"Then find another woman from the city, get in your car and drive from the city to here on the bumpy road. Ten or one of them won't vomit."

Saito's words made him understand at once, in the final analysis, it was because the three of them were women, and they were also women in the city.

Last Saturday, Liu Shengxia Ye was also picked up by him from the High School Affiliated to Lingyang University, and he didn't feel any discomfort at all. It was entirely because Liu Sheng Xia Ye had a good physique, so the bumps in the car did not affect him. any impact.As for the same-sex Yagyu Kubei, that is an existence that everyone in Xixiang worships. It is certain that there will be no such situation as the pupae and three daughters of Xiyuan Temple today.

So, the current speculation about the situation of the three pupae daughters of Xiyuan Temple is completely the result of being misled.

Seeing Xixiang's expression of understanding, Saito asked: "Is there anything else? If there is anything, I will ask."

"No more, Mr. Saito, you go to work first." After finishing speaking to Saito, Xixiang returned to the side of the three pupae of Xiyuan Temple and said, "I am very sorry that the three of you are here because of my restraint." After waiting for several minutes, go see the young master now."

Xixiang's attitude towards the three girls has returned to the time when he was almost at the airport.Moreover, the three of Xiyuan Temple pupae knew that they were asked to come here because of the order of the female voice heard at the gate. Now that Xixiang has apologized to the three of them, that is to say, in the future meeting, let them come here. The three of them had better not mention this matter.

The owner of that voice can do no wrong.

"It's time to meet your young master." For Xixiang's apology, the three daughters of Xiyuan Temple pupa accepted it, and at the same time, they also wanted to meet their young master.

Inexplicably stopped people at the airport, inexplicably took them to Yagyu's house, and inexplicably asked Xixiang to bring them here to see a doctor.

What kind of existence is that.


Returning the same way, after arriving at the entrance, Xixiang took the three daughters of Xiyuansi Pupa and turned right and walked directly to the reception hall.

After arriving at a room with a closed door, Xixiang respectfully said to the inside: "Young master, they brought it."

No one responded inside, but Xixiang bowed inside, and then said to the three daughters of the pupae of Xiyuan Temple: "The young master let you in."

After Xixiang finished speaking, before the three girls could react, he left first.

Standing outside the room, the three of them, Xiyuanji Yuzi, Katsura Manami, and Kiyoura Mai, looked at each other and opened the closed door.

Author's message:

Thanks to Shuke 447528541, Dark Moon Zhifei, Nemuri, and Salted Fish on the Flagpole for each monthly ticket support, thank you.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

However, after they entered the room, they did not see the young master they wanted to meet.

Because there was a screen in the middle, the meeting room was divided into two halves.After seeing the layout of the room, Katsura Manami, Saizonoji Pupa, and Kiyoura Mai also took off their shoes and knelt down in front of the screen.


The screen was pulled away from the opposite side, and the three finally saw who the young master they were going to meet was.

It turned out to be a woman.

No, it should be a girl, who looks a little older than their respective daughters, but has an aura that even they are afraid of.

The most important point is that this person is really similar to Yagyu Xiaye.

"Xia Ye is my own younger brother." Perhaps he had seen the doubts in the eyes of the three daughters of Kiyoura Mai, Yagyu Kubei, who came here to meet them, took the initiative to explain the relationship between her and Yagyu Xia Ye. "Yagyu Kubei, the young master of the Yagyu family, thank you for taking care of my brother while he was in Sakakino City."

Like the three daughters of Kiyoura Mai, Yagyu Kubei also knelt on the ground, and bowed when expressing his gratitude to the three daughters of Kiyoura Mai.

After knowing that Yagyu Kubei is Yagyu Natsuya's older sister, Xiyuanji Puguko and Kiyura Mai were shocked by their sibling relationship, but Katsura Manami was different.

On the way, Katsura Manami had guessed that there might be some connection between Yagyu Xiaye and the Yagyu family she knew, and now the connection finally came out.

Yagyu Kubei is the young master of the Yagyu family, and Yagyu Natsuya is the younger brother of Yagyu Jiubei, which means that Yagyu Natsuya can also inherit the Yagyu family.

And there may be the only heir.

This had to shock Katsura Manami, and at this time, Katsura Manami also had a little guess about going to see the doctor Saito just now, but she didn't say it.

"Where, Yagyu-kun has always helped us, so we should be helped by Yagyu-kun." However, even if he knew the relationship between Yagyu Kubei and Yagyu Xiaye now, Xiyuanji pupa would not be ashamed. Liu Shengxia Ye's attitude will not change, anyway, it's useless to think too much after things have already happened.

Kiyoura Mai and Katsura Manami didn't speak, obviously agreeing with what Xiyuanji pupa said.

Liu Shengjiubingwei didn't express anything after hearing this, but said: "You are smart and alert, if your inspection failed just now, maybe you will follow in the footsteps of that man named Ze Yuezhi .”

After Ze Yuezhi said the three words from Yagyu Kubei, the three girls of Kiyoura Mai took a step back even if they were kneeling.

Did you know their relationship with Ze Yuezhi?

"Fortunately, you passed the inspection, so you don't have to be afraid, let alone that person named Ze Yuezhi, because he can no longer pose any threat to you."

"What's up with him?"

"Did you send us the message to get us back?"

Asking Ze Yuezhi is of course not to worry about Ze Yuezhi, but because he is afraid that Yagyu Kubei will cooperate with Ze Yuezhi to deal with their relationship with Yagyu Xia Ye.

The reason for the second question is entirely because of the three of them returning to China, and because they received the same message.

"I've settled the matter with Ze Yuezhi, you can come back."

The message was sent to them by an unfamiliar phone number, but they immediately thought it was from Liu Shengxia Ye.Because before, Liu Shengxia Ye promised them that he would help them solve the matter of Ze Yuezhi, and he would notify them to return to China when the time was right.

It took more than a week to solve the matter of Ze Yuezhi, which seemed a bit fast to the three of Xiyuanji Jizi, but because of their trust in Yagyu Xia Ye, the three of them still came back together.

After they came back, Yagyu Xiaye and their daughters were not there to pick them up. Instead, they were stopped by Xixiang, a feminine man from the Yagyu family, and finally brought to the Yagyu house to meet the young master of the Yagyu family, Yagyu Kubei. Xia Ye's sister.

If that text message was sent by Yagyu Kubei, then everything they encountered could be explained.

As for the inquiries from the three of Xiyuanji pupae, Yagyu Kubei had no need to hide it, and said, "Yes, I arranged all of this, but the matter of Ze Yuezhi was handled by my younger brother Xia Ye personally. .”

When Yagyu Jiubei knew that Ze Yuezhi was the culprit who caused Liusheng Xiaye to live outside for ten years, he wanted to kill Ze Yuezhi, but was stopped by Yagyu Xiaye.

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