After drinking it all, Liu Sheng Xia Ye could also feel that the medicine from the inn's mother-in-law was a little different from the medicine package that Liu Sheng had prepared, and it might be that the medicine was not strong enough.

In this case, you can follow Akizuki Marina's suggestion and go to the open-air hot spring to see if it can heal your wounds.

After leaving the kitchen, Yagyu Xiaye went to the room where they lived.

Because only the lights in two rooms were turned on, Yagyu Xiaye knew that it was where he and Qiuyue sisters lived.

After arriving, Yagyu Xiaye saw that the door of a room was open.

Of course, the Qiuyue sisters who are girls would not do such a thing, so it is possible that they opened his room in order to let Yagyu Xiaye notice that it was his own room.

Sure enough, after entering the room, there was no package, which meant that the room with the door open belonged to Yagyu Xia Ye tonight.

After closing the door, Liu Shengxia Ye also began to look at the room.

Author's message:

Thanks to Yingyu and Yeyu Chunfeng for their reward of 100 happy coins each, thank you.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Of course, this kind of hotel in the deep mountains cannot be well-decorated. Apart from the beds, there is really nothing extra.

However, there was a separate room inside this room, and when Yagyu Xiaye opened the door, he found that it was actually a bathroom.However, unlike a normal bath, this is a hot spring bath.

This should be the hot spring in the room that the mother-in-law of the hotel said before.

Although he found a hot spring here, Yagyu Xia Ye had no intention of going into the water to heal his injuries at this time.

Because, I heard that only the open-air hot spring outside has a healing effect, and the hot spring alone in the room has no effect.

Yagyu Natsuya was lying on the bed, waiting for the two sisters Akizuki Marina and Akizuki Airi to come out of the open-air hot spring outside.Perhaps it was because Liu Shengxia Ye was used to the effects of the medicine, or maybe it was because the medicine package given by the inn's mother-in-law was not strong enough, so Liu Sheng Xia Ye didn't intend to sleep after drinking the medicine.

"This is the last night in this city." Liu Sheng Xia Ye put the phone on the bedside.

In fact, Yagyu Xiaye really wanted to call back to Sakakino City, but because of the agreement with Yagyu Kubei, Yagyu Xiaye has been holding back.

In addition to Gui Yanye and the others, Liu Shengxia Ye was also concerned about the meeting between Liu Shengxia Ye and Gui Manami and the others.

Hope it's not too bad.


"Hey, you can go into the water." Yagyu Xiaye heard the knock on the door, and also heard Akizuki Airi's words that she could go to the open-air hot spring.

"Thank you."

In the room, the equipment for going to the hot spring was still complete, so Yagyu Xiaye opened the door directly from the room after changing.

Because the mother-in-law of the hotel said before, in the room where they live, after opening the door from the inside, you can reach the open-air mixed bathing hot spring.

Sure enough, Liu Shengxia Ye was not disappointed.

Although his room was still a little away from the open-air hot spring, he could still see the ripples of the water.

And after the heavy rain, not only did the sky clear up, but even the moon came out.

Therefore, there is no need for additional lighting between Yagyu Xiaye's room and the open-air hot spring.

Liu Sheng Xiaye took advantage of the moonlight, and after walking the path, he came directly to the hot spring.

After finding a place, Yagyu Xiaye sat in the hot spring.

"It's really comfortable, it seems to have a little effect."

This hot spring gave Yagyu Xiaye not only an external feeling, but also seemed to be able to stimulate the medicinal power of the medicine pack that Yagyu Xiaye drank tonight.

Perhaps, the current efficacy of the medicine is almost the same as that of the medicine package that Liu Shengxiaye prepared from Liu Sheng.

Yagyu Xiaye leaned his hands on the stone beside the hot spring, then raised his head and looked at the moon in the sky.

"No matter where you look at it, it's the same."


Liu Sheng Xiaye was about to change his posture, so he lifted his body a little bit, and half of his back was exposed to the water.

When he wanted to sit in the hot spring again, he felt resistance.

It is not the resistance brought by the hot spring, but the outside.

Someone wrapped their arms around his neck from behind and crossed them across his chest.

What made Liu Sheng Xia Ye unexpected was that the back of his neck touched something warm.

From the arm wrapped around the front, Yagyu Natsuya knew that this was not Akizuki Airi's prank, but Akizuki Marina.

When Yagyu Xiaye was about to get up and break free, Akizuki Marina's voice sounded from behind him.

"Xia Ye, don't leave, okay?"

The tone was full of pleading.

Yagyu Xiaye understood that what Akiba Marina said now not to leave, did not mean to tell Yagyu Xiaye not to go back tomorrow, but not to leave her hug from behind now.

"Truly Nai..."

"Ai Li won't say it." Akizuki Marina said softly in the back of Yagyu Xia Ye's head.

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