After that, Yagyu Xiaye went to Shengfeng College as an exchange student to accept the test of Yagyu's family, but Yagyu Xiaye confessed that the punishment of Ze Yuezhi was completed by Dongcheng and Kitazawa. Finally, Yagyu Xiaye asked Dongcheng and Kitazawa dealt with Ze Yuezhi, but it was Xixiang who started.

There were reports on these things, but these reports were locked up by Yagyu Kubei.

"He did it?" Katsura Manami was a little surprised. Judging from Yagyu Kubei's tone, Ze Yuezhi should have disappeared.

However, at the beginning, I thought it was Yagyu Kubei, the young master of the Yagyu family, who did it, but now I told them that what happened to Ze Yuezhi was completely done by Yagyu Xiaye.

In other words, Yagyu Xiaye really fulfilled his promise to them, but he didn't rush to tell them, so he was used by his sister Yagyu Kubei.

"Yes, my younger brother has gone through some trials that you don't know about because of your mess, so I want to meet you before you return to his life." Yagyu Jiuhei said to Katsura Manami and the others .

"What did you come to see us for?"

"Before I saw you, I went to see your daughter first, and basically told my brother's identity. Do you know what this means?" Yagyu Kubei did not answer the question of Katsura Manami and the three daughters, but said After leaving, she went to see Gui Yanye, Xiyuan Temple World, Qingpu Seta and others.

After hearing Yagyu Kubei's words, the faces of Katsura Manami and the three daughters suddenly turned pale.

Because, if Yagyu Jiubingwei told Gui Yanye and others about their relationship with Yagyu Xia Ye, it would be their nightmare.

Fortunately, they realized that if Yagyu Kubei had done this, there would be no need for today's meeting.

Now, Yagyu Kubei might want the three of them to make a statement.

Choose yourself, or choose their daughter.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It didn't take long for the three of Pupa in Xiyuan Temple to hesitate, and they all thought about their choices.

"If possible, we will leave Japan today, but I hope you don't use the Yagyu family to oppress our children."

In the end, Xiyuanji Jizi, Kiyoura Mai, and Katsura Manami chose their own children, but hoped that Yagyu Kubei would not use today's methods to deal with their children.

They did that to Yagyu Xiaye, and now it is understandable that Liusheng Xiaye's sister, Yagyu Kubei, is back, but it has nothing to do with Gui Yanye and the others.

The choice of the three did not surprise Yagyu Kubei, but she did not immediately agree, but said: "If I really agree with your choice, I don't think my younger brother will be happy. , so you still have another option, and it’s up to you whether you want it or not.”

"What other options are there?"

Originally, leaving Japan and their children was not the choice they wanted most.Now that Yagyu Kubei said there was a turning point, the three of Xiyuanji pupae would definitely not let it go.

"First of all, you have to undergo a sterilization operation, and then the time you spend with my brother must be controlled within a certain range." Yagyu Kuhei stated her conditions.

"I took us there just now to see if we were pregnant?!" Katsura Manami wanted to confirm her guess.

She knew the rules of some senior families, so she wanted to make sure.And now there are only her and her two good sisters here, and Yagyu Kubei, the sister of Yagyu Xia Ye, are all women, so they don't have too many scruples when talking.

After Katsura Manami's question, Kiyoura Mai and Saizonji Puguko first looked at Katsura Manami in surprise, and then turned to Yagyu Kubei, wanting to know if this was true.

For Katsura Manami to be able to guess what she meant to ask Xixiang to take the three of them just now, Yagyu Kubei was not surprised, so he immediately admitted it, saying: "Yes, so you are lucky!"

Kiyoura Mai and Saizonji Puguko may not know what Yagyu Kubei's luck means, but Katsura Manami clearly understands it.

Moreover, she was really fortunate that Yagyu Xia Ye held such a heavy weight in the heart of the young master of the Yagyu family, Yagyu Jiubingwei.

The second choice that Yagyu Kubei told them just now had the intention of showing favor to Yagyu Xia Ye. The head of the Yagyu family might need their help with something. This is Katsura Manami's guess.

"Of course, if you want to accept this luck, you have to accept one of my tasks, which is to let my younger brother develop a certain amount of affection for the Yagyu family. This is good for everyone." Yagyu Kubei said Her mission to the three of Qingpu Wu should be to exchange conditions.

Xiyuanji pupa and Qingpu dance now understand part of it, and at the same time, they also know how they will get along with Yagyu Xiaye in the future.

"It takes a week for a month." Xiyuan Temple pupa put forward her conditions.

"Impossible, only one day a month." Yagyu Kubei refused.

For a week, Xiyuan Temple pupa and the others also felt that it was impossible, so they immediately lowered their requirements.

"Five days."

"one day."

"Three days."

"one day."

For this number of days, Yagyu Kubei did not compromise at all, and he stuck to the bottom line of one day.

Yagyu Jiubingwei's perseverance also made the three pupa girls of Xiyuan Temple a little helpless, because one day was too little for them, and they were still in Xiyuan Temple where they had two intimate acts with Yagyu Xiaye For the chrysalis.

"One day per person!" This was the last request of the three pupae of Xiyuan Temple.

Seeing the firmness in the eyes of the three women, Yagyu Kubei chose to agree. It seems that there is no difference between the bottom line of one person and one day, but there is an essential difference.


As for the termination of pregnancy, after Yagyu Kubei agreed to their request, the three pupae girls of Saiyuan Temple would definitely not refuse.

Because no one can guarantee that there will be no accidents, and if an accident happens, it will not only be themselves who suffer, but also their children.

So it is still necessary to completely cut off future troubles.

"After lunch, I will ask Xixiang to take you to the medical room again. You will be treated with ancient medical techniques, so the time for you to go home will need to be extended." After this problem was solved, Yagyu Kubei Said to the three pupae daughters of Xiyuan Temple.

The three pupae daughters of Xiyuan Temple nodded.


Sakakino Academy, four classes a year.

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