"Ayase's elder brother has another identity, and the last incident was that his identity's strength could not be manifested."

Seeing that Rie Tanaka fell silent, Reiko Nagasaka said, "Rie, you don't have to worry about Xia Ye's warning, I'll call him later and ask him to give you..."

"No, Reiko, I'll go back to work after I meet you, so that warning is unnecessary for me."

Rie Tanaka decided to listen to Yagyu Natsuya's warning, because she felt that Yagyu Natsuya would not harm Aragaki Ayase.

The incident of Ayase last time was an illustration.

"Did you come and see me and then go back? I'm really disappointed." Reiko Nagasaka said pretending to be disappointed.

"Tomorrow is a new week, I have to go back early to work." Tanaka Rie also had no choice.


After more than a week, Liu Sheng Xia Ye stood in front of Gui Yanye's house again.

For some reason, this time, Liu Shengxia Ye did not open the door, even though he had the key to Gui Yanye's house.

He reached out and rang the doorbell of Gui Yanye's house.

"Please wait a moment!" There was a very familiar voice that I hadn't heard for a long time.

The door was opened from the inside, and Gui Yanye, who was wearing home clothes, appeared in front of Liu Shengxia Ye.

"I returned……"

Before Liu Shengxia Ye finished speaking, Gui Yanye threw himself into his arms and hugged him tightly.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Xia Ye, you are finally back." Gui Yanye said in Liu Sheng Xia Ye's arms after throwing himself into his arms.


"I thought you wouldn't come back. More than a week has passed, and there is no news about you. Xiaozhi and Xiaozhi are very worried about you, and I am even more worried about you."

At this time, Gui Yanye had already forgotten what Liusheng Jiubingwei had said to her, and just wanted to tell Liusheng Xiaye what he said.

And Gui Yanye's voice also caught the attention of the people in the back room. Three little girls, Gui Xin, Ito Zhi, and Jing Yi Uzuki, came out from inside.

Gui Xin and Ito Yuki were also very happy to see Liu Sheng Xia Ye who was held in Gui Yanye's arms. Pulled.


Both Guixin and Ito Yuki looked at Jingi Uzuki in puzzlement. You must know that Yagyu Xia Ye hadn't come home for more than a week, and now it's time to get together. I don't know why Jingi Uzuki would stop them.

"Sister Yan Ye, she doesn't seem to be in the right mood." Jing Yi Uzuki reminded the two little girls.

After Jing Yi Uzuki said this, the two little girls, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, also looked at Liu Sheng Xia Ye and Gui Yan Ye who were hugging together at the door.

At this time, they also heard that something was wrong.

Because, from Liu Shengxia Ye's arms, Gui Yanye's cry came.


Liu Sheng Xiaye did not come back on Monday, Gui Yanye was very worried at that time.

However, I went out for a trip that night, and after returning, everything went back to normal.When I was with Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, two little girls, I didn't deliberately mention Yagyu Xia Ye.

I didn't expect that the patience of so many days would break out at this time.

Facing Gui Yanye's outburst, Liu Shengxia Ye was also a little at a loss.

Because this is also the most intimate time between Liu Shengxia Ye and Gui Yanye.

"Will you leave like this in the future?" After asking this, Gui Yanye hugged Liu Shengxia Ye even tighter, as if he was afraid that Liu Shengxia Ye would suddenly disappear again.

"Not anymore."

Not just talking verbally, Liu Shengxia Ye also stretched out his hand to hold Gui Yanye in his arms.

"No, I will definitely be with you in the future."


Nodding in Liusheng Xiaye's arms, but Gui Yanye's tears and cries didn't stop at this moment, and Liusheng Xiaye could only hug Gui Yanye a little tighter.

Seeing the two of them in such a situation, Guixin, Ito Yuki, and Jingi Uzuki, the three little girls, all tactfully did not bother them, and went back to their room.


The wind blew the open door, and Gui Yanye woke up when he saw that the sky outside was about to end. Until now, Liu Shengxia Ye has not been allowed to enter the house.

"Xia Ye, come in first..." Gui Yanye raised his head from Liu Sheng Xia Ye's arms, but he didn't dare to look directly into Liu Sheng Xia Ye's eyes.

Moreover, Gui Yanye's voice became hoarse because of the crying just now.

"Yan Ye, it's better not to talk too much now, lest your throat can't stand it, I can do other things by myself, this place is the most familiar to me." Liu Shengxia Ye stopped Gui Yanye from continuing to speak, and at the same time He also rejected Gui Yanye's act of helping him carry his backpack.

"I went to cook."

"No, I'll make dinner tonight. I'll go to my room to change. You go to wash your face first, and then change your clothes and take a rest."

Although Liu Shengxia Ye said so, Gui Yanye followed Liu Shengxia Ye to the door of his room. After watching Liu Shengxia Ye go in, Gui Yanye turned and went to the toilet to wash her face. She was afraid that Liu Shengxia Ye would leave suddenly .


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