Yagyu Xia Ye threw the bag in the trash can outside, and then entered the house with his driver's license.As soon as he came in, he saw two little girls, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, who were about to go out. Liu Sheng Xia Ye asked, "Be careful, Xiao Zhi, what are you doing out so early?"

Seeing Liu Sheng Xia Ye's sudden return, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, two little girls, also stopped their plans to go out.

"My sister said that you have gone out, big brother. We want to see where you have been." When answering Liu Shengxiaye's question, both Gui Xin and Ito Yuki glanced in the direction of the kitchen.

It may be that Gui Yanye saw Liu Shengxia Ye going out just now, but Gui Xin and Ito Zhi didn't find Liu Sheng Xia Ye after they got up, and they planned to go out to find him after asking Gui Yanye.

"I just went out to get some things, I didn't say I'm going out, I have to make lunch for you." Yagyu Xiaye shook the driver's license at Gui Xin and Ito Zhi when he spoke.

"What is it, I want to see it." When Gui Xin was talking, she jumped up and snatched the driver's license from Liu Shengxia Ye's hand, and then started to study it with Ito Zhi.

"drving license?"

Although I am still a primary school student, I still know some words.

"Big brother, you now have a driver's license."

"The one above is not eighteen years old."

Gui Xin and Ito Zhi are the common sense that you can only get a driver's license after you are an adult, so they asked Yagyu Xia Ye.

At this time, Gui Yanye also came out of the kitchen. After hearing what Gui Xin and Ito Zhi said, he also came over and saw the information on the driver's license.

"Xia Ye, you didn't find someone to make a fake driver's license, did you?"

"No, it was sent to me by my family. Don't worry, there is nothing wrong with my driver's license." After seeing Gui Yanye's worry, Liu Shengxiaye quickly explained.

"What's your big brother's house like?"

"I really want to go see it."

Now that Liusheng Xiaye said that there is no problem with the driver's license, the two little girls, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, stopped entangled, and thought about what is going on at Liusheng Xiaye's house.

"Xia Ye, but can you drive?" Gui Yanye took back the driver's license from Gui Xin and Ito Zhi and returned it to Liu Sheng Xia Ye, and Gui Yanye didn't find it strange that Liu Sheng's family could handle such a driving license. What Gui Yanye was just curious about was whether Liu Shengxia could drive a car, and if not, it would be useless to bring a driver's license.

"Of course there is no problem with driving." Liu Shengxia Ye in his previous life was able to drive a car. Although he hadn't touched a car for a long time in this world, he thought there would be no problem.

As long as the meeting is open, there will be no problem, Gui Yanye said to Liu Shengxia Ye: "I have already prepared breakfast, Gui Xin and the others will trouble you with their bento."

"I'll do it now." Liu Sheng Xia Ye took back the driver's license and put it under his clothes, then walked towards the kitchen.

There is a condition for Gui Xin and Ito Zhi to let Gui Yanye cook dinner and breakfast, that is, they and Jing Yi Uzuki can only let Yagyu Xiaye cook the lunch box.Now that Gui Yanye helped make breakfast, Liu Shengxiaye could have more ideas to change the configuration of lunch boxes for Gui Xin and the other three little girls.

Moreover, today Liu Sheng Xia Ye only made a bento for Gui Xin's three little lolitas.

Gui Yanye's bento was requested not to be made by herself, and the other two bentos were also stopped after Yagyu Xiaye said that Qingpu setsuna graduated.

The current Qingpu Instant Cuisine no longer needs Yagyu Xiaye's guidance.


Sakano Academy.

During the lunch break, Gui Yanye was called away by Kato Otome and Ganluji Qihai again, and Yagyu Xiaye didn't plan to go to the cafeteria for lunch now, but planned to go to the rooftop to rest.

While going upstairs, a phone came in.

When I picked it up, it was an unknown number.

I originally planned to hang up, but I thought that there should be no one on the roof now, so it's good to have someone to talk to now.

"Bartender, you're a bit slow in answering my phone." A voice that Liu Shengxia Ye found familiar came from the phone, and after adding the title of bartender, Liu Sheng Xia Ye immediately knew who it was Called him.

"Hiratsuka Shizuka, how did you have my phone number?"

"You still don't understand?"

"Sure enough, you know my sister."

Originally, Yagyu Natsuya was a little strange after seeing the message of Yagyu Kubei last night, but now after talking with Hiratsuka Shizuka, Yagyu Xiaye has confirmed that Hiratsuka Shizuka knows Yagyu Kubei.As for the depth of the relationship, being able to get his contact information from Yagyu Kubei seems to be quite a friendship.

"Boy Yagyu, have you ever moved my car?"

"The world gave me the keys yesterday, but I have never touched the car. You still have time to come and drive the car away."

"When I'm in the mood, you can't drive?"

"of course!"

"Then it's over, and you don't have to worry about being checked on the road, I have already told that short girl, as long as you see that license plate, no one will check you." Hiratsuka Jing said on the phone Said to Liu Sheng Xiaye inside.

"I have a driver's license."

"You haven't turned eighteen yet, it seems that you have begun to enjoy the privileges of your family, that's fine."

"In that case, your license plate is also a privilege. What kind of person are you?"

"It's Jiubingwei's friend. Now you don't have any worries. You have to move my car. If I find that the mileage has not changed when I pick up the car, I will ask Jiubingwei to clean it up." yours."

"Is there anyone who forces others to move their own car like this?"

"Haven't you met now? I won't talk to you anymore. I have to go to prepare lessons." After Hiratsuka Shizuka finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

After putting the phone back, Yagyu Xiaye smiled wryly, it was the first time he met someone like Shizuka Hiratsuka.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

She didn't move her car and planned to let Yagyu Kubei to clean up herself, let Yagyu Xiaye decide to drive Hiratsuka Shizuka's car from Radish's shop to Gui's house after school today.Anyway, Gui's house has extra space to put the car, and the mileage will definitely change from Radish to Gui's house.

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