Because, she had already promised Yagyu Xia Ye that after the college festival, she would agree to her mother's request to study abroad.

In other words, even if Yagyu Natsuya would stay at Sakakino Academy until graduation, she and Yagyu Natsuya would not spend too long together.

"That's really great, I won't have to taste Setsuna's bento in the future. By the way, Xia Ye, how about Setsuna's bento this time?" Xiyuan Temple World asked a Kiyoura Setsuna who was looking forward to it The problem of studying abroad is temporarily left behind.

"Very good, the nostalgic taste. After eating Setsuna Bento, I feel that I have returned to the real campus life."

Yagyu Xiaye's answer made Qingpu Setsuna very satisfied, and the corners of his mouth turned up into a smile.

"It's so sour. Xia Ye, who disappeared for a week, would actually say such a calculation. I think my family's Setsuna is about to fall." Xiyuan Temple World also saw Qingpu Setsuna's smile, so it began to make fun of Qingpu Setsuna.

"World, don't talk nonsense, I didn't..."

"there is nothing?"

"Of course not..., no..." Qing Pu suddenly began to stammer.

"World, my words are not so sour, so don't embarrass Setsuna. How is Radish's situation now? Is there any place where I need to go back to help." If it was the past, Yagyu Xia Ye would certainly not choose to come back. Radish's, because I had to escape from the part-time job there.

but now.

Yagyu Xia Ye wants to start to cherish everything he can cherish now, whether it is the life of Gui Yanye's family and Sakakino Academy, or the matter of Radish.

Author's message:

Thanks to lacusyuy, Moyu Wuyan, and Shi Zhiyu for their monthly support.

ps: It will take a little time to finish the book, @夜雨春风, as for the x, I will pick out some plots and write them, and then put them in the group.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Auntie Ertiao is managing well now, but she also occasionally said that she wants you to appear in Radish, but I pushed all of these, after all, my mother said she was coming back."

The world of Xiyuan Temple revealed the news that the pupa of Xiyuan Temple was coming back, which surprised Yagyu Xiaye.

You know, in the contact with Xiyuanji pupa and others, Yagyu Xiaye said that he would contact them to return to China after the matter of Ze Yuezhi was resolved.

Although the matter of Ze Yuezhi has been resolved now, Yagyu Xiaye still wants to wait for this incident to pass for a while before letting Xiyuanji pupa and others come back.After all, if they came back, they might go to see his sister Yagyu Kubei.

"Did you say when you'll be back?" Liu Shengxia Ye asked.

"That's not true. It's just that if you still work part-time at Radish, you don't have to do it. Aunt Ertiao will arrange everything."

Xiyuan Temple Pupa didn't set a time for her own daughter to come back, and Yagyu Xiaye couldn't take the initiative to contact them. It seems that we can only talk about it after Xiyuan Temple Pupa and the three of them come back.

"I'm going to visit Radish this Sunday if nothing happens."

"That's great, but I have to tell Aunt Erjo, so that the Erjo sisters don't come over on weekends." If Yagyu Xiaye goes to Radish, Xiyuanji World would rather let Yagyu Xiaye stay with Kiyoura Setsuna than I would like Erjo Wakaba's two daughters to entangle with Yagyu Xia Ye.

Although Yagyu Xiaye had clearly rejected it, the world of Xiyuan Temple knew that the Erjo sisters had not given up.

As for the matter of Yagyu Xiaye going to Radish, Kiyoura Setsuna has no objection, because that way he will have more time to spend with Yagyu Xiaye.

"Yagyu-san, how is Xiaoxin and Xiaozhi's recent homework?" Kiyoura Setsuna asked about Gui Xin and Ito Zhi.Because Yagyu Xia Ye put the two little lolitas in Radish and brought them to Qingpu Setsuna for a day, so the relationship between Qingpu Setsuna and the two little lolitas is still very good.

"The two little guys are not stupid people, so as long as they don't be lazy, they can improve steadily. However, they still prefer Setsuna's guidance method, and let them go to Radish if they have time."

"Setsuna still has this kind of skill. Xia Ye, when you ask them to come over, you must call me along. In fact, I am also very good at guiding homework and tutoring."

"If you have time."

"Then it's settled."

In fact, it is true that Xiyuanji World is capable of tutoring Gui Xin and Ito Zhi with their homework, but her main purpose is not here.

Instead, he wants to get in touch with Gui Yanye through the two little girls, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi.

Whether in school or in daily life, Xiyuan Temple World knows that Gui Yanye has always had a greater advantage than her.

That is, Liu Sheng lived in Gui Yanye's house in summer night.

Therefore, the world of Xiyuan Temple without this advantage is the advantage of wanting to create and get along with Yagyu Xia Ye.

Radish's part-time job counts, and so does the school's rooftop.

Although Yagyu Xiaye said that this rooftop was prepared for the club he founded, but now only Xiyuanji World, Kiyoura Seta and Yagyu Xiaye are using this rooftop.

After the three of them had lunch, Yagyu Xia Ye refused Xiyuanji World's request to take the bento box back for washing, but the respective bento boxes of both parties returned to their respective hands.

"Xia Ye, I heard that you plan to make friends at school?" There is still some time before the afternoon class, so Xiyuan Temple World and Kiyoura Setsuna didn't plan to go back to the classroom at this time.

It's not just that I want to stay here with Yagyu Xia Ye for a while longer, but that the two people in the classroom, Makoto Ito and Taisuke Sawayong, are back again.

Xiyuanji World, who knows the truth about Sawayong Taisuke and Ito Makoto's homosexuality, hopes that the two of them will never come to school for class, but now the two who have returned seem to restrain their behavior of wanting to engage in homosexuality in school .But the world of Xiyuan Temple still feels disgusting. If possible, they would like to apply for a transfer.

"Study in this school for three years, and if you only have friends like you, then the three years of high school life is almost a waste."

"Then Liuyu, after you have a new friend, then we..."

"Of course you are still my friends, and you are definitely different from the new friends you will make in the future." Liu Sheng Xia Ye replied.

This kind of answer made Kiyoura Setsuna and Saiyuanji World quite satisfied now. As long as Yagyu Xiaye's attitude towards them remains unchanged, they also hope that Yagyu Xiaye can have more friends in school.

Because in the previous Liusheng Xiaye, apart from a few of them, he could only stay with Gui Yanye, which was not what Xiyuan Temple World and Qingpu Setsuna wanted to see.

"Xia Ye, you will definitely make a lot of friends."

"Thank you."

When the preparatory bell for class in the afternoon rang, Xiyuan Temple World and Kiyoura Setsuna got up, and Yagyu Xia Ye also stood up afterward.

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