Seeing that the spectators were getting closer and closer, Liu Shengxiaye's car did not intend to slow down, as if no one was driving on the road.


Jingi Uzuki's mother wanted to remind Yagyu Xiaye that if she didn't slow down and bump into these guys, there might be trouble.However, Jingi Uzuki's mother's words couldn't keep up with the speed of Yagyu Xiaye's car. Before she could finish her words, Yagyu Xiaye's car came into contact with those spectators.

Fortunately, Liu Shengxia Ye's unreasonable opening method was still stopped, because the crowd suddenly dispersed, and two people fell to the ground.

"Can you guy drive a car?"

"Do you know that this is intentional murder?"

"You will regret this."


The onlookers who escaped began to condemn Liu Sheng Xia Ye, wanting to make Liu Sheng Xia Ye admit his mistake, but the two guys who just fell on the ground did not intend to get up and leave, but continued to lie on the ground, and took out their mobile phones, Like calling the police.

This is what Jingi Uzuki's mother is worried about, because these spectators are not a simple individual. If they really got some money from Yagyu Xia Ye, everyone must have a share, instead of lying on the ground of two guys.

Liu Shengxia Ye didn't know the temperament of these people, and didn't need to know.

Since the person standing in front won't leave, the only option is to drive past.

Although he applied the brakes when rushing into the crowd, the engine did not turn off, so Yagyu Xiaye gradually stepped on the accelerator again.

The roar of the car continued, and the crowd on both sides panicked a little.

"Are you really going to kill someone?"

"Stop, stop!" The one who shouted so loudly might have other relations with the two people lying on the ground.

However, Liu Shengxia Ye had no intention of stopping at all, the clutch was slowly lifted up, and the speed of the car was slowly increasing.



This time, the two guys lying on the ground really panicked. They not only called for help verbally, but also started to crawl to both sides of the driveway with hands and feet. They didn't want to lose their own lives for Yagyu Xia Ye.

In the end, Yagyu Xiaye's car drove away from the driveway without any accident, it was all because those two guys climbed out of the driveway at the last second.

When Liu Shengxiaye's car disappeared within sight, the onlookers immediately went to the two accomplices who had just escaped and asked how they were doing.

"I want to move!"

"I don't want to live here anymore."

Only by experiencing it personally can we know how dangerous they were just now, and also dispel their plan to wait for Liu Sheng Xiaye to leave before waiting for an opportunity to take revenge on Jingi Uzuki's mother and daughter.

If Jingyi Uzuki's mother and daughter were really hurt in the slightest, they believed that their fate would be miserable, even worse than the fate of being chased by a car today.

The words of the two were not ridiculed, because some of them also had the same plans as them.

They knew they couldn't afford to offend Liu Shengxia Ye's performance, but they could afford to hide.


"Yagyu-kun, it was really too dangerous just now." Although the timing just now was very coincidental, thinking about Jingi Uzuki's mother's heart still trembles a little.However, after trembling, he felt inexplicably relieved, a feeling he hadn't experienced in many years.

"It's okay, those people are just bluffing." Liu Shengxiaye didn't take them to heart just now.

"Then where are we going now?" Jingi Uzuki's mother is very familiar with the surrounding terrain, but theoretically speaking, Jingi Uzuki is unlikely to appear in these places.

"Go to the police station." Yagyu Xiaye had no intention of hiding where he was going, because if Yagyu Xiaye didn't go, the matter of Uzuki Uzuki would not be perfectly resolved.

Hearing that it was the police station, Jingi Uzuki's mother immediately asked, "Did something happen to Uzuki? Why is it at the police station?"

If it was in the past, Jingi Uzuki's mother would not believe that Jingi Uzuki appeared at the police station, but today's incident in Yagyu Xia Ye made her feel that she didn't know her daughter well enough.

If Uzuki Uzuki used today's method to deal with other people except Yagyu Natsuya, there would definitely be an accident.

"It's okay, we're going to pick her up now."

Jingi Uzuki's mother wanted to ask more about the situation, but after hearing what Yagyu Xiaye said, she calmed down. She believed that Yagyu Xiaye would not lie to her.


Yagyu Xiaye drove to the gate of the police station where Jingyi Uzuki was located, and saw that the gate was about to close, Yagyu Xiaye accelerated and drove in.

During this process, a young policeman commanding parking saw a car coming in from outside the police station, and wanted to raise his hand to signal Yagyu Xiaye to stop.

But before he raised his hand, he was pulled down by a veteran who seemed to have been out of the police force for many years, and snatched the controller from his hand, making the gate stop.

"Senior, what are you stopping me for?" After being pulled down, the young policeman couldn't understand.You know, what happened just now was that unidentified cars and people entered the police station. If the people above blame him, he must be the most responsible.

"I stopped you for your own good. Just pretend you haven't seen this car and the people in it."

"What?" The young policeman felt unbelievable, but his senior's expression told him that if he didn't listen to him, something uncontrollable might happen.

"I understand, thank you senior."

Ignoring the younger generation's thanks, the old policeman looked in the direction where the car disappeared.

Why did that car show up to their police station?

Fortunately, as long as you don't take the initiative to provoke the owner of the car, the tall man from the police station will take care of the rest.

Hope the police station is peaceful.

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