"Xiaozhi and careful big brother, do you have a mobile phone? Can you lend me a call and ask my mother to pick me up."

Kyoumi Hanayamain called Yagyu Xiaye very strangely, she didn't call her name Yagyu Xiaye, but added Xiaozhi and Xiaozhi's name in front of her big brother.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Since we were with your mother, why did you agree to come out at this time?" Liu Shengxia Ye didn't care about anything, and handed the phone directly to Kyoumi Hanayamain, but asked curiously.

Kyoumi Huashanin dialed the number very proficiently, but she also answered Liu Shengxiaye's question during this period, saying: "My brother and I are separated. I follow my mother, and my brother follows my father. I am here during this period of time." I was playing, it seems that I am going back..."

Before he finished speaking, the phone was connected.

"Mom, I'm Gongmei. The strange call is from someone else's phone. My brother and I got separated. Can you come and pick me up? I'm in..."

After Hanayamain said the address where she wanted to wait for her mother, she hung up the phone, and when she handed the phone to Liu Sheng Xia Ye, she found Liu Sheng Xia Ye was staring at her, and asked puzzledly: " Any questions?"

Liu Sheng Xia Ye took the phone, shook his head and said, "No problem, it's just that your performance is too surprising. Do you want me to take you to the place where your mother is waiting?"

"Well, I need it!" Kyoumi Hanazanin was not polite, and accepted Yagyu Xiaye's help.

It's just that after Yagyu Xiaye delivered Kyoumi Hanayamain, she realized that she was familiar with the boss here, and it should be that the boss was familiar with Kyoumi Hanayamain's mother.

Since they were all acquaintances, Yagyu Xiaye didn't intend to stay with Kyoumi Hanayamain and wait for her mother, but went back to the dark alley.

Yagyu Xiaye, who returned again, bought water and tissues, and when he arrived at the previous location, he found that the middle-aged man had really vomited.

"Uncle, can you still stand up?" Liu Shengxia Ye reached out to help the middle-aged uncle who was still slumped on the ground.

It was easy to pull him up, but because the middle-aged uncle didn't cooperate, he slid along Liu Shengxia Ye's body and sat on the ground.

"I'm not wrong!" The middle-aged uncle actually yelled like this, and the strong smell of alcohol permeated Liu Shengxia Ye's surroundings.

This is an uncle with a story, and he really can't be left here, but such a drunken state can't solve any problems.

Liu Shengxia Ye pulled the middle-aged man up again, this time Liu Sheng Xia Ye didn't give him a chance to slide down again, after fixing the uncle with his feet, Liu Sheng Xia Ye stretched out his palm and pressed hard on his mate patted.


The middle-aged uncle was slapped by Liu Shengxia Ye and threw up, and when the contents of his stomach were almost vomited, Liu Sheng Xia Ye put the middle-aged uncle aside.And the middle-aged uncle is a little sober now, he no longer yells what he said before, but talks about water.

Liu Shengxia Ye unscrewed the cap of the water bottle, and handed it to the middle-aged man.

There was no accident when drinking water, but the water was not drunk, but all spit out after gargling.

"Thank you!" The middle-aged uncle said thankfully after receiving the tissue from Liu Shengxia Ye to wipe his mouth.

"No, if you're fine, I'll go back first, it's almost time for dinner." Seeing that the middle-aged uncle had almost sobered up, Liu Shengxia Ye was also preparing to leave.

If I go back very late today, maybe Gui Xin and Ito Zhi will think that Liu Sheng Xia Ye doesn't want them two again.

"Young man, please wait a moment!" The middle-aged uncle called to stop Liu Shengxia Ye.

"Is there anything else? I lost my wallet and can't go home? Then tell me your address, and I'll call a car to take you back." If it's just a normal incident, Liu Shengxia must wait for the person to wake up. He left, but this middle-aged uncle still didn't forget to stop Kyouichi Hanayamain's behavior in a drunk state, which made him appreciate it, so help him to the end as long as he can.

After listening to Liu Shengxia Ye's words, the middle-aged uncle first groped around and found that not only the wallet was missing, but even the mobile phone was missing.

It's just that his mobile phone is not accessible to ordinary people, and only he can replace the communication card in it, so I don't worry too much.

"Young man, can you have a drink with me?" The middle-aged uncle extended an invitation to Liu Shengxia Ye.

"Uncle, now that you're sober, you should realize that I'm just a high school student. You can't drink alcohol if you're underage." Yagyu Xia Ye said to the middle-aged uncle.

Liu Shengxia's words also made the middle-aged uncle laugh, and said: "Your persistence is really similar to someone, but fruit wine should be no problem..."

"I have to go home, or they will worry about me."

"Just make a phone call back and explain the situation. If they don't believe it, you can also give me the phone and I will prove it to you."

"Why do I have to drink with you?"

"Because you saved me, if you ignore me here, maybe some accident will happen to me, and you may be in trouble at that time."

"If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have rescued you."

"Anyway, you're going to make a move, so save me as an incident, so do the good thing to the end and go have a drink with me." After the middle-aged uncle finished speaking, he pointed to the person with the word "wine" floating in the dark alley. shop.

It is also possible that he is really an alcoholic, and the wine house can be accurately found in such darkness.

"It's only now that I feel that I have caused a big trouble." Liu Shengxia Ye took out his mobile phone, edited a text message and explained the situation here to Gui Yanye, and then said helplessly to the middle-aged uncle.


"Boss, here are two signature wines."

"Uncle, I told you I don't drink."

"I'm ordering this for myself, Boss, and I'll order two servings of fruit wine for the little brother next to me."

"Why do I have two copies?"


In the end, Liu Shengxia also had two servings of fruit wine in front of him, and the middle-aged uncle drank it on his own.

Yagyu Xiaye tasted the fruit wine from this shop, and it tasted okay.

After seeing Liu Shengxia's drinking posture, the middle-aged uncle said with a smile: "He also said that he doesn't drink, this kind of posture is only for people who have been drinking alcohol all the year round, do you need me to replace it with mine? ?”

After listening to the middle-aged uncle's words, Liu Shengxia Ye put down the fruit wine glass in his hand, and then changed into a popular posture.

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