"Then it's better for you to come and drive the car away on the weekend. No contact between us is the best choice."

Hiratsuka Shizuka is a troublesome woman, but now Yagyu Xiaye doesn't want to have any interaction with this troublesome woman, not to mention that this woman has a good relationship with Yagyu Kubei.

"Don't be so serious. I'll leave the car with you for the time being. If I need it here, I'll buy a new one. But if you want to send me money to buy a car, I don't mind."

Yagyu Xiaye immediately rejected Hiratsuka Shizuka's request without even thinking about it.

"Forget it, I can't afford your car, so you should ask your male ticket for this request." On the way to pick up Gui Yanye's third daughter, Liu Sheng Xia Ye took the time to check the price of this sports car, knowing that In addition, this sports car is expensive, and it is completely beyond the affordability of an ordinary Chinese teacher.

Although Yagyu Xiaye's card is rich, it is not enough to buy a car for Shizuka Hiratsuka, because the two really have nothing to do with each other now.

"It's a pity that there is no creature like a boyfriend around me. But if you are willing to buy me a car, you can consider it."

"Don't, let's stop this topic here. I've already put your car away for you, and it won't be damaged by you."

"It's yours now. Anyway, it's up to you. If there is a troublesome student on my side, I will hang up first."

Every time it was Hiratsuka Shizuka who voluntarily hung up the phone, Yagyu Xiaye had no choice but to take back the phone, get out of the car and lock the car.


Chiba Prefecture, Sobu High.

"Come in." Hiratsuka Shizuka put down the phone, and then said to the student knocking on the door.

Entering the staff room from the outside was a beautiful girl with long black hair, wearing the uniform of Sobu High School and knee socks with the same color as her hair.

"It's Xue Nai, you are really a polite student, it would be even better if you can change your poisonous tongue."

After praising the students who came in, Hiratsuka Shizuka poured a cigarette out of the cigarette case, intending to smoke in the staff room.

"Ms. Hiratsuka, if you continue to smoke like this, you may be single all the time."

Yukinoshita Yukino's venomous tongue made Hiratsuka Shizuka really repack the cigarettes, which surprised Yukinoshita Yukino. In the past, even after she complained, Hiratsuka Shizuka would definitely continue to smoke in her own way.

"What an unexpected change."

"I remembered someone who didn't like the smell of cigarettes. By the way, Yukino, what do you want from me?" Shizuka Hiratsuka remembered the guy who was on the phone before.

Yukinoshita Yukino knew that the people who didn't like smoking that Shizuka Hiratsuka said were not talking about her, so she didn't continue the topic, but said to Shizuka Hiratsuka: "Mr. The thing mentioned is fine."

"What did I say to you, and when?"

Sometimes, Yukinoshita Yukino really wants to know how people like Shizuka Hiratsuka came to Sobu High School to become a Chinese teacher.

"The proposal for a ministry."

"Oh, that's what you're talking about. Didn't you have no interest before, so I pushed it directly. Why, are you interested again now?"

pushed?Didn't you say there is time to think about it?

"Something happened, so I wanted to give it a shot."

"That's good. I'll go and approve the proposal tomorrow. Let's go home today. Do you want me to send you off?"

"No, I can go home by myself."

Knowing that Jianbu's proposal could be passed, Yukinoshita Yukino also left the staff room.

After Hiratsuka waited for Yukinoshita Yukino to leave, he did not leave the staff room immediately, but poured out a cigarette from the cigarette case again, and put it in his mouth.

However, it didn't ignite.

"I don't know who made you change like this. It's really interesting."

After a while, he stood up and flicked the cigarette with a wet filter directly into the trash can in the staff room, and then left the staff room.


Because it took a while for Hiratsuka Shizuka to talk, after Yagyu Xiaye entered the room, he found that Gui Yanye was already cooking today's dinner.

As for Guixin and Ito Zhi, the two little lolitas may be watching TV together in the living room because of the lack of homework today, but after seeing Liusheng Xiaye come in, they ran to Liusheng Xiaye Next to him, he pulled Liu Shengxia Ye onto the sofa.

He didn't want to ask about the problems encountered in school, but directly asked about Yagyu Xiaye's car.

It's just that Liu Shengxia Ye didn't choose to tell the truth, he just said that it was a friend's car and left it with him.

When Guixin and Itozhi want to talk, can they go to school by car in the future.

"This won't work!" Before Liu Shengxia Ye could answer this question, someone answered it for him.

Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, the two little loli, saw that it was Gui Yanye, and immediately approached Liu Shengxia Ye a little aggrieved, but this time Gui Yanye didn't follow suit, and said to the two little loli: "Go quickly!" Wash your hands, then take out the dishes in the kitchen and eat."

Knowing that it would be impossible to seek shelter from Yagyu Xia Ye, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, the two little girls, had no choice but to wash their hands.

"Xia Ye, don't you really want to drive Xinxin and Xiaozhi to school?" Gui Yanye asked Liu Shengxiaye after the two little girls, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, had left.

Liu Shengxia Ye knew what Gui Yanye was worried about, so she said, "Of course I wouldn't do this, and they can't let them develop bad habits yet."

Chapter four hundred and third: agree to request

"Will that car always be kept here?" Gui Yanye asked.

"I can't say for sure, but I think it's possible that in a short time, that person won't come to take the car away. Therefore, it's okay to drive with Xiaozhi and Xiaozhi to go out to play during the break. "Since Hiratsuka Shizuto decided to keep the car with him, and the two little girls, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, also have such needs, it is not impossible to drive out.

"Let's go out together next time." Seeing what Gui Yanye wanted to say, Liu Shengxia Ye said quickly.

You must know that last week, on Saturday, Gui Yanye was left at home to take care of Gui Xin's three little girls, while on Sunday, Gui Yanye was left alone at home, which made Liu Shengxia feel a little bit sorry .

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