The face of Xiyuan Temple World was a little redder than before, but he did not take the initiative to let go of Yagyu Xia Ye, but lowered his head slightly and asked, "Xia Ye, do you want to escape?"

"No, it's just..." Liu Shengxia Ye was still a little embarrassed at this time, because he thought that the world of Xiyuan Temple would do more intimate things, so he wanted to break free. .

"I understand."

After the world of Xiyuan Temple finished speaking, he also let go of the hand that was placed on Liusheng Xiaye's head, and he was no longer restraining Liusheng Xiaye.

Although there is still a hand on Liusheng Xiaye's shoulder in front of him, as long as Liusheng Xiaye wants to take the initiative, he can easily break free from the shackles of the Xiyuan Temple world.

However, Yagyu Xia Ye did not choose to get up, but continued to rest on Xiyuan Temple World's lap.

"It's a good experience."

I don't know if it is the current treatment or the previous attack on Xiyuan Temple World.

However, after listening to Yagyu Xiaye's words, the world of Xiyuan Temple laughed.The hand that was let go before was placed on Liu Shengxia Ye's head again, because she knew that Liu Sheng Xia Ye would not escape.


After school in the afternoon, Liu Sheng Xia Ye told Gui Yanye that he was going to pick up the car from Radish, and asked Gui Yanye to pick them up from Gui Xin and Ito Zhi's school first, and he would drive to their school to pick them up.

Without asking Liusheng Xiaye why there is a car in Radish, Gui Yanye nodded and agreed to Liusheng Xiaye's request.

Now Gui Yanye is no longer afraid of being alone on the tram, and just like what Liusheng Xiaye said yesterday, without Liusheng Xiaye, there are still other girls in the class who are willing to take the tram back with Gui Yanye.

He didn't go to Guixin's school with Gui Yanye to pick up the two little girls, but Yagyu Xiaye didn't go back to Radish with Xiyuanji World or Qingpu Seta.

Because it was Kiyoura Setsuna's turn to be on duty today, and Saiyuanji World stayed to accompany Kiyoura Setsuna. Of course, Kuroda Hikaru, who had been out of school together since yesterday, also stayed.

So, in the end Yagyu Xiaye went to Radish alone.

After arriving at Rdish, Yagyu Xiaye saw Erjo Wakaba arguing with someone outside.

After walking over, Yagyu Xia Ye asked, "Manager Erjo, what happened?"

Erjo Wakaba, who was still arguing with others, walked up to Liusheng Xiaye as if he had found a backbone after seeing Liusheng Xiaye's arrival, and said, "This gentleman said he wanted to park the car in front of our store, but The parking space is full, I asked him to park a little farther and he said no."

"I have no problem with other cars parked here for consumption, but I have seen this car parked here for two days. It is not like a customer who spends here with you, and it is not something you can afford to drive. "The man who had an argument with Nijo Wakaba pointed to a black sports car parked in Radish now.

"This car belongs to my friend, so it's fine to park here." Nijo Wakaba didn't know who the two black sports cars belonged to, but he heard Xiyuanji World and Kiyoura Setsuna mention that someone put the sports car behind. stopped in front.It doesn't matter how much you can.

"I have no objection, but I don't know what to do when the police come." The man who argued with Erjo Wakaba said he had already called the police.


Erjo Wakaba did not expect that this customer would choose to call the police for a parking space.


Two short beeps came from inside the black sports car, and the taillights also lit up twice, obviously someone was looking for the car.

Then Erjo Wakaba and the man who had called the police found the key in Liusheng Xiaye's hand.

"This seems to be my car." At the beginning, Xia Ye Liusheng was still not sure, because the identity of Mr. Shizuka Hiratsuka's teacher didn't seem to match the car, but after trying it with the key, he knew that the black car His sports car was left to him by Shizuka Hiratsuka.

"how come?"

"Boy, you actually said that this car is yours. Did you pick up the key somewhere and say it was yours? And do you dare to say that you are an adult? Even if the car is yours, do you dare to drive it on the road? ?”

"Who called the police here just now?"

The patrolling police in this area also appeared in front of Radish, who seemed to have received instructions from the alarm center.

Seeing the police appeared, Nijo Wakaba looked worried, because if this matter becomes a big deal, it will have a bad effect on Radish's reputation.The man who called the police had a different expression, and said to the policeman who came over: "Hello, officer, I called the police. There is a car parked here for a long time, and the boy said that the car belonged to him. It is suspected that he is a minor driving without a license."

Now the man calling the police wants to put the hat of driving without a license on Liu Shengxia Ye's head. As for him, it is very simple to see that Liu Sheng Xia Ye is a minor. People who hang out in bars all year round have a pair of extraordinary eyes. .

The matter of underage driving without a license is a bit serious. The policeman immediately walked up to Liu Shengxia Ye, saluted Liu Sheng Xia Ye, and said, "If you have a certificate, please show it."

"This police officer, Yagyu..."

"It looks like a minor at first glance, how could there be any documents."

However, Yagyu Xiaye ignored Erjo Wakaba's defense against the policeman, and the man who called the police denied him, and took out the driver's license he got this morning and handed it to the policeman who was handling the incident.

Liu Shengxia Ye spread out the column of information, not only the patrolman saw it, but also Erjo Ruoye and the man calling the police also saw it.

Above, the age of Yagyu Xia Ye is indeed under the age of eighteen.

"Officer, if you have a driver's license under the age of [-], it must be fake. You want to..."

After seeing the truth, the man who called the police wanted to continue to attack Liu Shengxia Ye, but the next action of the patrolman made him swallow all the words that followed.

"I'm very sorry, your ID is valid." After handing back the driver's license to Yagyu Xiaye, the patrolman saluted Yagyu Xiaye, and even used honorifics.

Erjo Wakaba and the man who called the police were stunned. They never thought that things would have such a reversal, but the man who called the police still didn't want to give up, and said to the patrolman: "Officer, I suspect that this car does not belong to this kid." , I hope you can find out the source of this car."

Author's message:

Thanks to Moyu Wuyan, Yulin Yuyu, Xia Yuan, Kiros, Kankanmiao for their rewards and monthly ticket support, thank you.

ps: Before I knew it, I came to Chapter [-], which is really fast.Ask for a monthly pass and a reward.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The man who called the police made the patrolman who came to deal with the incident a little bit embarrassed. Erjo Wakaba and the man who called the police did not know the energy of the steel seal on Yagyu Xiaye's driver's license. As a member of the police force, he knew it.

However, the man who called the police questioned Liu Shengxiaye's luxury car. If he didn't pretend to take a look at it, it would definitely be unreasonable.

At this time, Liu Shengxia Ye also sensed the embarrassment of the patrolman, and spread his hands to him, saying that this car could be inspected by him casually.

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