"He went straight to Radish?" Yagyu Xiaye was now wondering if the three daughters of Katsura Manami knew her whereabouts, or why after he arrived at home, they just went shopping and went directly to Radish.

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But thinking about it, the three daughters of Katsura Manami probably do not have such great energy, and it is impossible for Gui Yanye to expose Liu Shengxiaye's whereabouts to her mother, so this should be a temporary decision of the three daughters of Gui Manami.

"Didn't you say when you'll be back?" Liu Sheng Xia Ye asked.

"No, I also said that I don't need to prepare lunch for them today. I was thinking about what to prepare before."

After hearing Gui Yanye's words, Liu Shengxia Ye was a little disappointed that he couldn't see Gui Manami and the three daughters immediately.However, it's better not to meet here, after all, there are sisters Gui Yanye and Ito Yuki.

"Then just prepare casually at noon, or should I come?"

"You don't need Xia Ye to do it today, just let me do it. Be careful and Xiao Zhi, don't bother Xia Ye anymore."

However, even if it was time for Gui Yanye to treat the two little lolitas like this, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi did not let go of Liu Shengxia Ye's arms, but pulled Liu Sheng Xia Ye to his room, Gui Yanye then It's time to prepare lunch.

The two little lolis pulled Liu Sheng Xia Ye into his room, and found that his sheets were still wrinkled, so they asked, "What were you doing here just now?"

After Liu Shengxia entered the room, he saw Gui Yan and Ye Sannv coming out of his room.

"Of course we are lying on your bed, big brother."

"Yes, my sister is too cunning. After you left last time, big brother, we have not been allowed to enter your room, but yesterday you were not there, and my sister actually had someone sleeping on your bed. After we found out today, we saw that my sister wanted to take the bed sheets out to wash, so of course we had to stop it, and we also wanted to enjoy the big brother's breath more."

"However, now that you're back, big brother, it's okay for sister to wash it later."

Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, two little girls, explained the matter clearly in a few words, and they seemed to be suing Gui Yanye.

I didn't come back last night, which can be regarded as solving a problem.

"So that's the case. I'll take out the bed sheet later."

"My sister came back to get it, big brother, what happened when you went to Uzuki yesterday?"

"Didn't you say that you came back at night, so you suddenly stayed at Uzuki's house again, did you do something with Uzuki that surpassed us?"

After finishing speaking, the two little lolis threw themselves on Liu Shengxia Ye, wanting to check if what they were worried about really happened.Because Gui Yanye is preparing lunch outside now, he won't come in at this time.

Seeing the movements of the two little lolitas, Yagyu Xia Ye didn't know what they were going to do, so he quickly pushed Gui Xin and Ito Zhi away from him, and said, "I promised you that I will be the same as Uzuki." I didn't do anything more than you, and at most I just hate you for being equal."


"Could it be?"

"It's just that I changed my name and called me big brother like you. Be careful how your mother reacts when she comes back?"

Yagyu Xiaye didn't want to say anything more on this topic, but brought up Katsura Manami instead.

However, Gui Xin's reaction surprised him a bit.

"Although I haven't seen my mother for a long time, I was just a little excited when my mother came back. I just heard that my mother and Aunt Puzi are not coming back together. I don't feel bad at all."

Sure enough, compared to her mother, Gui Xin still likes Gui Yanye more.

"I haven't seen my mother for a long time. I don't know if I can meet again." Ito Yuki said suddenly.

"Xiaozhi, you never seem to have mentioned anything about your family to me, isn't your family worried if you haven't been here for so long?" Gui Xin asked.

Asked by Gui Xin, Yuki Ito felt a little wronged, and said, "Be careful, are you trying to get me out of here?"

When Ito Yuki said this, Gui Xin panicked, and quickly waved his hands to explain to Ito Yuki: "Xiao Zhi, I didn't mean that, I was just afraid that your family would worry about you."

After Guixin's explanation, Ito Yuki put away his aggrieved tone and said, "Actually, my family doesn't care about me, it's better that Aunt Pupa and Radish give me the feeling of being at home, and here is the Give me the most homely feeling, be careful not to drive me away."

"Xiao Zhi, I won't drive you away, big brother, do you think so?" Gui Xin hoped that Liu Sheng Xia Ye would persuade Ito Zhi.

Yagyu Xia Ye did the same, after all, what Yuki Ito said was basically the truth.

When her brother Makoto Ito was in danger, he thought of abandoning her and fleeing for his life, so it was normal for him to have a bad relationship with her brother.As for her father Ze Yuezhi, needless to say, he was basically a scumbag. If he lived with such a guy, Liu Shengxiaye would definitely not be at ease.As for the matter of Ito Yuki's mother, Yagyu Xia Ye did not specifically investigate it. The last report Yagyu Kubei asked Tojo to hand over was mainly about Sawagoshi Yuki and Katsura Manami's three daughters.

"Xiaozhi, don't worry, as long as you don't leave by yourself, this place will always be your backing." Although Liu Shengxiaye is not the owner of this family, he is here to promise Ito Zhi.

"Well, Xiao Zhi, you can stay with us all the time, with big brother." Gui Xin hastily promised.

"I like being careful the most, and I like big brother the most."

After getting the guarantee from Gui Xin and Liu Sheng Xia Ye, Ito Yuki first embraced Gui Xin beside her, and when he was about to hug Liu Sheng Xia Ye, he heard Liu Sheng Xia Ye's cell phone ringing.

The two little lolitas didn't continue to fight, but stopped in a sensible way, so that Liu Sheng Xia Ye had a quiet environment to answer the phone.

"Sister, why are you calling here?" At this time, it was his sister Liu Sheng Jiubei who called Liu Sheng Xia Ye.

"Can't I call my brother if I have nothing to do? Or are you impatient and I will call you?"

"Nothing, but sister, I didn't use the power of my family for yesterday's incident, so the condition you said is invalid."

"It's true that I didn't expect you to be able to get to know the councilor from Sakakano County, but you wouldn't go towards his two daughters, would you?"

Yagyu Xia Ye didn't understand what his sister meant, so he asked, "Sister, what do you mean, that Councilor Yukinoshita's family has a daughter, I don't know about it."

"I don't care about that congressman. I called you to talk about another matter."

Author's message:

Thanks to Rain and Eastbound but Westward Journey for their rewards and monthly ticket support, thank you.

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"Another thing?" Yagyu Xiaye wasn't sure what Yagyu Kubei wanted to talk about. Could it be about Ii Uzuki?But judging from the fact that Dongcheng went to follow Jingyi Uzuki, Dongcheng should not know what happened in Jingi Uzuki's house, so Yagyu Kubei should not know either.

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