
Yagyu Xiaye returned to his room from the open-air hot spring, and after drying his hair, Yagyu Xiaye also turned off the lights and went to sleep.

Feeling that someone always forgets to squeeze in his arms, Liu Shengxia Ye opened his eyes.

It took a while to get used to the darkness in the room.

At the same time, he also knew who the person was squeezing into his arms, because the blond hair was protruding from the quilt, so it could only be Akizuki Airi.

I really didn't expect that even after leaving Qiuyue's house, Qiuyue Aili's habit of running into his room in the middle of the night still hasn't changed.However, even when she was at Qiuyue's house, Qiuyue Aili hadn't done such a thing for several days.

When Yagyu Xiaye wanted to squeeze into the bed to give Qiuyue Aili more space, he froze immediately.

Because there are also obstacles in the back.

Liu Shengxia Ye was immediately stunned, it's fine that not only Qiuyue Aili showed up tonight, why is there another person.

Just when Liu Sheng Xia Ye was about to get up, the person behind suddenly reached out and hugged him.

"Even if it's only for one night, let me feel the sense of security you bring, okay?"

Akizuki Marina's voice sounded behind Yagyu Xia Ye.

Moreover, Yagyu Natsuya could feel that after hearing this voice, Akizuki Eri, who was squeezed in his arms in front of him, reached out and held Akizuki Marina's hand together, thus wrapping Yagyu Natsuya in the middle.

Therefore, Yagyu Xia Ye suffered from insomnia.


Yagyu Natsuya didn't know when he fell asleep, but when he woke up, Akizuki Marina and Akizuki Airi were gone, as if they had never appeared in his room.

However, Yagyu Xiaye's memory told him that whether it was the memory of being at the hot spring last night or the memory of the middle of the night afterward, they were all real.

Taking a look at the phone, it was almost time for breakfast.

Liu Shengxia hurriedly got up from the bed and got dressed, because she promised to make breakfast for her mother-in-law in the hotel this morning.

Last night, the hostel mother-in-law exempted Liusheng Xiaye and Qiuyue sisters from staying here, and Liusheng Xiaye, who felt sorry, was going to make today's breakfast.

However, when Liu Sheng Xia Ye had changed his clothes and was about to wash up, the door of his room was pushed open.

"What, you've already woken up. That's fine, so I won't wake you up again. Hurry up and wash up. After washing up, you can have breakfast, and then we can leave here." Of course the one who came in without knocking It's Akizuki Airi, and the current Akizuki Airi seems to be completely non-existent in the middle of the night.

Yagyu Xiaye went to the hot spring bath to take a bath, but at the same time asked: "Who made the breakfast?"

"Of course my sister did it. Don't you think it was you who sleepwalked and did it?" Qiuyue Aili said angrily.

"But I promised to make breakfast for the hostel mother-in-law..."

"The person involved didn't say anything, what are you worrying about, I'll go first." After Qiuyue Aili finished speaking, she closed the door of Liu Shengxia Ye's room and left.


Yagyu Xiaye, who finished washing, came to the place where she had dinner last night, and found that Akizuki Marina was helping her mother-in-law to serve dinner.

Seeing Yagyu Xia Ye coming, Qiuyue Marina also said: "Xia Ye, you are here, and we just have dinner together, we can leave after eating."

For some reason, Yagyu Natsuya felt that today's Akizuki Marina seemed a little different from before, but she couldn't tell the details.

After sitting in the seat, Liu Sheng Xia Ye apologized and said, "I'm sorry mother-in-law, I promised you to make breakfast, but..."

Liu Sheng Xia Ye hadn't finished apologizing when she was stopped by the hotel mother-in-law.

"Although I don't know how good your breakfast is, this little girl's breakfast suits my taste and tastes like home, so I don't need your breakfast."

In this case, Yagyu Xiaye really had nothing to say, so he could only turn to Qiuyue Marina and say, "Thank you, Marina."

"You don't need to thank me, because I have been taken care of by you all the time, so I will definitely help in the summer night where I can help. Besides, my mother-in-law is exempt from our accommodation expenses, so I also have part of the responsibility Yes." Akiba Marina felt that there was no need for Yagyu Xiaye to thank her.

Author's message:

Thanks to the black cat who loves the otaku for the reward of 300 happy coins

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Yagyu Xiaye and Qiuyue sisters had breakfast with the old woman in the hotel, and after cleaning up the mess, they also bid farewell.

"Mother-in-law, thank you!" Akizuki Marina bowed to the inn mother-in-law.

"It would be great if you could come here when you have time in the future." The hostel mother-in-law was full of expectations for Akizuki Marina and the others to come here.

"We'll come sometime."

Although she answered the hotel mother-in-law in this way, Akizuki Marina was not sure.

There is nothing wrong with her and Qiuyue Aili. In one night, Qiuyue Aili has gotten used to it, not to mention that there is her favorite hot spring here.

It's no problem to come here with Akizuki Airi when I have time.

However, it might be a bit unrealistic for the hostel mother-in-law to expect the three of them to come here together.

Liu Shengxiaye will leave here today, and leave this city, and he doesn't know if there is any possibility of coming back here in the future.

"Then I'll wait for you."

In the end, Yagyu Xia Ye did not leave any promises in front of the inn mother-in-law.

The three of them went down the mountain and drove home together.


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