"As long as it's made by you, Xia Ye, we have no objection whether it's western cakes or anything else." Xiyuan Temple World said to Yagyu Xia Ye, because only she and Qingpu Setsuna know that Liu Sheng Xia Ye's craftsmanship besides western cakes In addition, he can also cook authentic meals, and the craftsmanship of western cakes is only incidental.

"My house also has a kitchen dedicated to cooking, and there is also a place to eat." Kuroda Hikaru did not know what appeared next to them, and said that there was a place to cook for Yagyu Xia Ye.

The eyes of Saiyuanji World and Kiyoura Setsuna are full of expectations, because they know that the food cooked by Yagyu Xiaye is delicious, and Kanroji Nanami and Kato Otome also saw the expectations of Saiyuanji World, Then he also looked at Liu Shengxia Ye.

Now, Liu Shengxia Ye felt that if he didn't prepare dinner, he couldn't go home.

"Okay, but I can't do much." In the end, Yagyu Xia Ye could only agree.

"If it's not enough, I'll top it off with western cakes. Let Setsuna help you." Xiyuan Temple World suggested.

Yagyu Xiaye looked at Qingpu Setsuna, and found that Qingpu Setsuna did not object or refuse, obviously waiting for Liusheng Xiaye's choice.

Anyway, with one more person, the completion speed would be faster, so Yagyu Xiaye did not refuse Xiyuanji World's offer of Kiyoura Setsuna's help.

"Great, Setsuna, it's finally time for you to show your strength." Xiyuanji World was happy for his friend Qingpu Setsuna.

"It's just to help Yagyu-san." Although Qingpu Setsuna is not as excited as the non-participant in Saiyuanji World, but for being able to help Yagyu Xia Ye at this time, Qingpu Setsuna still feels happy in his heart, but he is not It's easy to show.

"Setsuna, then I'll take you there." Yagyu Xiaye and Qingpu Setsuna were ready, and the host, Kuroda Hikaru, immediately came out to lead the way.

Author's message:

Thank you for a monthly ticket support from the rain in the shadows, thank you

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the private kitchen of the Kuroda family, there are only Yagyu Natsuya and Kiyoura Setsuna. Whether it is Kuroda Hikaru who is the host or the three people of Saiyuan Temple World, they are all waiting outside.

In fact, with the level of cooking in the world of Saiyuanji, it is absolutely possible to help Yagyu Xiaye to make dinner, but in the end she pushed this opportunity to her friend Kiyoura Setsuna.

"Student Yagyu, I'm sorry I can't help you too much." Kiyoura Setsuna saw that Yagyu Xiaye wanted to go back early, but after facing the request from Xiyuanji Shijie and others, Yagyu Xiaye did not refuse That's what caused this to happen.

Although even if Qingpu Setsuna's cooking has reached the level of Yagyu Xiaye, it cannot represent the food that Yagyu Xiaye personally cooked, and Qingpu Setsuna knows this.

However, if the level of cooking was higher, Liu Shengxia Ye wouldn't have to work so hard. After all, Liu Sheng Xia Ye had been busy all day in the front kitchen.

"Setsuna, you don't have to belittle yourself, you have already helped me a lot, let's start making today's dinner." After what he said before, Yagyu Xiaye will not be perfunctory, so he is going to ask Qingpu Setsuna to start helping Yes, and at the same time, I plan to give Kiyoura Setsuna some advice at this time, so that she can be more confident in her cooking.


With Qingpu Setsuna's assistance, it didn't take long for Yagyu Xiaye to prepare the dinner for Xiyuanji Shijie and others today.

In the end, it was Kiyoura Setsuna who went out and asked Xiyuanji Shijie and others to come to the kitchen to serve the dishes.

When Yagyu Xia Ye came out to the restaurant in front, there were no customers. Xiyuan Temple World and others went to the kitchen at the back together, and only Kuroda and his daughter were in front.

"Boy Yagyu, are you planning to leave?" Kuroda Hikaru's father asked after seeing Yagyu Xia Yechang take off his chef's clothes and put on the casual clothes he came here.

"Yes, there is nothing going on here now, and there are people at home who are waiting for me to go back." When talking to Kuroda Hikaru's father, Liu Shengxiaye didn't mean to hide anything, but he didn't say that Gui Yanye was waiting He just went back.

"Yagyu-san, wait a minute." Now Kuroda Hikaru has begun to get used to this address for Yagyu Xia Ye. You must know that this address was only used when the Xiyuan Temple World was there, and the rest of the time. Use "you" to address Yagyu Xiaye.Although the word "you" is still present, the meaning is different.

Kuroda Hikaru's father did not stop his daughter, but said to Yagyu Xiaye: "No matter what you say, thank you very much for what happened today."

"It's not a bad experience for me." Liu Sheng Xia Ye didn't care about it.

And Xiyuan Temple World, Kiyoura Seta and others have now brought out the dinner prepared by Yagyu Xiaye. Originally, there was a special place for private meals at the back, but usually Kuroda Hikaru and his daughter Use, now that there are so many more people at once, the space is obviously not enough.

In the end, Xiyuan Temple World proposed to bring it to the restaurant in front, anyway, it seems that there will be no more customers.After all, the news of Kuroda Hikaru's father's injury was known by some familiar guests, and it happened that most of the people who came here at night were acquaintances.

After they put away the food, they all saw Yagyu Xia Ye who had already changed her clothes.

"Xia Ye, won't you stay and eat with me?" Xiyuan Temple World asked.

The reason why Liu Sheng Xia Ye was asked to cook at this time was entirely because he wanted Liu Sheng Xia Ye to have enough time to finish dinner with them before going home.In this way, I don't have to worry that Liu Sheng Xia Ye will come home late, and I can spend more time with Liu Sheng Xia Ye.

"I haven't worked like this for a long time, and my body seems to be protesting a little."

This is also true.

After all, since Gui Yanye's culinary skills improved, apart from Gui Xin and Ito Zhi's bitter demands, Yagyu Xia Ye seldom cooks anything except breakfast and bento.

And the few days when I went to Sacred Maple College as an exchange student last week, Yagyu Xiaye was completely laziest, so it is quite normal for my body to feel a little uncoordinated after working in the bakery for so long today.

Compared with Yagyu Xia Ye, it was easier for the four people from Xiyuan Temple World to help outside. After all, when Kuroda Hikaru's father was well, all this was Kuroda Hikaru's job alone.

Therefore, they agreed with Liu Shengxia Ye's explanation, and they all asked Liu Sheng Xia Ye to go back and rest early.

Hikaru Kuroda came out again at this time, holding a box in his hand, which was a takeaway box from Kuroda's bakery.

"This is for Xiaoxin and Xiaozhi." When Yagyu Xiaye and Kiyoura Setsuna were cooking in the kitchen, Kuroda Hikaru accepted the enlightenment of Saiyuanji World, Kato Otome and Ganroji Nanami, and finally Kuroda Hikaru also expressed his willingness. I made a clear relationship with Sawayong Taisuke.

At the same time, he also knew about the development of the relationship between the Saiyuanji World and Yagyu Xia Ye, and Kuroda Hikaru also knew about Gui Xin and Ito Yuki who had been to Radish.

Therefore, this gift was not brought back to Gui Yanye, but to Gui Xin and Ito Zhi.

"Thank you." Yagyu Xiaye also accepted Kuroda Hikaru's gift.

"You made this, Yagyu-san. The cakes I made are so different from yours." Hikaru Kuroda said something that almost made everyone burst into laughter. He actually used the cakes made by Yagyu Xiaye as a gift. thing.

Kuroda Hikaru's father was also happy, and said: "Hikari, if you want to give Liu Sheng a gift, just make a gift with your heart after I recover from my injury."

"No need, this will do." Yagyu Xiaye rejected Kuroda Hikaru's father's proposal.

Guixin, Ito Yuki, and Jingi Uzuki were not able to come to the bakery together today, and they felt a little bit of resentment in their hearts, so it was okay to bring something back to Yagyu Xiaye.Even if he did it himself, he performed super-level today, Gui Xin and the little lolita should not be able to eat it.

"Uncle, goodbye Kuroda-san." Yagyu Xiaye said goodbye to the Kuroda father and daughter before turning to Saiyuanji World and the others, "World, Setsuna, Nanami, and Otome, thank you for being here together today."

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