However, if it is possible that Liusheng Jiubing Wei An is not the only person in Dongcheng who is around Liusheng Xiaye, then it may be known.

Before, because of Katsura Manami's affairs, Yagyu Xia Ye agreed to go to Gui's house. If Yagyu Jiuhei threatened Ii Uzuki's mother and daughter at this time, maybe Yagyu Xia Ye would really have to compromise a little more.

Fortunately, what Yagyu Jiubei said afterwards was not what Yagyu Xia Ye was worried about.

"Did you drive that car to your police station on purpose?" Yagyu Kubei asked on the other end of the phone.

She really didn't expect that Hiratsuka Shizuka would put her iconic car in Yagyu Xiaye's place.Before, Shizuka Hiratsuka had said something to her, and she also knew that Shizuka Hiratsuka had a car with Yagyu Xia Ye, but she didn't expect to have that car either.Although Dongcheng was monitoring the whereabouts of Yagyu Xiaye, Dongcheng did it in a very measured manner, and Dongcheng was not very familiar with the police, so it was normal not to know the car.

Now, Yagyu Kubei seems to want to know where Yagyu Xiaye's confidence in being able to rescue Uzuki Uzuki comes from without the help of the Yagyu family.

Compared to Yukinoshita Genyoshi, who was an unexpected person, Yagyu Kubei believed that Yagyu Xia Ye knew about Hiratsuka Shizuka's energy.

"If I had known in advance that that guy's car had that much power, I wouldn't have spent my favorability with Senator Yukinoshita, and just drove to the police station." Yagyu Xiaye said the same thing To be honest, judging from the reaction from the police station, Shizuka Hiratsuka's car has a bit more energy than Genyoshi Yukinoshita, the person who gave the crackdown order.

Similarly, it was also because of this car that Yagyu Xiaye's favorability with Yukinoshita Xuanyi had not been completely exhausted.

Yagyu Kubei also found out that her younger brother was not lying, so she could deal with the problems left by Yagyu Xiaye's use of the car. Of course, the consequences here did not include the car owner Shizuka Hiratsuka.

"Since that's the case, it's easy to handle, but you can settle the matter with Shizuka Hiratsuka yourself." After Yagyu Jiuhei finished speaking, he hung up the phone of Yagyu Xia Ye, as if he was calling on purpose to seek an answer. .

After being hung up, Liu Shengxia Ye was also a little helpless. When he wanted to put the phone away, the ringtone rang again.

He picked it up and saw that it was a number he didn't want to answer, but Yagyu Xia Ye had to answer it again.

"It's the second time I got through to you. Are you still in the tender hometown of the mother and daughter?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't meet your expectations. I'm back now. As for the fact that you didn't get through the first time, it was because I was answering my sister's call just now." After explaining the reason, Liu Sheng Xia Ye came to his senses. Said: "No, why should I explain to you?"

"Of course it's because of your modesty. My car has helped you a lot."

"I'm not guilty, but thank you."

Anyway, Hiratsuka Shizuka's car did provide a lot of help to Yagyu Xiaye yesterday, so a thank you is worth it.

"How about it, did you ask your sister to check my identity for you again?"

"No, I'm afraid I won't be able to bear the consequences." Before, Hiratsuka Shizuka said that if Liu Sheng Xia Ye checked her, something uncontrollable might happen.

In the past, because he didn't want to use the power of the Yagyu family anymore, Yagyu Xia Ye also refrained from checking the identity of Shizuka Hiratsuka.And after yesterday's incident, Yagyu Xiaye became more determined not to check Hiratsuka Shizuka's identity.

"It's still affordable if you're willing to take it."

"Unfortunately, I don't want to take it now." Liu Shengxia Ye immediately denied it.

After hearing Yagyu Xiaye's denial, Hiratsuka Jing on the other side of the phone smiled lightly, took out a cigarette and put it in her mouth, but unfortunately the lighter did not ignite for the first time.

"Are you smoking?"

"The fire hasn't been lit yet, can you smell the smoke on the other end of the phone?"

"I can't smell it, I just don't like it."

Hiratsuka Shizuka's lighter worked normally the second time, but she didn't ignite her cigarette, put the lighter aside, and said to the phone: "You guys are really lenient, Let’s leave things like this first, I’ll be looking for you if I have anything to do in the future.”

After hanging up the phone, he put the phone aside and took out the cigarette from his mouth.

"What an annoying person." After finishing speaking, he threw the cigarette into the trash can with great precision.

Liu Shengxia Ye said before that he did not want to bear those consequences yet, but some things were out of control after Liu Sheng Xia Ye made the choice.


Yagyu Xia Ye was a little confused. Could it be that Shizuka Hiratsuka just needed a thank you for calling?

"Big brother, who is this person behind?" Gui Xin saw that Liu Sheng Xia Ye had finished answering both calls, so she asked at this moment.

For the first call, they knew that Liu Shengxia Ye's sister called, because Liu Sheng Xia Ye called her by name during the call.But the second phone call did not show the title or name, so Ito Yuki and Gui Xin were curious.

"You also know it, the big sister who got drunk in Radish."

After being reminded by Liusheng Xiaye, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi also remembered this matter, and it was also because of the drunken big sister that they were able to eat Liusheng Xiaye's yam and red bean porridge.

"Big brother, can you cook porridge for us tonight?" After knowing who it was, she no longer wondered why Shizuka Hiratsuka called Yagyu Xia Ye.Instead, the topic was brought to today's dinner, because Gui Yanye had prepared the lunch.

"Okay, after lunch, let's go buy ingredients together."

"It's great, I can go out with big brother again." After receiving Liu Shengxia's words, the two little girls were very excited.

At this time, Liu Shengxiaye's cell phone rang again, but this time it was not a phone call, but a message ringtone.

The two little girls, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, fell silent, and Yagyu Xia Ye opened the message.

"You can come and pay for the drink owed last week."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It was an unfamiliar phone number, but Liu Shengxia Ye knew where it was sent from, and at the same time, he could basically guess who sent this message.

Before, when the three daughters of Katsura Manami were abroad, Yagyu Xia Ye had contacted them, and the phone they contacted was Xiyuanji Puzi.

And now this message should be sent from Radish, because until now, Yagyu Xiaye only owed Radish the wine money.Moreover, it was not owed by Yagyu Xiaye himself, but last week after Hiratsuka Shizuka got drunk there, she did not pay the car the next day and temporarily put the car here at Liusheng Xiaye, and the price was Liusheng Xiaye To pay her for the drink.

Because Yagyu Xia Ye got drunk at Shizuka Hiratsuka and left that night, and the matter of paying was found out from Saiyuanji World and Kiyoura Setsuna the next day.

It’s just that Yagyu Xiaye, who was in school, didn’t have time to go to Radish to pick up the car, so she didn’t go to pay Hiratsuka Shizuka, and she forgot the day when she went to pick up the car, so Hiratsuka Shizuka owed Yagyu Xiaye the money for the drinks, but Has been stranded.

Now Radish's agent manager Nijo Wakaba has no intention of urging Yagyu Xiaye to pay, so today's message is not from Erjo Wakaba.

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