After getting permission from Yagyu Xiaye, the patrolman approached the luxury car that Shizuka Hiratsuka had left for Yagyu Xiaye.At this time, the man who called the police looked at Liu Shengxia Ye with a proud face. Liu Sheng Xia Ye had a driver's license that could be recognized by the police, which surprised him, but he believed that this sports car was not in this kind of place. Families of high school students can afford it.

If it is really found to be a stolen car, it will be taken back to deal with, and it can be regarded as a sigh of relief.

However, the final result disappointed the man who called the police.

"Mr. Yagyu, there is nothing wrong with your car, and no one will check it." When he said this, there was a trace of fear in the policeman's eyes.

"Mr. Patrolman, have you..."

"That's enough. If you continue to babble, I will take you back to the police station in the name of reporting a false police report." For the man who called the police, the patrolman was really bored. My heart is very stimulated.

The stencil on Liusheng Xiaye's driver's license before made him feel a little difficult, but after he saw the license plate numbers of the two sports cars clearly, his back was drenched in cold sweat.

Fortunately, Liu Sheng Xia Ye didn't intend to hold him accountable, otherwise he wouldn't know how to explain it.

"It's good that there is no problem. I can drive the car away now, right?" Hiratsuka Shizuka's car didn't have any problems. It didn't meet Yagyu Xia Ye's expectations. What was unexpected was the change in his attitude from the patrol team.

He was actually a little more respectful than when he saw the steel seal on his driver's license before. It seems that Shizuka Hiratsuka is really not an ordinary person.

In fact, it's not difficult. If you are really an ordinary person, can you become friends with Yagyu Kubei?

"Of course, I will report this situation to the police system here." He was very fierce to the man who called the police, but he was very respectful to Liu Shengxia Ye, as if Liu Sheng Xia Ye was in charge of his future Like fate.

After getting the affirmation, Yagyu Xia Ye said to Erjo Wakaba: "Erjo Manager, I will go back today."

"Don't wait for the world and Setsuna to come back?" Judging from the current situation, there is no tendency for this incident to be expanded, and Nijo Wakaba will ask some other questions.

"They are on duty at school today, and I have to go back." Yagyu Xia Ye said that going back was not rushing back to Sakakino Academy, but to pick them up from Gui Xin and Ito Yuki's school. Family.

Encountering this kind of incident here has already delayed Liu Shengxia's time a lot, but we can still catch up if we set off now.

After Yagyu Xiaye unlocked it, he opened the door and entered the car, and started the car skillfully.

Everyone gave way to Liu Shengxia Ye, and after moving the car out of the parking space, Liu Shengxia Ye stopped in front of the man who called the police, rolled down the car window and said, "Let's be forgiven, please forgive me. I don't care about today's affairs with you, just go inside and spend a little more."

After seeing the man nodding his head desperately, Yagyu Xia Ye looked at Erjo Ruoye again and said, "Manager Erjo, I'll pay for the drunk guy that day, next time I come."

"The world told me about it, it doesn't matter."


Yagyu Xia Ye skillfully drove away from Radish.

After Liu Sheng Xiaye left, the policeman relaxed completely, and said to the man who called the police: "You better not drink and drive, otherwise I will never forgive you." It seems that the policeman almost released the man who called the police. It was on the blacklist, and after greeting Erjo Wakaba, the patrolman also left Radish, but he was editing something on his mobile phone.

Erjo Wakaba ignored the man who called the police and walked back to the store directly.

The man who called the police did not leave, but drove his car into the parking space left by Liu Shengxiaye just now, and then also entered Radish, because Liusheng Xiaye asked him to spend more in the store.


If it wasn't for other places, if Liu Shengxiaye drove around, he would definitely get lost.

But in Sakakino City, Yagyu Xiaye really knows this place very well. Even if it is the first time to drive on the road in this world, he still knows how to go at this time, and which road can quickly reach the two little girls, Guixin and Itozhi. Lee's school.

It didn't take long, Yagyu Xiaye drove the car left behind by Shizuka Hiratsuka to the gate of the school of two little girls, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi.

Maybe it was a little bit late, because at this time the gate of the school was a little deserted, so Liu Sheng Xia Ye saw the third daughter Gui Yanye who was waiting for him at the gate of the school at a glance.And Gui Xin and Ito Zhi's good friend Jing Yi Uzuki is not with them today, her mother should have come to pick her up and go home first, so only Gui Yanye and two little lolis are left.

"Yan Ye, be careful, Xiao Zhi, over here." Liu Sheng Xia Ye rolled down the car window and waved to Gui Yan Ye's three daughters, touching the door lock at the same time.

Gui Yanye's third daughter also heard Liu Shengxia Ye's voice for the first time. Gui Yanye walked to the front of the car with a little loli in one hand.

"Big brother, do you have your car?" I already talked about the driver's license in the morning, so Gui Xin and Ito Zhi knew that Liu Sheng Xia Ye could drive and knew how to drive.

However, when he actually saw Liu Shengxia Ye driving in front of them, he was still very surprised.

Because, not many people came here to pick up their children by car, and what Liu Sheng Xia Ye drove was very different from ordinary people's cars.

"My sister's friend's car may be kept at home for a while, let's get in the car now."

"I'm going to be the co-pilot."


Gui Xin was a little excited, and was about to sit in front like Liu Shengxia Ye, but was immediately stopped by Gui Yanye.After opening the rear door, he took the two little lolis Gui Xin and Ito Zhi to sit in the back, and then fastened the seat belts for the two little loli, before saying to Liu Sheng Xia Ye: "Xia Ye, You can go back."

"Sit still." After Liu Shengxia Ye reminded, he also started the car.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After Liu Sheng Xiaye took Gui Yanye and the three little girls home, he let the three of them enter the house, and he found a place to park the car first.

After doing this, before he got out of the car, the phone rang.

It wasn't Yagyu Kubei or anyone else calling, but the owner of this car.

"How does the car feel?"

"How did you know that I was driving your car?" Liu Sheng Xia Ye felt a little strange, and the guy's tone must have been a little more certain. He believed that even if Liu Sheng Jiubei had monitored his life, he would not Tell Hiratsuka Shizu these details.

It's just that facing Liu Shengxia Ye's question, the person on the other end of the phone thought it was a little funny.

"If you hadn't moved my car, would you have answered my call so quickly?"

"Very good. Now I am curious about what kind of person you are. You are definitely not an ordinary Chinese teacher."

"It's best not to inquire about my affairs. If there are any consequences that you must be responsible for, I'm afraid you will regret it."

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