
Gui Yanye and the two little lolis were a bit dull when they were eating, mainly because Liu Shengxia Ye was not around. Their schoolbags were taken out from Yagyu Xiaye's room.

Although all the attention was on Liu Shengxia Ye before, Gui Yanye noticed the two conspicuous schoolbags of Gui Xin and Ito Zhi.

After everything was done, Gui Yanye started to decoct Liu Sheng Xia Ye.

Last night I said that there was only the last pack of medicine, so Gui Yanye asked Liu Shengxia Ye to take out the last pack, because then Gui Yanye would not have to go to Liu Shengxia Ye's room to look for it.

During the decoction process, Gui Yanye went to Liu Shengxia Ye's room again.

However, he didn't enter the room, just opened the door to confirm, and found that Liu Sheng Xia Ye was still sleeping very quietly on the bed, and the two schoolbags on his desk had been taken away, and the two little girls, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, were not there either. In the room, it seemed that they also hoped that Liu Shengxia could sleep better.

After closing the door, Gui Yanye returned to the kitchen.

After decocting the medicine, Gui Yanye did not bring it to Liu Shengxia Ye's room, but put it in the kitchen.

Afterwards, I went to the bathroom to fill up the bath water, then went to the room of Gui Xin and Ito Zhi to ask the two little girls to come out to take a bath, and then went to the room of Yagyu Xia Ye to leave a note.


Liu Sheng Xiaye opened his eyes from the bed, and found that the moonlight was shining into his room, and only then did he realize that he had fallen asleep for a long time.

Uncovering the quilt on his body, Liu Sheng Xia Ye sat up from the bed.

It should be Gui Yanye who brought her here and was sleeping on the bed, because the two little girls, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, didn't have the strength to move his body.

Suddenly, Liu Shengxia Ye felt that his lower lip seemed to be slightly swollen.

"The two little guys are doing evil again." Liu Sheng Xia Ye put the cause of the swollen lower lip on Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, and at the same time relaxed a lot.

Fortunately, the two little lolis, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, just bit his lips instead of doing other things.

After getting up from the bed, Liu Sheng Xia Ye found his mobile phone and checked the time, it was already twelve o'clock.

Moreover, when Liu Sheng Xiaye was concerned, someone sent a message to his mobile phone.

After unlocking it, it was found that the message was sent by Yagyu Kubei.

"Tomorrow, a special driver's license will be placed in the mailbox at the door of Gui's house, so you don't have to worry about the police's questioning."

"You're still monitoring your life here." After reading the text message, Liu Shengxia Ye was a little bit dissatisfied.

It was only yesterday that Shizuka Hiratsuka met, and it was only this morning that Shizuka Hiratsuka told Xiyuanji World that her car was at the disposal of Yagyu Xiaye.

Saiyuan Temple World and Kiyoura Setsuna would never tell Yagyu Kubei about this matter, so how did Yagyu Kubei know that Hiratsuka Shizuka's car now belongs to him.

Unless Hiratsuka Shizuka told Yagyu Kubei.

Thinking of this, Yagyu Xiaye wanted to call Yagyu Kubei to inquire about it, but thinking that it was already twelve o'clock, Yagyu Xiaye decided to call in the morning to inquire.

When Yagyu Xiaye was going to close the window, he saw a piece of paper on the table.

Walking over to take a look, I found that it was Gui Yanye's message.

"Xia Ye, I left a copy for you in the refrigerator for dinner, and your medicine is also cooked, and it's placed on the first shelf of the cupboard."

"He is really a caring person." Liu Sheng Xia Ye put away Gui Yanye's message, and then walked out of the room.

Because Gui Yanye and the three daughters should be sound asleep now, Liu Sheng Xiaye tried not to make too much noise, and came to the kitchen carefully, and did not touch the dinner Gui Yanye left in the refrigerator for him, but found Take the medicine in the cupboard.

Although the medicinal soup has completely cooled down now, Liu Shengxiaye did not intend to heat it up, because if it is heated, the smell of the medicinal soup will be released, and it may wake up Guiyan Ye Sannv.

After drinking the cooled medicinal soup, Yagyu Xiaye washed the bowls and went to the bathroom to take a shower.


On the second day, Liu Shengxia Ye did not wake up late like yesterday morning, but after Liu Sheng Xia Ye came out, he found that Gui Yanye had already woken up and was ready to make breakfast.

"Good morning, Yan Ye, thank you for yesterday's medicinal soup."

"Good morning, have you eaten the dinner I left for you?" Gui Yanye heard Liu Shengxiaye mention what happened last night. What Ye does is not just medicine soup.

However, Liu Shengxia Ye's reaction now seemed to be ignorant of other things, and Gui Yanye also relaxed a little.

"It's okay to be hungry once in a while."

"Let me make the breakfast this morning. If there are bento, you can make Xia Ye and be careful with them. I don't need to make my bento."

"Is the bento I made not good?" Gui Yanye's request not to have a lunch bento made Liu Shengxia Ye feel a little strange.

"No, the bento you made in Xia Ye is of course delicious, but I have already made an appointment with my classmates from Ganlu Temple. If possible, we will go to the cafeteria for lunch together." Gui Yanye gave the reason for not wanting bento .

Such a reason made Liu Shengxia Ye unable to refute, because this kind of change was exactly what Liu Sheng Xia Ye needed to see.

"Okay, I see. You can make the breakfast. I'll make the bento later. I'll go wash up first." Liu Sheng Xia Ye left after finishing speaking.

After coming out again, he found that Gui Yanye was busy making breakfast, remembering the text message from last night, Liu Shengxia opened the door and went out, and let Gui Yanye, who was cooking, take a look at this side.

Author's message:

Thanks to Gao Gong Melee Combat Man, Liu Aotian~, Mo Yu Wu Yan, Waiting for Blossoms on the Other Side, shenshi, xx123 for their rewards and monthly ticket support, thank you.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When Liu Sheng Xia Ye came outside Gui's house, he didn't find anyone wandering around, so he walked directly to the mailbox.

After opening it, I found a bag inside, and when I opened the bag, I saw what was inside, which was really a driver's license.The above information is exactly the same as Liu Shengxia Ye's now, although it says that he is under [-] years old, but Liu Sheng Xia Ye found a stamp different from other driver's licenses in the place where the stamp was stamped.

Although there is no direct relationship between Liusheng Xiaye and Liusheng's family, the police should recognize this stamp.

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