"We are also Hikari's friends, so this has nothing to do with you, Xia Ye." Although Xiyuanji World said so, no matter whether it is herself or Kiyoura Setsuna, this is Ganroji Nanami and Kato Otome, But it was really because of Liu Sheng Xia Ye that they gathered here today.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It's just that no one is saying that now.

Yagyu Xiaye left the Kuroda family's bakery with the gift Kuroda Hikaru had prepared for him, and after Yagyu Xiaye left, the atmosphere in the restaurant was a little dull.

Seeing this atmosphere, Kuroda Hikaru's father seemed to understand something. Originally, he wanted to ask Kuroda Hikaru to leave together, but when he thought of Xiyuan Temple World and others coming here today, apart from coming with Yagyu Xiaye, I just came to see Hikaru Kuroda.

"Guang, you stay here with your classmates. I'll go to the hospital next door to remove the thread."

There is a private hospital next door to Kuroda's Bakery, so when talking to Yagyu Xia Ye, Kuroda Hikaru's father said that the stitches could be removed at night.

Although it's not night yet, it's the best way to get out of here.

After Kuroda Hikaru's father finished speaking, he also left the bakery immediately. After turning over the business sign outside, he left the whole bakery to Hikaru Kuroda, Xiyuan Temple World and others.

Although she left the bakery at about the same time as Liu Sheng Xia Ye, she did not find Liu Sheng Xia Ye after she went out, indicating that Liu Sheng Xia Ye was really planning to go home.

So, Hikaru Kuroda's father walked towards the private hospital where the stitches could be removed.


Although you can take the tram to get off near Gui's house, it still takes a long distance to get from the bakery to the station.

Being able to go home so quickly made Liusheng Xiaye quite satisfied. Although there were physical reasons, Liusheng Xiaye didn't want to break his promise to Gui Yanye to go home early.

However, when he was at the station, Liu Shengxia Ye stopped his steps to get on the train.

Because in the crowd, Liu Shengxia Ye found a maverick, and the things in his hands made Liu Shengxia Ye feel very familiar.

She is a beautiful girl who looks like Yagyu Natsuya, who is about the same age as a high school student, but judging from her attire, she is definitely not someone who can be raised by a simple family.

In this kind of aura, Yagyu Xiaye had only experienced it in his sister Yagyu Kubei.

It's just that the aura of this beautiful girl in sight is not as strong as Yagyu Kubei's.

The behavior of Liusheng Xiaye's staring salute was also noticed by the beautiful girl. She stood up from her seat, took the things in her hand and walked towards Liusheng Xiaye. She was about two body distances away from Liusheng Xiaye, and asked: "Excuse me, do you know which unit in this county the clothes belong to?"

"Maybe it's mine." Yagyu Xiaye didn't know this beautiful girl, but the clothes in his hand did feel familiar to Yagyu Xiaye, because it was the school uniform of boys from Sakakino Academy.

What Yagyu Xia Ye said made the beautiful girl chuckle, and then said: "Although you are not wearing a uniform, I think you should be a person who has entered the society. Although it is easy to win the favor of others by pretending to be tender, but this It doesn't work for me, because I'm not interested in those who are younger than me."

"I am a person who has stepped into society?" Liu Shengxia Ye was also a little dazed.

"Yes, the unique smell on your body has not dissipated, and the thing in your hand should be brought back to your girlfriend, right?"

After Liu Shengxia Ye heard the beautiful girl's words, Liu Sheng Xia Ye also sniffed and noticed something strange.

Although Yagyu Xiaye had changed into a chef's costume when he was in the bakery kitchen, the smell of making cakes after a long time was still left on his body, and the gift he was holding was a bit unique.

"Sorry, I don't have a girlfriend yet." After Liu Shengxia Ye finished speaking, he handed the gift in his hand to the beautiful girl.

A little puzzled, he took the things that Liu Shengxia Ye handed over, and before she could ask any questions, Liu Sheng Xia Ye continued, "Lend me the school uniform in your hand."

After the beautiful girl heard Yagyu Xiaye say that the clothes in her hand were school uniforms, she canceled any hesitation, because she never told Yagyu Xiaye that the uniforms in her hands were school uniforms.

Yagyu Xia Ye took the school uniform from the beautiful girl and put it on him, the size was just right.

However, because there is no special identification skill on the personal school uniform, Yagyu Xiaye is not sure whether the school uniform in the hand of this beautiful girl is his.

However, now Yagyu Xiaye does not intend to return this school uniform to the beautiful girl.

The tram that Yagyu Xiaye missed before stopped again, and Yagyu Xiaye walked towards the tram.Seeing this situation, the beautiful girl wanted to catch up with Yagyu Xia Ye, and said, "Give me back the school uniform, because it's me..."

"This is the school uniform of Sakakino Academy, together with the cakes I made myself, it can be regarded as a bargaining chip for exchanging school uniforms with you." Xia Ye Yagyu has already stepped on the tram, but there are still people getting on the train, so the door is still open. Without closing it, Yagyu Xiaye's words could still be perfectly conveyed to the beautiful girl's ears. "If your hair can be shoulder-length short, I think it will surprise you even more. Goodbye!"

After Yagyu Xia Ye waved to the beautiful girl, the tram started to leave.


Yukinoshita Haruno was very depressed. He thought the station was an easy place to get news, but he didn't expect that even the school uniform was cheated by a nasty guy in the end.

And what about exchanging gifts and news of where the school uniform is.

You know, just now Yukinoshita Yonoko said that the gift she is holding now should be the gift that that nasty guy gave to his girlfriend.

Now that the gift was in her hands, it felt like she had fallen into her own trap.

Thinking of this, Yukinoshita Yono wanted to throw this gift on the ground, but after remembering that nasty guy said he made it himself, Yukinoshita Yono hesitated.

"Sakakino Academy? It's a pity that I don't have time to continue the investigation. It's better that the information given to me is accurate, otherwise..." Yukinoshita Haruno tore open the gift wrapping, looked When I went to the signboard of Kuroda's West Bakery inside, I also wrote down the name of the shop.

It's been a long time here, Yukinoshita Yoshino is also a little hungry, and after unwrapping the wrapping paper, the food inside is exuding a tempting aroma.

"It's delicious, I never thought there would be such delicious cakes here."

After tasting the food inside, Yukinoshita Haruno was very surprised, because the taste was beyond her imagination.

And that nasty guy just now seemed to have said that he did it himself.Originally, Yukinoshita Yangnai didn't want to believe this answer, but the smell on that guy's body overlaps with the taste of the cake she is eating now, so the cake is probably made by that guy.

So, is he also from Sakakino Academy?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After seeing that nasty guy skillfully put on the school uniform she brought, Yukinoshita Yono also knew that her estimation of that guy was wrong.

That guy is not a social person, he is definitely a student. Although he doesn't know if he is a high school student or a college student, he only needs to come to Sakakino Academy to gradually understand.

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