"Don't go out, they are trying to provoke you." The person who had talked with Yagyu Xia Ye last week stopped his companions from going out of the school gate to chase Zeyong Taisuke and Ito Makoto.

Zeyong Taisuke is right. Although the student union is an official organization of the school, its power and scope are slightly limited, and things outside the school cannot be controlled in the name of the student union.

It was this point that Zeyong Taisuke took advantage of. If they wanted to leave the school to seek justice, they had to give up their status as a student union.

But those who gave up their student union status are the same as ordinary students, so Zeyong Taisuke and Ito Makoto will not be afraid at all because of the number of people.

What Taisuke Zeyong and Makoto Ito bet on is that these guys from the student union will not give up their identity as a student union for the sake of Hikaru Kuroda.

"I haven't seen you for a few days. I didn't expect your IQ to rise a little bit." When Zeyong Taisuke and Ito Makoto turned their heads to provoke the members of the student union, Yagyu Xiaye also walked up to Kuroda Hikaru and stretched out his hand He pulled Kuroda Hikaru behind him.

"Summer night..."

Kuroda Hikaru did not expect that the person standing up for her at this time would be Yagyu Xiaye, but before he could finish his words of gratitude and worry, he was interrupted by the person opposite.


"Ten crowned kings."

The names for Yagyu Xia Ye were a bit complicated, but these first-year freshmen did not use the same attitude towards Yagyu Xia Ye as they had just done to Kuroda Hikaru.

You know, it wasn't just Liu Shengxia who won the title of Ten Champions at the sports meeting that made them so careful, there were also people who had personally experienced the cafeteria incident back then.So they knew how big the gap was with Yagyu Xiaye, and if they were right with Yagyu Xiaye, they might end up like Ito Makoto and Sawayong Taisuke in the cafeteria incident.

Taisuke Sawa and Makoto Ito rested for several days after they were injured. Although there are quite a few of them gathered together today, they don't think they can face Yagyu Xiaye perfectly.

Taking a neat step back, he entered the range of Sakakino Academy.

And after these guys entered the school, the members of the student union did not take care of them immediately, but looked at the exposed Zeyong Taisuke and Ito Makoto.

The sudden retreat of the friendly troops also made Sawayong Taisuke and Ito Makoto a little confused, but when they turned around and saw Yagyu Natsuya standing in front of Kuroda Hikaru, their faces turned dark all of a sudden.

Because of the noisy sound just now, Taisuke Zeyong and Makoto Ito did not recognize Yagyu Xia Ye's voice at the first time.

"Liu Sheng, this is a matter between me and Hikari, you shouldn't interfere." Zeyong Taisuke felt that there should be a reason for Yagyu Xiaye to stop.

After hearing Taisuke Sawayong's words, Yagyu Natsuya nodded irresistibly, as if agreeing with Taisuke Sawayong's words.Just when Sawayong Taisuke was about to show a smile, he immediately went on to say: "I didn't want to disturb, but I accepted the entrustment of Mr. Kuroda's father, so at this time I should do my duty. Now It's almost time for class, you may not take it seriously as the younger brother of the school teacher, but we don't have your background, and honestly attending class is what we should do."

"So, please let me go!"

After listening to Yagyu Natsuya's words, Ito Makoto and the first-year friends behind Sawayong Taisuke lined up on both sides, and gave Yagyu Natsuya a way to enter Sakakino Academy.

At the very beginning, the background behind Taisuke Zeyong was their support, but when they knew that they were facing Xia Ye Yagyu, they chose to believe the judgment of the scene instead of what Taisuke Zeyong said before. words.

However, Yagyu Natsuya did not bring Kuroda Hikaru into Sakakano Academy, because there were still two people in front of him who did not get out of the way, namely Sawayong Taisuke and Ito Makoto.

The lessons of the past made Ito Makoto and Zeyong Taisuke want to make way for Yagyu Natsuya, but when they thought that the plan might solve their problems, they chose to stay in front of Yagyu Natsuya and wait for the result of Kuroda Hikaru's choice .

Liu Shengxia Ye also felt a little surprised by such persistence, and it seemed that another solution was needed.

"Yagyu-san, please wait a moment!"

When Yagyu Natsuya was about to make a move, a female voice came from a distance, which made Yagyu Natsuya stop, and also made Ito Makoto and Sawayong Taisuke look a little uncomfortable.

When everyone saw who was coming, they were also surprised, because the person who stopped Yagyu Xiaye was Taisuke Sawayong's sister, Miki Sawayong.

Is Miki Sawanaga here to help her younger brother Taisuke Sawanaga?Everyone is guessing.

"Sorry, what happened today was my negligence."

The thing that these people were expecting by Miki Sawanaga to blame Yagyu Xia Ye did not happen. Instead, Miki Zeinaga apologized to Xia Ye Yagyu.

And it's not just that, Miki Sawayong, who didn't get an apology response, went directly to Ito Makoto and Sawayong Taisuke, and kicked them several times, causing Zeyong Taisuke and Ito Makoto to fall to the ground on the ground.

"I will teach these two guys a lesson in the future. Can today's matter be over like this?" Although I don't know what happened at the school gate, but judging from the communication with Liu Shengxia Ye last week, it is absolutely It was Zeyong Taisuke and Ito Makoto who first went to provoke Yanagi Natsuya.


"shut up."

Taisuke Zeyong was very dissatisfied, and wanted to stand up and explain the matter, but after being reprimanded by Miki Zeyong, he stopped talking.

Miki Zeyong's attitude made the surrounding students very puzzled, especially those students who had not experienced the cafeteria incident at the beginning.

You know, Miki Sawanaga is the physical education teacher of Sakakano Academy, and Yagyu Natsuya is just a student of Sakano Academy. Even if she won the title of Ten Champions in the sports meeting, it is just a title.

According to their thinking, Miki Zeyong should stand up to defend her brother and Makoto Ito first, and then embarrass Yagyu Xia Ye.

"Yagyu, you can enter school now, right?" The real world is not only different from what they imagined, but also very different, making them think that Yagyu Natsuya and Sawanaga Miki have reversed their identities Location.

?Chapter [-]: The Care of Two Friends

Zeyong Miki ignored the astonishment of the students around her. What she wanted to confirm most now was Yagyu Xiaye's attitude towards this matter.

"If they are willing to get out of the way." Liu Shengxia Ye also stated his conditions.

Now, although Taisuke Sawayong and Makoto Ito were kicked to the ground by Miki Sawayong, they still stood in the way of Yagyu Xiaye's entrance to the school.Although Yagyu Natsuya, without the threat, could take Kuroda Hikaru to bypass Sawayong Taisuke and Ito Makoto and enter the school, but Yagyu Natsuya decided that it would be best to enter the school straight and straight.

After listening to Yagyu Natsuya's words, Zeyong Taisuke and Ito Makoto looked at each other, and they both decided that they would not take the initiative to give way to Yagyu Natsuya unless Yagyu Natsuya attacked them first.

However, what they waited for was not Yagyu Xiaye's attack on them, but Zeyong Miki's attack on them.

As the physical education teacher of Sakakino Gakuen, Miki Zeyong is not a weak woman, so she twisted the other with one hand, and easily separated Taisuke Zeyong and Makoto Ito, and moved Natsuya Yagyu forward. The way was given out.

"Kuroda-san, you can go in now." Yagyu Xiaye didn't intend to continue to embarrass Zeyong Taisuke and Ito Makoto after seeing the result of Zeyong Miki's treatment.

What surprised Yagyu Xia Ye was that Kuroda Hikaru did not walk in front of him, but followed him obediently.

Yagyu Xiaye who originally wanted to go back to Gui Yanye and enter the school with Gui Yanye had no choice but to enter the school with Kuroda Hikaru today.

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