know that Liu Sheng Xia Ye made dinner tonight, just exchanged medicine packs with the hotel mother-in-law, and it has nothing to do with tonight's accommodation expenses.

"That's not okay, didn't you say it's just a medicine bag?"

"Of course, your dinner is just an exchange of medicine packs." The mother-in-law of the hotel first affirmed the fact that Yagyu Xiaye's dinner was an exchange of medicine packs, and then said: "However, the matter of you eating dinner with me Enough for me to make this decision!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Why?" This time it was Qiuyue Aili who asked, because they all ate at the same table, and the mother-in-law of the hotel also said that they would not pay their room fees, which made Qiuyue Aili feel that this mother-in-law did not look so scary.

Yagyu Xiaye and Qiuyue Marina also looked at the inn's mother-in-law, wanting to know the specific reasons for her decision.

"Because you let me experience the warmth of home again." Although the hostel mother-in-law put down her chopsticks to indicate that she had finished eating, she did not leave her seat, but continued: "Since Dalang and the others went out to the city, I have If you are alone in this hostel, those people down the mountain will not come to live here. I have been here alone all these years, and you just filled this point."

No wonder, knowing that Liu Shengxia and the others were hiding from the rain outside, they invited them in.

It turned out that the hostel mother-in-law had been alone for a long time, and she just wanted to find someone to accompany her.

Of course, this kind of companionship doesn't have to be with the mother-in-law all the time, just like Yagyu Xiaye and Qiuyue sisters now, just have dinner with the inn mother-in-law.

However, even so, Akizuki Marina still had to pay for the accommodation.

"Mother-in-law, you let us come in to hide from the rain. We should have a meal with you, but I must give you the accommodation fee."

"I said no, I don't want it. Do you think my old lady really wants your accommodation fee?"

"No, it's just..."

When Akizuki Marina wanted to explain, Yagyu Natsuya signaled her not to speak, and the hotel mother-in-law who saw Yagyu Natsuya's action laughed and said, "This little guy is still sensible."

"Mother-in-law, let me cook tomorrow's breakfast too." Yagyu Xiaye said to the mother-in-law at the hotel.

This time, the mother-in-law at the hotel did not refuse, but nodded in agreement.


Afterwards, the hotel mother-in-law didn't leave the table, she just sat there waiting for Yagyu Xiaye and Qiuyue sisters to finish eating, as if enjoying the time with the three of them.

After eating, leave the mess to Yagyu Xiaye and the others.

"I'm going to rest first. No one will stay at the hotel, so you don't have to worry about anything. As for the open-air hot spring, you can use it however you want." After the mother-in-law of the hotel finished speaking, she left the dining room.

The rain has stopped now, so it is just the time to go to the open-air hot spring.

However, even Akizuki Airi, who loves hot springs very much, did not go to the open-air hot spring alone this time, but was in the kitchen with Yagyu Natsuya and Akizuki Marina.

"Manna, we live outside like this, is it okay if we don't talk to Aunt Huadaiko? Do you want to use my cell phone to make a call back?" At Qiuyue's house, only Akizuki Huayoko and Yoshida Xiaosan have mobile phones, and Yagyu Natsu Ye didn't have a phone call from Qiuyue Huadaizi.

"No, mom won't worry about us, because we are with Xia Ye."

Akizuki Marina's reasons made Yagyu Xiaye unable to refute her, but she just felt a little hurtful.

"Wait a minute, my sister and I go to the open-air hot spring first, and then you can go in, you know?" Akizuki Airi, who was washing dishes with Akizuki Marina, began to mention the order of entering the open-air hot spring again.

"Isn't there a hot spring bathroom in the room? I don't need to go to the open-air hot spring." Yagyu Xiaye didn't care at all whether he went to the open-air hot spring.

However, Akizuki Marina suggested that Yagyu Xiaye go to the open-air hot spring.

"Xia Ye, I took a serious look at the old promotional paper before, and said that the open-air hot spring here is also very good for healing, you can try it."

Akizuki Marina's words moved Yagyu Xiaye a little. After all, if the open-air hot spring here is really effective in healing, then his internal injuries can heal faster.

"Well, then I'll give it a try after you guys are better." After Liu Shengxia Ye finished speaking, he began to add firewood under the medicine jar.

When Liu Shengxiaye and his party ate, the medicine pot was slowly stewing on top of the firewood, but now it was very weak, so Liusheng Xiaye had to add firewood to it.

"This method is very interesting, and the medicine does not seem to have such a strong smell compared with your medicine bag." Qiuyue Aili is also a little curious about the way of cooking with firewood, and she does not reject the smell of medicine in this kitchen.

"Don't be too curious, be careful to become a little cat." Looking at Qiuyue Aili who was getting closer and closer, Liu Shengxiaye could only remind her.

But Qiuyue Aili still didn't stop, Yagyu Xiaye could only extract one piece of firewood that was still burning, and stroked another piece of firewood with a brighter color, and a black mark immediately appeared on it.

"See? It will become like this if you get close."

Scared, Qiuyue Aili immediately took several steps back, reached out and pulled her clothes, and wrapped her tightly, it seemed that she didn't want to become a little cat.


Akizuki Airi and Akizuki Marina left the kitchen after washing the dishes. In Akizuki Airi's words, after exercising, you must enjoy the hot springs, especially the open-air hot springs.

Yagyu Xiaye didn't go out with her, not only because of the sequence of entering the open-air hot spring mentioned by Ari Akizuki, but also because Yagyu Xiaye's medicine hadn't been cooked yet.

You must drink it first, and then consider going to the hot spring to heal your wounds.

Fortunately, although it was decocted in an earthen stove, Liu Shengxia Ye did not wait long after Qiuyue sisters left.

After Liu Sheng Xia Ye cooled the decocted medicine for a while, he drank it all in one gulp.

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