On the tram to Sakakano Gakuen, I didn't meet Makoto Ito and Taisuke Sawayong, the gay couple, Yagyu Xia Ye and Gui Yanye both had seats.

"Xia Ye, did you see something in their school just now?" Gui Yanye called Liu Sheng Xia Ye to leave, half of the reason was because he discovered that Liu Sheng Xia Ye was in a trance at that time.

"It's nothing, I just saw an acquaintance."

"Xia Ye, can you not move first?" After hearing Liu Sheng Xia Ye's answer, Gui Yanye told Liu Sheng Xia Ye not to move.

Although it was a bit strange, Yagyu Xiaye still found a comfortable position, and then fixed his sitting position.

After making an ok expression to Gui Yanye, under the gaze of Liu Shengxia Ye, Gui Yanye actually leaned his head on his shoulder like this.

Liu Shengxia Ye was surprised by Gui Yanye's sudden action, but he didn't stop him, so he let Gui Yanye lean on him.

"Xia Ye, isn't it a bit familiar?"

Gui Yanye just leaned on Liusheng Xiaye's shoulder like this. After several stops on the tram, when he was about to approach Sakakino Academy, Gui Yanye also raised his head from Liusheng Xiaye's shoulder, because during this journey Che's Sakakino Academy has a lot of students.

Gui Yanye's words reminded Liu Shengxiaye of the first encounter between him and Gui Yanye.

It's also in the tram, and it's also on the road to Sakakino Academy.

It's just that at that time, Liu Shengxia Ye leaned on Gui Yanye's shoulder, causing Gui Yanye to feel the pain in his shoulder, but at that time, he waited for Liu Shengxia Ye to wake up before saying to let Liu Sheng Xia Ye look up.

Now it was Gui Yanye who was leaning on Liu Shengxia Ye's shoulder. Liu Sheng Xia Ye didn't feel the pain in his shoulder, but Gui Yanye raised his head proactively.

"Yes, that was our first meeting."

Yagyu Xia Ye was able to remember it, which made Gui Yanye smile very happily, but after seeing the students from Sakakino Academy getting on the bus, he put away this smile.Fortunately, he didn't distance himself from Liu Shengxia Ye in the carriage, so it seemed that he had improved a little.



The tram stopped at the shop of Sakakino Academy, Yagyu Xiaye and Gui Yanye got off the tram together, and then walked towards Sakakano Academy.

On the way, some students from Class [-] of the first year also gathered beside Liu Shengxia Ye and Gui Yanye. The main thing was that the girls walked with Gui Yanye.

The semi-organized entry of the fourth class of the year also attracted the attention of some people, but when it was time to enter the school gate, Liu Shengxia Ye was attracted by another group of people.

It should be a group of people stopping a person.

Moreover, Liu Shengxia Ye knew each other on both sides, and there was such a deep relationship, no matter good or bad.

"Get out of the way."

"How did you feel about last weekend?"

"Don't think about it!"

The person who was blocked was Hikaru Kuroda, and those who stood in front of her were some other first-year students headed by Zeyong Taisuke and Ito Makoto, but they were not from Class Three.

Because the relationship between Zeyong Taisuke and Zeyong Taisuke is no longer a secret in the third class of the year, no one likes to have any contact with the current Ito Makoto and Zeyong Taisuke.

After seeing that this was an internal strife in class three, the girls in class four wanted to persuade Gui Yanye to stay away.

After all, Hikari Kuroda not only targeted Gui Yanye in the past and was seen by them, but also at the sports meeting, Hikari Kuroda once organized a cheering team for three classes a year to fight against Makoto Ito and Makoto Ito who participated in the competition. Taisuke Sawayong cheered.

But because of Zeyong Taisuke and Ito Makoto's death, provoking Yagyu Xia Ye was completely defeated and lost the game, which also made the cheering team of the third class of the year have no real combat effectiveness.

Therefore, Kuroda Hikaru can be regarded as the enemy of the fourth class of the year.

However, when the girls in the class asked Gui Yanye to stay away from Kuroda Hikaru, although Gui Yanye didn't go directly to help Kuroda Hikaru, but she found Yagyu Xia Ye.

"Summer night..."

Regarding Kuroda Hikaru, Gui Yanye's emotions are not as heavy as those of Ganluji Nanami and Kato Otome.Moreover, during the sports meeting, Gui Yanye also got to know another side of Kuroda Hikaru. In addition, when Yagyu Xiaye’s bakery was learned at the bakery of Kuroda’s family, Gui Yanye chose to ask Liusheng Xiaye for help.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of this matter." Liu Shengxia Ye made a gesture of reassurance to Gui Yanye, and then asked her to go back and stay with the girls in Class [-] of the first year.

In fact, there was no need for Gui Yanye to ask for help, Liu Shengxia Ye also planned to make a move.

When I went to Kuroda's Bakery on Saturday, I accepted the entrustment of Kuroda Hikaru's father. I wanted to watch over that guy, Taisuke Sawa in the school, and let him stop disturbing Kuroda Hikaru's life in Sakakino Academy. .

The current Zeyong Taisuke is obviously still pestering Kuroda Hikaru, and from the conversation just now, Yagyu Xiaye also heard that Zeyong Taisuke wanted Kuroda Hikaru to promise him to go to the bakery last week to bring it up that stupid suggestion.

"Kuroda-san, if you don't agree to Taisuke's request, you might not be able to enter the school today." Ito Makoto reminded Kuroda Hikaru at this time, and even called Zeyong Taisuke's name intimately.

"Disgusting." Kuroda Hikaru replied to Ito Makoto with only two words.

"What do you mean……"

"What do you mean, what are you doing here if you don't go to school?" Before Makoto Ito could finish his words, someone interrupted him.

The people who suddenly appeared were the students from the Sakakano Academy Student Union. When I saw these people, the people who came here to support Makoto Ito and Taisuke Sawayong were also a little confused. You must know that they were only first graders. For the official mechanism of the Student Union Still a little scared.

Only someone relieved their worries, that is Sawa Yong Taisuke.

"The student union is amazing, and you can only be responsible for things within the school. You all stand outside the school gate, and I will see if the student union dares to come out and sanction us." As the younger brother of the school's physical education teacher Miki Zeyong, The ability and scope of some organizations in the school must be better than ordinary students, so Zeyong Taisuke took advantage of this to check and balance the students in the student union.

Seeing the unsightly faces of some student council members, the first-year freshmen who came to help also agreed with Sawayong Taisuke's statement, and all stood outside the school gate, and of course Kuroda Hikaru was also blocked from the outside.

Author's message:

Thanks to Liu Aotian~ for the reward of 1500 happy coins and 2 monthly tickets for the support, and thanks to Van der Sar for not going too far and Aqin for the reward of happy coins

ps: In view of the response, it is better to restore the title from today.

?Chapter Three hundred and eighty-seven Miki Sawanaga's Means

Seeing that these guys really walked out of the school gate like this, some members of the student union wanted to go out with them, but they were immediately stopped.

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