When I come back, of course I won't meet (drag the plot) anyone in the car.

Akizuki Airi still chose to sit with Akizuki Marina, and Yagyu Natsuya sat opposite their sisters.

It's just that the atmosphere between the three seems to be a little silent now.

No one chose to open their mouths to break.

After getting off the car, Akizuki Marina asked, "Xia Ye, do you want to bring something back?"

If they go back from another place, some people will definitely bring some local things back, so Akizuki Marina chose to ask Yagyu Xiaye.

"No need, I've already brought all the things I need to take away." Liu Shengxiaye didn't intend to bring anything back from this city. The memories that come are worth keeping.

After being rejected by Yagyu Xiaye, Akizuki Mana was a little disappointed, after all, if this is the case, Yagyu Xiaye might leave Qiuyue's house after returning.

Then, there is not much time to spend with Liu Shengxia Ye.

And Qiuyue Aili has been standing by the side, and did not express any opinions.

After that, the three of them went home directly.


On Sunday, Akizuki Huayoko didn't work overtime, because she only had one day off, so she only needed to make up one day's work.

After Yagyu Xiaye and Qiuyue sisters returned home, Akiyuki Huayoko was cooking in the kitchen. After hearing the noise from outside, she came out of the kitchen and saw the three of Yagyu Xiaye who had come back.

"Xia Ye, Manina, Ellie, you are back, my lunch is just about to be ready, you should pack up and get ready to eat." Akizuki Kayoko did not ask Yagyu where Xia Ye and sister Qiuyue went together yesterday , it seems that Akizuki Huayoko is still very relieved about the Qiuyue sisters going out with Yagyu Xia Ye.

After listening to Akizuki Huayoko's words, Akizuki Airi and Akizuki Marina also returned to their respective rooms.

Liu Shengxia Ye did not go back to his room, but walked into the kitchen.

"Xia Ye, I'll take care of the lunch by myself, you just wait and eat." Qiu Yuehua Daizi saw Liu Sheng Xia Ye coming in, and thought that Liu Sheng Xia Ye was coming to help her make lunch.

Because of the French breakfast that Yagyu Xiaye cooked, Akizuki Kayoko knew that Yagyu Xiaye's culinary skills in other aspects must not be weak.

However, the chef in this family has always been her son Qiuyue Hua, and Xia Ye Liusheng can be said to be a guest or benefactor of their family, how can he ask his benefactor to help with cooking.

"I'll get some things." Liu Sheng Xia Ye had no intention of coming to help with the cooking.

Although before, Akizuki Airi said that if Yagyu Xiaye had time, she would like to try the food that Yagyu Xiaye did not cook for breakfast.

I didn't do it at home, but last night, when I was at the hotel, Yagyu Xiaye could be said to have fulfilled her request, so let's forget about today's lunch.

Yagyu Xiaye opened a cabinet, and took out four medicine packs that smelled like medicine.

"Xia Ye, are you going to leave?" Seeing that Yagyu Xia Ye took out all the medicine packets used to decoct the medicine at night, Akizuki Kayoko of course knew that this represented a mysterious meaning.

The night before yesterday, I heard Yagyu Xiaye and Qiuyue sisters discussing it, but when Yagyu Xiaye was really about to leave, Akiyuki Kayoko was a little too fast.

"Yes, the one-week exchange student time is already full, and I have caused many people to worry about me. I have to go back and report to them that they are safe." Yagyu Xiaye left after preparing lunch, so put the Just clarify things.

"Xia Ye, that Zhennai..."

"Manina and Airi already know about my going back. There is no problem. I will go out first." Yagyu Xiaye said to Akizuki Kayoko and left the kitchen.

"I hope Marina and Airi think the same way." Looking at the kitchen door closed by Yagyu Natsuya, Akizuki Kayoko also expected everything to be as Yagyu Natsuya said.


When Yagyu Xiaye and Qiuyue's mother and daughter were having dinner together, Akizuki Kayoko said, "Marina, Ellie, Xia Ye is going back after lunch, let's go and send Xia Ye off together."

"I don't want to go." Qiuyue Aili directly expressed her attitude.

And Akizuki Marina first pulled Akizuki Airi, and then asked: "Mom, are you going too?"

"Yes, Xia Ye has helped our family a lot, so of course I will send Xia Ye off."

Akizuki Hua Daiko's words reminded Akizuki Marina what Yagyu Xiaye said to her last night, so that she no longer had to worry about Akizuki Takasan going back to Akizuki's house.

It seems that Qiuyue Huadaizi needs to know about this matter before she and Qiuyue Aili.

"I'm going with you, mom, and Ellie is going too." After Akizuki Marina finished speaking, she shook Akizuki Ellie's arm to ask her to reassert her position.

"Just go, just send someone off."

Liu Shengxia Ye was on the side, and originally wanted to say that there was no need to send it, but now that Qiuyue, mother and daughter are all standing on the same front, they must not listen to Liu Sheng Xia Ye's words.

"Thank you!" Yagyu Xiaye could only express his gratitude to Qiuyue and her daughter for their actions.

"Eat more, it will take a little time to return to your original city." Akizuki Kayoko said to Yagyu Xia Ye.

Yagyu Xia Ye nodded, he knew this, after all, it took a long time to come from Sakakino City last time.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After lunch, Qiuyue, mother and daughter all went to pack up again. After all, Qiuyue sisters haven't changed out of yesterday's clothes yet.

Yagyu Xiaye also went back to his room to change clothes. When he returned to the room to put the medicine packs, Yagyu Xiaye knew that the clothes he changed yesterday had been washed, so he put on the school uniform of Sakakino Academy again. on the body.

Without making Liusheng Xia Ye wait any longer, Qiuyue, mother and daughter all packed up and came out.

To Yagyu Xiaye's surprise, both Akizuki Mana and Akizuki Airi carried their bags this time.

Liu Shengxia Ye didn't ask, so the Qiuyue sisters didn't take the initiative to explain.


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