After taking a bath, Jingi Uzuki's mother exudes a seductive strength, which is even more attractive than when they met before. I don't know if it is because of being tasted by Yagyu Xiaye before.

Author's message:

Thank you Ogata Kenichi for your reward, thank you.

It took only two days for a dynamic, sad.

Chapter four hundred and fourteenth strong expectation

After Jingi Uzuki's mother came out of the bath, she wanted to ask Yagyu Xiaye first, but the way Yagyu Xiaye looked at her made her not have the courage to continue to stay in front of Yagyu Xiaye like this.

"I'll go back first." Jingi Uzuki's mother was planning to go back and get dressed, because she was still wrapped in a bathrobe.

After Jingi Uzuki's mother fled back to her room, Yagyu Xia Ye got up from her seat and went to the kitchen to prepare the meals.

It's been a long time since lunch time, and Yukinoshita Genyoshi from Jingyi Uzuki also gave a guarantee, so it's okay to pick up Jingyi Uzuki after lunch.

It didn't take long for Jingi Uzuki's mother to change clothes, but she came out with a sheet in her hand.

"You can wash your hands and eat." Yagyu Xia Ye said to Jing Yi Uzuki's mother.


"Yagyu-kun, I'm very sorry that I asked you to cook by yourself." After what happened before, Jingi Uzuki's mother's attitude towards Yagyu Xia Ye also changed a little, and she no longer used the honorific name of Yagyu-san.

However, it would be great if Yagyu Xia Ye could be a little older, because that would be a good result not only for her but also for Jingi Uzuki.

But, right now, it's best to break off the relationship with Liu Shengxia Ye, and it's best to pretend that what happened today never happened.

"Yagyu-kun, today..."

"Let's eat first. After the meal is finished, we will pick Uzuki back." Yagyu Xiaye interrupted what Jingyi Uzuki's mother wanted to say, and repeated what she said before.

Hearing this again, Jingi Uzuki's mother also realized the problem, and asked, "Where is Uzuki now?"

"Uzuki is safe now, you don't have to worry too much."

"Then we..."

"I'm sorry for what happened today, I'm responsible for everything, but I..."

"You don't need Yagyu-kun to bear any responsibility, and I basically know why this kind of thing happened. It was Uzuki who caused you trouble. I won't let Uzuki continue to go to tutoring after that, maybe I will take it with you. It might be possible to move away from here with Uzuki." Jingi Uzuki's mother stopped Yagyu Xia Ye from wanting to take the blame, and offered to propose to leave here.

"Is it because of your neighbors that you moved away?" Liu Shengxia frowned. Could it be that those people in the morning were really so hateful?

"It's not all. Uzuki and I are used to moving after a while, so it doesn't have a big impact on us." Although there are some reasons for neighbors, Jingyi Uzuki's mother mainly wants to stay away from Yagyu Xiaye .

Although the relationship between Liu Shengxia Ye and Gui Yanye was only through a few contacts, she could see it clearly.In addition, Jing Yi Uzuki learned some things from Gui Xin and Ito Yuki when she was tutoring at Gui's house, which made Jing Yi Uzuki's mother understand that she is not suitable to stay with Yagyu Xiaye now.

"If you want to move, I can help you." Although the matter of Jingyi Uzuki can be suppressed, but if you really continue to live here, you can't do it. Maybe you can ask Yukinoshita Genyoshi to replace Jingyi Uzuki's mother Make arrangements.

Yagyu Xiaye's words made Jingi Uzuki's mother a little disappointed, but she did not express this disappointment, but said to Yagyu Xiaye: "Well, thank you, Yagyu-kun."


Yagyu Xiaye and Jingyi Uzuki's mother didn't eat for a long time. After seeing that Jingyi Uzuki's mother really had no appetite, Yagyu Xiaye proposed to go out to pick up Jingyi Uzuki and came back.

The two walked downstairs together, but what was helpless was that the people who watched the fun did not leave, and there was a tendency to gather more and more.

After seeing Yagyu Natsuya and Jingi Uzuki's mother appearing together, and the temperament of Jingi Uzuki's mother changed a lot, these people immediately began to whisper.

Certain words such as "shameless", "an old cow eats tender grass", and "bitch" entered Yagyu Xia Ye's ears.

"Yagyu-kun, let's go outside and take a taxi." Jingi Uzuki's mother's expression was not very good. After all, she had heard those words, and it might be because she had heard too many names, some names that Yagyu Xiaye couldn't hear clearly. , she can hear clearly, such as mother and daughter.

This made Jing Yi Uzuki's mother very angry, but this anger could not be directed at Yagyu Xia Ye.

"No need, I'll drive there." Yagyu Xia Ye rejected Jingi Uzuki's mother's proposal to take a taxi, and walked towards the sports car in the parking lot.

Now, Jingi Uzuki's mother finally understood why when she went home, the neighbors watching the excitement associated her with the sports car.It turned out that it was the car Liusheng Xiaye drove Jing Yi Uzuki back, and judging from Liusheng Xiaye's tone, it didn't seem to be a rented car.

Seeing that Jing Yi Uzuki's mother didn't follow, Liu Sheng Xia Ye could only walk back to her side, and then directly grabbed her and walked to the position of the king's chariot.

This kind of behavior not only surprised Jingyi Uzuki's mother, but also Yagyu Xiaye herself. Could it be that there were sequelae left after this sex?

The few times before when Xiyuan Temple was Pu Zi and others, although they were all drugged, Yagyu Xia Ye did not have much attachment after that.

However, has Rai Yi Uzuki's mother's behavior changed this time?

Moreover, Yagyu Xiaye was also looking forward to the return of Xiyuanji pupae and the others deep in his heart, but this expectation became stronger after finishing with Mama Uzuki and Jingi this time.

Without continuing such movements, Yagyu Xiaye opened the passenger's door, then let go of Ii Uzuki's mother's hand, and then moved from the front of the car to the driver's seat.

Jingi Uzuki's mother is now sitting in the co-pilot seat very cooperatively, thinking that she has already decided to move out of here anyway, so these crazy words should be the last of her existence.

After Liu Sheng Xiaye started the car, he saw those onlookers still pointing at his car, with one foot stepping on the clutch vigorously, while the other foot pushed the accelerator deeper and deeper.

The roar of the car was getting louder and louder, but the car didn't start.

"Yagyu-kun, you..." Although the car stopped here, it means that Yagyu Xiaye brought Jing Yi Uzuki here today, but the current situation seems to be not right. old driver.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Yagyu Xiaye didn't care about Jingi Uzuki's mother's reminder, seeing that those gossiping guys hadn't moved away, Yagyu Xiaye quietly lifted the clutch.

The car came out of the parking space all of a sudden, and rushed towards the neighbors watching the excitement without slowing down.


Because there was no reminder from Yagyu Natsuya, Jingi Uzuki's mother was also affected by this shock. Due to the effect of inertia, her back leaned hard on the co-pilot's seat.

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