On the other hand, Yagyu Xia Ye was going to make another phone call, but he changed his location so that he could see Jingi Uzuki's mother coming out of the bathroom.

Yagyu Natsuya was going to contact Yukinoshita Genyoshi, a county councilor from Sakakino County.

Because the matter of the Hanayamain brothers and sisters had an intersection with Yukinoshita Genyoshi, and Yukinoshita Genyoshi gave his personal business card to Yagyu Xiaye when they parted, maybe it was for the purpose of letting Yagyu Xiaye contact him.

Chapter four hundred and thirteen: The crisis is resolved

From the conversation with Yagyu Kubei just now, I learned that if the incident of Ii Uzuki this time was in normal times, it only needs Dongcheng to come forward to solve it.But because the order came down from the top in the past few days, Sakakano County has entered a period of crackdown on crime, and Dongcheng can't play much role.

And if you want to protect Jingi Uzuki perfectly, you have to use the strength of the Yagyu family, but Jingi Uzuki has no interest relationship with the Yagyu family.

That's why Yagyu Kubei wanted Yagyu Natsuya to agree to the conditions of the Yagyu family, and then use the power of the Yagyu family to protect Shimoi Uzuki.

However, this proposal was rejected by Yagyu Xia Ye.

Because he felt that the crackdown in Sakakino County might have something to do with Yukinoshita Genyoshi, because before he met Yagyu Natsuya, he was bullied by Kyouichi Hanayamain.

The crackdown this time may be to take the opportunity to find Kyouichi Hanayamain among those who are prone to crime.

It's a pity that after his sister left, Kyouichi Hanayamain restrained himself a lot and didn't give him any chance.


Now, Yukinoshita Xuanyi's personal business card is not on Liusheng Xiaye's body, but Yukinoshita Xuanyi's phone number is recorded in Liusheng Xiaye's mind.

After pressing the broadcast button, Liu Shengxia Ye waited for the person on the other side to answer.

Yagyu Xiaye didn't have to wait long, and Yukinoshita Genyoshi's voice came out from the phone.

"A young man who doesn't drink?"

Yagyu Xiaye knew his name from Yukinoshita Genyoshi's two business cards, but he hadn't introduced himself to Yukinoshita Genyoshi, so until now Yukinoshita Xuanyi still doesn't know Liusheng Xiaye's name .

However, even if he didn't know Liusheng Xiaye's name, Yukinoshita Xuanyi still knew that this call was from Liusheng Xiaye.

Because this private phone was known to everyone except his family in Chiba County, Yagyu Xia Ye was the first to have it.

"Yusheng Xiaye, the main reason for calling uncle today is to ask him for a favor." After Liusheng Xiaye informed his name, he also stated the purpose of this call, and did not intend to go around the corner. , and there is no title called Yukinoshita Genyoshi.

"Yagiyu Xia Ye, Liusheng..." Yukinoshita Xuanyi on the other end of the phone seemed to have thought of something, and immediately asked, "Are you here because of the intentional injury case this afternoon?"

The Jingi Uzuki incident also spread to Yukinoshita Genyoshi, because the crackdown in Sakakino County was indeed as Yanagyu Xiaye had guessed before, and it was ordered by Yukinoshita Genyoshi.

Therefore, such a bad incident would be passed to the hands of Yukinoshita Genyoshi, the person who gave the order, and there was an unexpected third party in this incident.

The retainers of the Yagyu family have been accompanying the little girl now, as if waiting for the action of the high-level police station.

But now, the boy who had crossed paths with him before was actually called Liu Sheng Xia Ye, and he was very purposeful, and he came here for the little girl's incident.

"Yes, I want to ask Uncle to make Uzuki innocent."

"What does Yagyu's family mean?"

Now Yukinoshita Xuanyi would not doubt the relationship between Yagyu Xiaye and the Yagyu family, but the request he wanted to confirm now was from Liusheng Xiaye himself, or represented the Yagyu family.

In the past, the police station used the name of cracking down on the retainers of the Yagyu family to prevaricate, but now when it comes to the real person surnamed Yagyu, it will not be like this.

"It's my personal idea." Yagyu Xia Ye told Yagyu Kubei that he would solve the matter of Ii Uzuki by himself, so at this time, he would not take advantage of the Yagyu family's influence.

Yukinoshita Xuanyi fell silent after hearing that it was Yagyu Xiaye's personal opinion.

In fact, he hoped that what Liu Shengxia Ye said was the meaning of Liu Sheng's family, because in that case he would have a reason to agree to Liu Sheng Xia Ye's request, but now it made him embarrassed.

"this matter……"

"Uncle, the guy whose egg was cut off is called Kyouichi Hanayamain." Yagyu Xiaye interrupted Yukinoshita Genyoshi's words.

Although a bit surprised, Yukinoshita Xuanyi still said: "We have already received the victim's information, and I have also notified his family to rush to the hospital."

"I don't think his family members will go to the hospital, and I think uncle, your purpose this time is not to crack down hard."

"what do you know?"

"Kyoichi Hanayamain is the guy who had a conflict with you that night. He was the one who planned to let his own sister go to that kind of dark place that day. And he used Uzuki's ignorance before and almost hurt her really. If According to me, this can only be regarded as self-defense, not intentional injury." Liu Shengxia Ye said what he wanted to say to Yukinoshita Xuanyi.

After hearing what Yagyu Xia Ye said, Yukinoshita Xuanyi didn't speak for a long time this time.

Because what Yagyu Natsuya said was true, if the victim Kyoichi Hanayamain was really the one who had a conflict with him that night, would he deserve it?

Moreover, from Kyouichi Hanayamain's identity information, it is also mentioned that he has a younger sister who lived together last week, but now they are separated.

Last week, wasn't it the time for the conflict with Yukinoshita Genyoshi?

The verification of this kind of thing is very simple. Thinking of this, Yukinoshita Xuanyi said to Yagyu Xiaye: "I will ask my assistant to go to the police station there, and I will also check some things at this time. Verified, I hope what you said is true."

"I'll go to the police station later, so thank you uncle first."

"In the future, you should make less calls." Yukinoshita Xuanyi didn't say anything more to Liu Shengxia Ye, and hung up the phone after saying this.

And Liu Shengxia Ye who was hung up was a little helpless, he understood why Yukinoshita Xuanyi would do this.

He was regarded by Yukinoshita Xuanyi as the kind of person who asks for gratitude.

However, Liu Sheng Xia Ye did not intend to explain anything, because Liu Sheng Xia Ye planned to end the intersection with Yukinoshita Xuanyi here.

Now, Jingi Uzuki's matter was settled, but it still had to wait for Yagyu Xia Ye to go to the police station in person.

Originally, he wanted to make another call to Dongcheng and ask him to take care of Jingyi Uzuki, but Yagyu Xiaye saw Jingyi Uzuki's mother coming out of the bathroom, so he stopped dialing and sent a message to Dongcheng instead.

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