Seeing the somewhat surprised expressions of Xiyuanji World and Qingpu Setsuna, Yagyu Xiaye said: "I have already said that it will change, so it is impossible to go to the classroom after class like before."

After having lunch here last time, Yagyu Xiaye returned to the classroom after almost half a class, because Saiyuanji World and Kiyoura Setsuna saw Yagyu Xiaye returning to the classroom through the classroom window, and at the same time watched the school time.

"Let's go together."


When Liu Sheng Xia Ye returned to Class [-] of the first year, the bell just rang for class, so those boys who wanted to ask Liu Sheng Xia Ye about his record during this trip did not have a chance to speak.

After returning to his seat, Yagyu Xia Ye didn't start to fall asleep lying on the table like before in class, but took out the textbooks for class.

"Yan Ye, how is your voice?" Liu Sheng Xia Ye asked before the teacher came in.

"It's almost ready, Xia Ye, thank you for making the bento."

Gui Yanye took the lunch box made by Liusheng Xiaye to the cafeteria to eat with the girls in the class. After Gui Yanye opened her lunch box, some students questioned the way Liusheng Xiaye gave Gui Yanye this lunch. The quality has improved, because no matter how you look at it, it is not as nutritious as the ones in the school cafeteria.

However, after Gui Yanye told everyone about the situation of her throat, someone said so.

"This is a bento specially made for you. Although it is not a medicinal diet, it has the same effect as medicinal diet." This is what a girl from a medicinal diet family said to Gui Yanye.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Among the girls together, no one doubted the correctness of this girl from the medicinal food family, because she was the girl in their gang who always brought her own lunch to school to eat.

These people have also tasted the bento she brought. Although the smell of medicine is not very strong, it is not something that ordinary people like to eat.

However, the bento prepared by Liu Shengxiaye for Gui Yanye today does not have the taste of the medicinal bento, but it has the effect of the medicinal bento, which is to protect Gui Yanye's voice that is not yet fully healed.

I thought that the reason why Yagyu Xiaye would make her today's bento was because it was convenient, but I didn't expect that other people's bento today was the product of making her bento.

Gui Yanye decided that in the future, Liu Shengxiaye would need to prepare lunch boxes for her, especially if she had those two lunch boxes.

"Since you like it, I will prepare it for you in the future." Without waiting for Gui Yanye to speak, Liu Shengxia Ye undertook to prepare the bento in the future.

That's good too, lest Gui Yanye mention the two lunch boxes that Liu Sheng Xia Ye definitely didn't eat.


When the teacher came to class, Gui Yanye did not have too many conversations with Liu Shengxia Ye.


The class in the afternoon was similar to the class in the morning. Yagyu Xia Ye didn't sleep in, but actively interacted with the teachers in the class as in the morning, which surprised the teachers in the afternoon.

Because after the morning, the teachers who came to class here before all mentioned the changes in Yagyu Xiaye, but the teachers who hadn't seen it personally thought they were joking, but after these few classes, they knew that Yagyu Xiaye was going to be real. I have fully integrated into this four classes a year.

Of course, besides the interaction with the teachers in class, Xia Ye Yagyu also interacted with the students in the class after class.

However, most of them are girls, because if boys approach that position, Liu Shengxia Ye may think that they have some unreasonable thoughts about Gui Yanye.

On this day, Liu Shengxia Ye took the first step to integrate into the fourth class of the first year.

One day can't really change anything, but fortunately, Liu Shengxia Ye has three years to do all this well, and Liu Sheng Xia Ye also believes that he can do it well.

After school in the afternoon, Liu Sheng Xia Ye went home with Gui Yanye.

Kanroji Nanami and Kato Otome will stay to practice after school because they have to compete again, while Saiyuanji World has been accompanied by Kiyoura Setsuna, and they have always gone home with Kiyoura Setsuna.

As for Kuroda Hikaru, Yagyu Xiaye didn't see her today when she went to the third class of the first year, and she didn't have a chance to ask about her when she was on the rooftop.

If he couldn't see it tomorrow, Yagyu Xiaye decided to ask Xiyuanji World and Kiyoura Setsuna, after all, they were their friends.


Yagyu Xiaye and Gui Yanye did not go home directly, but took the tram to Gui Xin and Ito Yuki's school to pick up two little girls. On the tram back, they did not meet Ito Makoto and Sawayong Taisuke. A gay couple.

After getting off the tram, Liu Shengxia Ye saw two familiar people, and after seeing clearly where they were going to enter, Liu Shengxia Ye said to Gui Yanye: "Yan Ye, you go to pick up Xinxin and Xiaozhi first, and I will go to you first." Go and see if there is anything I can do to help."

"Xia Ye, what did you see, is there any danger?"

"There's no danger, and I'll protect myself, so you go and pick Xiaoxin and Xiaozhi home first."

"You're not leaving again, are you?"

"No, I promised you all, why would I break my promise, I just have something to deal with."

"Okay, then we'll wait for you at home."

After bidding farewell to Gui Yanye, Liu Shengxia Ye directly crossed the red light intersection of the road and walked into a small alley.

Due to the weather, the brightness of the street is almost maintained by street lights now, and this is even more so in this alley.

In the long alley, there was actually only one street lamp shining brightly, but the two people that Liu Shengxia Ye saw were stopped by someone at this moment.

"Young man, that's not the place you should go in now, let alone the little girl next to you." The one who stopped them was a well-dressed middle-aged man, but judging by his appearance now, he should be drunk It's almost right, the words are a little unclear.If he was sober, he could only tell that although one of the two he stopped looked taller, they looked like high school students at most, and the little girl he was holding was a primary school student.

"Brother, what's in here?" The little girl didn't plan to move on after being stopped by the middle-aged uncle, especially since their destination seemed to be at the end of the darkest alley.

"It's okay, this is a world of pleasure, brother just wants you to experience it in advance." Although he wanted to speak to his sister in a gentle tone as much as possible, but when he was about to reach his destination, he was caught by someone he didn't know. The older guy was still a little uncomfortable after being stopped by the stranger.

"Old guy, if you're sensible, just get out of the way and don't get in our way." The older high school student said to the middle-aged uncle who was still standing in front of their siblings.

"Brother, let's not go." While speaking, the younger sister wanted to break free from her brother's hand, but found that she couldn't help it at this time.

"It's all here, Gongmei, don't resist anymore." The young man called out her sister's name.

That's why Yagyu Xia Ye came here, because this pair of brothers and sisters were Kyouichi Hanayamain and Kyoumi Hanayamain.

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