After getting the guarantee from Yagyu Xia Ye, Sister Gui Yanye was also very happy, and even Yuki Ito was also very happy.

Although it was only the night before yesterday with Manami Katsura, Yuki Ito could still feel the sense of security in Manami Katsura that only her mother could feel.It was because of this that when Gui Xin said that Liu Sheng Xia Ye had the smell of Gui Manami, she said it was a sense of security.

"Then you can go to Radish this weekend and summer night, and I will take care of Xiaozhi and Xiaozhi." Gui Yanye would certainly not let go of the opportunity to bring her mother Gui Manami back.

As for the issue of Katsura Manami coming back to get along with Yagyu Xiaye, we can discuss it at that time.


After taking a bath, Guixin and Itozhi proposed to sleep with Liusheng Xiaye again, but this time not only Liusheng Xiaye refused, but even Gui Yanye also rejected the request of the two little lolis.

Because what Gui Yanye thinks is that Liu Sheng Xia Ye will go to Radish tomorrow to discuss something serious, so Gui Xin and Ito Zhi cannot let Liu Sheng Xia Ye's sleep be disturbed.

The two little lolis who were rejected by both of them at the same time were very disappointed and walked back to their room reluctantly.

"Good night, Yan Ye." Liu Sheng Xia Ye said to Gui Yan Ye who was beside him after the two little lolis, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, entered the room.

Gui Yanye first took a look at the room of the two little lolitas to confirm that they had no plans to come out again, then suddenly approached Liu Shengxia Ye and kissed him on the cheek.

"Thank you, Summer Night!"

After Gui Yanye finished speaking, she ran to the bathroom, because she hadn't taken a shower yet.

This was Gui Yanye's second initiative, and the first time was when Liu Sheng Xia Ye came back from Shengfeng Academy.

The reason for saying thank you should be that Liu Sheng Xia Ye found a way to keep her mother from working outside and live with her sisters.

For this thank you, Yagyu Xia Ye also decided that no matter what happens tomorrow, the events of last weekend cannot continue to happen.


The next day, he woke up and prepared breakfast and lunch for the two little lolitas. For dinner, Yagyu Xiaye decided to do it when he came back from Radish. He decided to come back today and tomorrow.

Instead of driving to Radish, Yagyu Xiaye chose to use the original way to get to Radish, which is the tram.

When arriving at Radish, Yagyu Xiaye met Erjo Wakaba at the door.

"Master Erjo, good morning."

"Morning, Yagyu-kun, are you here today to work part-time or to help?" Nijo Wakaba asked.

"Come here and pay for the last drink."

Last weekend, Xiyuanji pupa sent a message to Yagyu Xiaye, and asked Yagyu Xiaye to come to Radish to pay the wine money that Shizuka Hiratsuka owed here.But after arriving here, Yagyu Xia Ye came to pay the public rations, and the wine money owed by Shizuka Hiratsuka still hasn't been paid.

"Why don't I go and pay you first, so that you don't forget again." Erjo Wakaba Liusheng Xia Ye said.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Erjo Wakaba had heard about Yagyu Xiaye's payment for the wine several times, but she didn't expect that the payment had not been successful until now.

Neither she nor the bartender Minato Tanizaki had any plans to leave early today, so even if Yagyu Xiaye came here to help, there was actually no need for him to do anything, not to mention that it seemed that Yagyu Xiaye was not here to help.

"It's better for me to come by myself." Yagyu Xia Ye rejected Erjo Wakaba's proposal to pay him for the drink, and then asked: "Master Erjou, are you okay at home?"

The reason why Erjo Wakaba left early last Tuesday, Yagyu Xiaye already knew from Xiyuan Temple Pupa, so he asked Erjo Wakaba at this time.The affairs of Erjo Wakaba's family are actually the Erjo sisters' affairs, but in order not to make Erjo Wakaba think that he has other thoughts about the Erjo sisters, Yagyu Xia Ye did not name them.

"It's nothing, it's just some small conflicts in the school."

"need my help?"

"No need, I've dealt with it."

After that, Yagyu Xia Ye and Erjo Wakaba walked into Radish, and some people started to disturb the hygiene. When they saw Yagyu Xia Ye and Erjo Wakaba, they greeted them.

"You've done a good job here." This was the first time Yagyu Xiaye saw Erjo Wakaba enter Radish, and he didn't go straight to the back to find Xiyuanji Pupa and Kiyoura Setsuna, but Two Wakaba walked to the front desk together.

"Pupus has no desire to take power when she comes back, so I have to thank her." After Nijo Wakaba finished speaking, she began to check the accounts.

It's Nijo Wakaba's habit to be right when I'm off work, but to be right again when I'm at work.

"Are you here to help? I seem to be a little busy recently." Yuanfan Tanizaki was also cleaning up the hygiene of his position, and when he saw Yagyu Xiaye, he also asked jokingly.

"I can't do it today. I think it's okay for you to be alone, senior." Yagyu Xiaye shook his head at Yuanfan Tanizaki, explaining that he didn't come here for a part-time job today, then took out money from his pocket and handed it to Erjo Wakaba , Said: "I'm here to pay for the wine."

After listening to Yanagi Natsuya's words, Genban Tanizaki nodded to express his understanding.

Last week, he left early due to some personal matters. That day, Yagyu Xiaye happened to come to the store and took over his shift.

It was also at that time that Yagyu Xiaye met Shizuka Hiratsuka who was in debt.

It's just that what I didn't expect was that after such a long time, the money for the drink has not been paid.

Seeing Erjo Wakaba looking for some change, Yagyu Xiaye said to him, "Let's count it as interest."

"We don't talk about interest here. If you can, ask your friend to patronize more in the future. Of course, it's bad behavior to owe money, unless you can keep paying for her." Erjo Ruoye finally put the change I found it and handed it to Liu Sheng Xiaye.

If Hiratsuka had nothing to do, he probably wouldn't come to Sakakano Prefecture, let alone come here to drink, because Yagyu Xiaye could tell that Hiratsuka Shizuka didn't know how to drink at all.

"If she owes it, I'm willing to pay it back." Liu Shengxia Ye said to Erjo Ruoye.

After that, Erjo Wakaba came out to arrange the work of the staff, and Yagyu Xiaye, who did not come to help, walked to the back house.


However, when Yagyu Xiaye was surprised, this time only Xiyuanji pupa and Katsura Manami were seen behind.The two of them are eating breakfast now, probably because they haven't woken up for a long time.

Kiyoura Setsuna was taken away by her mother Kiyoura Mai, so there is nothing wrong with the mother and daughter not appearing here, but the world of Saiyuanji is not here, which makes Yagyu Xiaye a little confused.

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