Liu Shengxia Ye didn't wear the clothes he brought back from Qiuyue's house in his backpack, but changed into the clothes he bought at Gui's house before. After charging his phone on the table, Liu Sheng Xia Ye also walked out of his room.

After opening the door, he found that Gui Yanye was still standing at the door of his room, but the cleanliness of his face showed that Gui Yanye had already washed his face in the toilet.

He stretched out his hands and landed on Gui Yanye's shoulders, making his eyes meet Gui Yanye's.

Gui Yanye's face was blushing, and when he wanted to turn his head to avoid Liu Shengxia Ye's sight, Liu Sheng Xia Ye spoke.

"Yan Ye, please trust me, we will be together in the future."

"Well, I believe in Xia Ye!"

This time, Gui Yanye finally did not continue to choose to avoid, but started to approach Liu Shengxia Ye on his feet.

"Sister, how about dinner?"

When the heads of Gui Yanye and Liusheng Xiaye were about to touch each other, Gui Xin's voice sounded from the side, and there were Ito Yuki and Jingi Uzuki who appeared together.

After hearing Gui Xin's voice, Gui Yanye immediately retracted her head, then broke free from Liu Shengxia Ye's hands on her shoulders, did not answer Gui Xin's question, but ran back to her room I went to change clothes.

And Gui Xin, who didn't hear Gui Yanye's answer, didn't care, because at this time without Gui Yanye by Liusheng Xiaye's side, she could finally get close to Liusheng Xiaye.

It's just that Yuki Ito also has the same idea as her.

Therefore, the two little girls, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, ran to Liu Shengxia Ye's side at about the same time.After discovering the other party, they didn't even have the idea of ​​hugging Yagyu Xiaye alone, but grabbed one arm of Yagyu Xiaye alone.

"Big brother, you are finally back."

"Big brother, I thought you abandoned us."

The two little lolis and Gui Yanye said the same thing at the beginning, but their emotions didn't collapse like Gui Yanye's.Because in their view, as long as Liu Shengxia Ye came back, everything would be fine.

Jing Yi Uzuki also walked up to Yagyu Xia Ye at this time, and said, "Brother Xia Ye, welcome back."

Jing Yi Uzuki should be the same as last week. He came to Gui's house after school on Friday, and then went to school with Gui Xin and Ito Yuki on Monday.

Today is still Sunday, so it is not surprising that Uzuki Ii is still at Gui's house.

"Well, I'm back."

The two little girls, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, started pestering Liu Sheng Xia Ye, wanting Liu Sheng Xia Ye to tell him where he had been and what he had done for more than a week, but Liu Sheng Xia Ye refused.

"Be careful, didn't you just ask what to do with dinner? Let me go now, I'll make dinner for you, and let your sister have a rest today." As for the exchange at Saint Maple College, Liu Sheng Xia Ye did not I want to speak out.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Gui Xin and Ito Yuki were only interested in Liu Sheng Xia Ye's disappearance for more than a week. Now that Liu Sheng Xia Ye is going to cook for himself, the two of them are a bit reluctant, but they still choose to let go Yagyu Xiaye's hand.

Although Gui Yanye's cooking level is already very good after training.

However, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi's tastes were nurtured by Liu Sheng Xia Ye, so no matter how good Gui Yan Ye was, it was not as good as Liu Sheng Xia Ye's cooking.

Unlike Gui Xin and Ito Yuki, Jing Yi Uzuki was a little bit looking forward to Yagyu Xia Ye's cooking skills, but if it was Gui Yanye's cooking, it would be good.

After all, compared to Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, two little girls, Jingi Uzuki only ate the food cooked by Yagyu Xia Ye once.

So, there are two different attitudes.

After Liu Shengxia escaped from the shackles of Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, two little girls, she also walked to the kitchen.

It seems that this is the only life that can satisfy me.

Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, two little girls, went to Gui Yanye's room to see Gui Yanye, because Gui Yanye hadn't come out for so long.


Jingi Uzuki did not act together with Gui Xin and Ito Yuki, so when Yagyu Xiaye was cooking, Jingi Uzuki watched from the kitchen.

"Uzuki, do you want to learn?" Yagyu Xiaye asked curiously when he caught sight of Jingyi Uzuki's serious eyes.

Although I don't know how well Utsuki behaved in this family during the two weeks off.However, since Jingyi Uzuki is still in this home, it shows that Jingyi Uzuki's performance has been approved by the hostess Gui Yanye, so it can be said that Jingyi Uzuki's performance during this period has passed the set before Yagyu Xiaye left rules.

However, in the face of Yanagi Natsuya's question, Jingi Uzuki shook her head, saying that she did not want to learn cooking.

"Brother Xia Ye, you said what should you do when faced with something that threatens you?" Jing Yi Uzuki asked Yagyu Xia Ye a question.

"If possible, then get rid of that existence." When Yagyu Xia Ye was an exchange student at Shengfeng College, the time about Director Nagano and Yoshida Xiaozou was hit at the position of the knot, so that they couldn't get over it. body.But when he thought that the person talking to her was still a primary school student, Liu Shengxia Ye quickly said again: "Just pretend that you didn't listen to what I said just now. Did you have any conflicts with others when you were in school?"

"No, I just asked because I saw such a plot in the TV series." Jingi Uzuki denied the fact that he had a festive relationship with others, and then said: "I'm going out first, I can't bear the smell inside, or Waiting for the final result to come out.”

Seeing that Yagyu Xia Ye was preparing to stir-fry, Uzuki Uzuki also proposed to leave.

This may be the reason why Uzuki Jingi doesn't like cooking, because she doesn't like this kind of oily smoke.

However, it is undeniable that the dishes made in this way are really delicious.

It doesn't matter whether it was made by Liu Shengxia Ye or Gui Yanye.


After working in the kitchen for a long time, Liu Sheng Xiaye was busy preparing dinner, and the door of the kitchen was opened.

It was Gui Yanye who came in from the outside, seeing that Liu Shengxia Ye was about to finish, and wanted to come over to help.

However, it was stopped by Yagyu Xiaye.

Liu Shengxia Ye directly grabbed Gui Yanye's arm, took it out of the kitchen, and said, "Yan Ye, let me take care of things tonight, you go out and rest now."

If, in the past, Liu Shengxia Ye only verbally asked Gui Yanye to rest, Gui Yanye would definitely not rest, and would choose to continue helping in the kitchen.

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