In other words, Akizuki Eri knew about the fact that Akizuki Marina came to the open-air hot spring at this time, and she supported it.

"My mother told me that you may be a choice with no future if you are happy with Xia Ye, but I still insist on my choice. Do you think I am stupid?"

Yagyu Natsuya couldn't answer Akizuki Marina's words.

"Actually, I've always been envious of Ellie. She will show any mood on her face. For example, she hates her father, likes Xia Ye, etc. But I can't do it. I can only endure it silently."

"Even if I realized that my father had some bad intentions for me and Ellie, I didn't have the courage to tell my mother, and I didn't have the courage to entrust Xiaye on the first day I met Xiaye. .”

"I can't go to Xia Ye's room in the middle of the night like Ellie, because Xia Ye has an absolute sense of security by her side."

"Even now, I can only come here under the instigation of Ellie. Am I really useless?"

Akizuki Marina said a lot in one breath, and after speaking, Yagyu Natsuya felt that Akizuki Marina lowered her head and leaned against his head.

Because she hadn't dried her hair yet, some of Akizuki Marina's hair fell on Yagyu Xiaye's face as her head drooped.

Moreover, from Akizuki Marina's words, Akizuki Marina knows everything about Akizuki Airi and him.

However, Akizuki Marina did not prevent this from happening.

"Jinnai, you don't have to worry about Qiuyue Xiaosan, he will never come back home again."

Yagyu Xiaye's words made Akizuki Marina suddenly lift up her body, Yagyu Xiaye could feel the warm touch on his neck disappear for a while, and then reappeared on his neck.

"Xia Ye, you didn't go to something illegal, did you? You did this..."

"No, if I really did something illegal, can I still be here properly?" Yagyu Xiaye certainly understands what Qiuyue Marina is worried about. Even if it is illegal, it cannot be said to be illegal at this time things.

"Jinnai, there is one more thing I want to tell you."


"It's about Ellie feeling absolutely safe with me, which is false."

"But after you came to Xia Ye, Ellie's spirit has improved a lot. It's not because of you..."

"Part of it is because of me, but the other part is because of Ai Li herself. Absolute security is something that no one else can give, and only you can give it to yourself."

Yagyu Xiaye's words made Akizuki Marina silent for a while behind his back.

"What about me?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

This time, Akizuki Marina didn't mention Akizuki Takasan or Akizuki Airi anymore, just asked her.

Akizuki Marina's question, Yagyu Xia Ye chose to remain silent.

Facing Yagyu Xiaye's silence, Akizuki Marina did not urge her.

After a while, Liu Shengxia Ye spoke.

"Truly Nai..."

"If Xia Ye met us first, would you stay here?" Akizuki Marina didn't want to hear Yagyu Xia Ye's answer, but immediately asked a question.

Facing Qiuyue Marina's question, Yagyu Xiaye remained silent this time.

If it was the Qiuyue sisters who met first, Yagyu Xiaye was not sure whether he could really choose to stay here as Qiuyue Marina expected.

It's just that the time of silence was a little shorter than the last time.

"I don't know because there are no ifs."

Yagyu Xiaye's answer made Akizuki Marina put her head on Yagyu Xiaye's head again, without saying that she was not satisfied with Yagyu Xiaye's answer.

"Cough! Cough..."

Hearing Akizuki Marina's cough, Yagyu Natsuya wanted to turn around, but was stopped by Akizuki Marina.

"Mina, if you go on like this, you'll catch a cold, go back to your room."

Yagyu Xia Ye soaked half of his body in the hot spring, so he didn't have to worry about catching a cold.

However, Akizuki Marina is different, because Yagyu Xiaye can feel the warmth, which means that Akizuki Marina should not be wearing clothes.

Although it was sunny, it was rainy after all, so it was easy to catch a cold.

"I see."

Yagyu Xia Ye felt that Akizuki Marina's hand was taken away from his chest, but the warmth behind him did not leave.

However, Liu Shengxia Ye felt a warm liquid falling on his neck, and it became cold immediately.

Yagyu Xia Ye knew what it was, but he didn't turn around.

Afterwards, I felt the warm touch disappear, and then I heard the voice of Akizuki Marina leaving.


After hearing no sound, Liu Shengxia Ye did not choose to turn back.

Instead, he changed the posture he had held for a long time, and then dived into the hot spring.

After a while, Yagyu Xiaye emerged from the hot spring again, and then leaned against the stone on the shore of the hot spring.

"It's really a test." Looking at the still bright moon, Liu Sheng Xia Ye said to himself.

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