If Kyouichi Hanayamain appeared here alone, Natsuya Yagyu would not care about the life and death of this kind of person, but Kyoumi Hanayamain came to warn Natsuya Yagyu because of Kyouichi, and Natsuya Yagyu was deeply impressed by her.

Yagyu Xia Ye was not too clear about what was at the dark end of the alley, but his intuition told him that there was absolutely nothing good for Kyoichi Kayamain and Kyoumi Hanayamain to come here at this time, and the conversation just now almost explained everything.

Seeing Kayamain Kyoumi's struggle, the middle-aged uncle who blocked the way also walked towards Hanayamain Kyouichi, and said, "Brother Huan, a person like you is not qualified to be a brother, let me go!"

The middle-aged uncle wanted to dismantle Kazanin Kyouichi and took Kazanin Kyoumi's hand, but Kazanin Kyouichi dodged it and even pushed the middle-aged uncle.

Due to his drunkenness, the middle-aged uncle couldn't control his own body at all, and directly bumped into the wall of the alley, and then sat slumped on the ground.

Author's message:

Thank you for the support of the monthly ticket that passed away with the wind in the past, thank you

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After falling to the ground, the middle-aged man didn't stand up again. He didn't know whether he fell asleep drunk or was injured when he hit the wall just now.

"Brother, this person doesn't seem to be moving. Should we call an ambulance?" Kyoumei Huashanyuan said very worriedly. You must know that this middle-aged uncle could be regarded as Kyouichi Huashanyuan pushing him against the wall.If it really became a case, her brother Hanayamain Kyouichi would definitely not be able to escape the pursuit of the police.

However, unlike Kayamain Kyoumi's worry, Kayamain Kyouichi didn't care about the drunk man's attitude, and said, "It's just a drunk who got drunk, he'll be fine when he wakes up tomorrow morning, let's go."

Kyouichi Kazanin's attitude was a bit beyond Kyoumi Kazanin's expectation. She really didn't expect Kyouichi Kazanin to behave like this. Is this the elder brother she has always admired and learned?

"No, brother, I have to wait here until this uncle wakes up."

When Kayamain Kyoumi spoke like this, she also walked towards the middle-aged uncle who was sitting slumped on the ground, wanting to stretch out another hand that was not restrained by Hanayamain Kyouichi to wake up the middle-aged uncle.

However, before she reached out to the middle-aged uncle, her whole body was pulled back by Kyouichi Hanayamain, and at the same time Kyouichi Hanayamain also planned to tie Kyoumi Hanayamain's other hand.

"Brother, you..."

"The fallen uncle was right. You don't have the qualifications to be an elder brother at all."

Kayamain Kyoumi's other hand was not grabbed by Hanayamain Kyouichi because it was stopped by Yagyu Xiaye.

"Yagyu Summer Night!"

"Xiao Zhi and Xiao Zhi's big brother?"

Regarding the sudden appearance of Yagyu Xiaye, both brothers and sisters of Hanayamain were very surprised, but Hanayamain Gong and Liuyu Xiaye were full of resentment, while Hanayamain Gongmei was a little curious.

"Huashanyuan, what are you planning to do by bringing your sister to this place?" Liu Sheng Xia Ye asked standing beside Huashanyuan Gongmei.

"It's none of your business, it's between me and my sister, please don't interfere."

Kyouichi Huashanyuan reminded Yagyu Xiaye that this was a matter between him and his brother and sister Kashanin Gongmei, and there was no reason for Yagyu Xiaye to intervene.

Previously, Yagyu Xiaye could take care of the affairs of Ganlu Temple Qihai and Jingyi Uzuki, but only this family matter, Yagyu Xiaye had no right to take action.

"Gongmei, continue going in with me." Seeing that Yagyu Xiaye did not make any movement, Hanayamain Kyouichi thought that Yagyu Xiaye was afraid, so he wanted to take Hanayamain Gongmi to continue walking towards the end of the alley.

However, this time, Kyoumi Hanayamain did not intend to obey her brother.

After being pulled by Kyouichi Hanayamain for half of her body, Kyoumi Kazanin stretched out her free hand and grabbed Yagyu Xia Ye's clothes.

Kyouichi Hanayamain continued to exert his strength, but he didn't pull Kyoumi Hanayamain any more.

"Look, it's your sister who doesn't want to go to that place now, so I advise you to give up." When Kyouichi Hanayama turned his head and saw his sister's hand on Yagyu Xiaye's clothes, his eyes jumped, and Yagyu Xia Ye's words made him feel even more humiliated.

"Gongmi, do you not trust me, your brother?" Kyouichi Hanayamain exerted force with his hands, trying to get Kyoumi Hanayamain to leave Yagyu Xia Ye, but failed after trying twice.

Kayamain Kyoumi first looked at the middle-aged uncle who was already slumped on the ground, then looked at the darkness at the end of the alley, and said to Kayamain Kyouichi, "Brother, I don't want to go."

"Now, I should have a reason to make a move." Yagyu Xiaye asked Kyouichi Hanayamain.

Earlier, Kyouichi Hanayamain forbade Yagyu Xiaye to intervene because it was a matter between their siblings.The current situation is that if Kyouichi Hanayamain still forces Kyoumi Hanayamain to move on, then Kyoumi Kazanin may ask Yagyu Natsuya for help, and holding on to Yagyu Natsuya's clothes can already explain all this.

"You..., you..."

Kyouichi Hanayamain looked at his own sister and Natsuya Yagyu, and had no intention of dragging his sister forward forcibly. Because he had experienced the incident at the bookstore, he knew that Natsuya Yagyu's personal strength was not something he could fight against, so in this If Shi Shi and Liu Sheng Xia Ye turned against each other, he would be the one who would suffer in the end.

"Gongmi, are you really not going with me?" In the end, Kyouichi Kazanin could only ask Kyoumi Kazanin again, as long as Kyoumi Kazanin nodded, he knew that Yagyu Xia Ye would not stop her.

However, when Kazanin Kyouichi was disappointed, facing his question, Kazanin Kyoumi shook her head directly, her attitude was already very obvious.

"You can take your hand out now, if you can't, you can call me directly." Yagyu Xia Ye said this to Kyoumi Hanayamain.

After Yagyu Natsuya's words fell, Hanayamain Kyoumi could feel that her brother's strength in pinching her wrist was a little less, so she tried to free her hand from Hanayamain Kyouichi's bondage.

After trying three times in a row, Yagyu Natsuya slightly tugged Kayamain Kyoumi's body, letting Kayamain Kyouichi feel this movement, Kayamain Kyoumi's hand left the bondage of Hanayamain Kyouichi.

"You wait for me!"

Through the movements, Kyouichi Hanayamain knew that Yagyu Natsuya's patience had almost reached its limit, so he loosened the restraint on his sister's wrist.

However, Kyouichi Hanayamain felt very ashamed by such a thing, so he wanted to say something harsh to Yagyu Xiaye.

It's a pity that facing Kyouichi Hanayamain's threats, Yagyu Xia Ye shrugged indifferently and said, "You are welcome anytime!"

The lack of tea like Yagyu Natsuya made Kyoichi Kazanin very hurt, especially in front of his sister Kyoumi Kazanin, and Kyoichi Kazanin, who was alone, really didn't dare to seek revenge on Natsuya Yagyu.

Now Kyoumi Hanayamain could no longer follow him, so he could only walk to the dark place of the alley alone.

"elder brother……"

Kyoumi Kazanin didn't keep up with Kyouichi Kazanin, but she wanted to stop Kyouichi Kazanin, but the final result didn't do what she wanted, and Kyouichi Kazanin disappeared into the darkness of the alley, as if she wasn't here just now.

"Shall I call a car to take you home now?"

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