"Did the world go to Kuroda-san to help again?" Yagyu Xiaye asked Xiyuanji pupa who had stood up.

After pulling Yagyu Xiaye to the seat and sitting down, Xiyuanji pupa said to Yagyu Xiaye: "The world is at home, and the room in the store is reserved for me and Manami."

"Where is Yan Yehe careful about them?"

"Yan Ye is taking care of them." Yagyu Xia Ye was a little surprised that Xiyuan Temple World didn't live in the shop with Pupa and Katsura Manami.

Could it be that the world of Xiyuan Temple saw something wrong?

Perhaps knowing what Yagyu Xiaye was worried about, Xiyuanji pupa said to Yagyu Xiaye: "Actually, Manami and I can sleep in the same room, but the sound insulation effect between the rooms is not good, and Manami and I are going to sleep together again today. Discussing our affairs, so the world will go home."

The sound insulation of the room is not ideal, but the sound insulation of the entire backyard is still good.

Because of this, last weekend, Yagyu Xiaye and the others dared to go crazy like that.

"Xia Ye, did you come here today to find the world?"

"No, I'm here to find you."

Yagyu Xiaye's straightforwardness made Katsura Manami and Xiyuanji pupa a little confused. Although they also wanted to get Liusheng Xiaye's attention, they never thought that Liusheng Xiaye was obsessed with them, and...

"Xia Ye, we promised only your sister, you only belong to us for three days a month, so..."

"Huh?" After hearing what Xiyuanji pupa said, Liu Shengxiaye was stunned instantly, but he immediately understood what Xiyuanji pupa meant.

A word of emotion made Katsura Manami and Xiyuan Temple Pupa think that he was a sperm with a brain, and deliberately came to them to do things last weekend.

Although literally speaking, it can be understood as what Xiyuanji pupae and the others understand now, but Yagyu Xiaye didn't come here today to pay the public rations.

"I'm indeed here to see you." But Liu Shengxia Ye immediately changed his words and said, "It's not what you understand. I came to you for other things, not what you think."

"Really?" Katsura Manami asked.

"Of course it's true. If I'm the kind of person you think, can I still use medicine?" Liu Sheng Xia Ye said defensively.

Katsura Manami and Nishizonoji pupa chose to believe Yagyu Xiaye's words, because if Yagyu Xiaye really became a person obsessed with their bodies, it would definitely disappoint them.

"Then why did you come to see us today? Is it okay if Wu is not here?" Xiyuanji Puzi no longer planned to continue eating, but asked Liu Sheng Xiaye's purpose for coming here.

"It's not a big problem not to be there, because you probably have this experience. I know some things from the world, so I can give you some of my thoughts."

Author's message:

Thanks to Chen Xiao, Chixia Baiying, Yu Ji Nanqian, Honglian Zhiyue for their rewards and monthly ticket support, thank you

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After Yagyu Xiaye finished speaking, Katsura Manami also looked at Xiyuanji Pupa. She never thought that her conversation with Xiyuanji Pupa would leak from Saiyuanji World to Yagyu Xiaye.

They don't want to tell Liu Shengxia Ye their idea of ​​doing something now, but now that Liu Shengxia Ye has said so, there is no need for them to hide it.

"That girl in the world is also true, but what kind of help are you planning to provide us in Xia Ye?" Xiyuan Temple Pupa asked.

"Are we talking here?" Liu Sheng Xia Ye asked.

Katsura Manami and Xiyuanji Pupa took a look at the breakfast that was still on the table, and felt a little helpless. This environment is indeed not suitable for talking about things.

"Wait a minute, let's go out and talk." Xiyuan Temple Pupa and Katsura Manami stood up to clean up the breakfast on the table.

Yagyu Xia Ye went back to the front to wait for the two daughters of Xiyuanji Pupa, and until now Xiyuanji World has not come to the store, it seems that he does not want to disturb the conversation between Katsura Manami and her mother.


Before Yagyu Xia Ye was kept waiting for long, the two girls Xiyuanji Yuzi and Katsura Manami came out from behind, looking a little dressed up.

After coming out, not only Xiyuanji pupa greeted Erjo Wakaba, but also Katsura Manami. It seems that they should have known each other in the past.

Nijo Wakaba continues to be in charge of Radish by Nijo Wakaba, and she, Katsura Manami, and Kiyoura Mai want to start another career again, so that the Yagyu family can improve their opinion a little bit, and they want to be in the Yagyu Nine Soldiers Wei's face was long for their daughter.

Now Yagyu Natsuya offered to help them, but they did not refuse, because of the relationship between Yagyu Natsuya and them, it was normal for them to accept such help, even Yagyu Kubei couldn't fault it.

They are also guessing what kind of help Liu Sheng Xiaye will provide them, and now they can only know when they meet later.

"Let's go." Xiyuanji pupa took the lead, followed by Katsura Manami and Yagyu Xiaye.

Yagyu Xiaye didn't bring the car, so they took a taxi to the place where they wanted to talk. Xiyuan Temple pupa was familiar with this area, so she decided on the place.

Finally, Xiyuanji pupa brought Katsura Manami and Yagyu Xiaye to a tea house.

Seeing that it was a place to drink tea, Liu Sheng Xia Ye was a little reluctant to go in, because he had been deceived by tea or drinks several times.

"You can make your own tea here." Pupa of Xiyuan Temple said to Liu Shengxia Ye, obviously knowing what Liu Sheng Xia Ye was worried about.

After Xiyuan Temple's pupa finished speaking, Liu Shengxia also let go of her inner guard, and walked up to the tea house with the two of them.

Now it is a seat by the window, Xiyuanji Yuzi and Katsura Manami sit in a row, and Yagyu Xiaye sits in a row alone.

It's just that Yagyu Xiaye didn't make tea by himself like Xiyuanji pupa said before, and handed over the tea making to Katsura Manami. She seemed very skilled, probably because she went in and out of this kind of place more often .

After each of them had a cup of tea, Pupa of Xiyuan Temple asked, "Xia Ye, do you have any suggestions for us?"

Yagyu Xiaye didn't answer Xiyuanji's question, but took out her mobile phone and asked Xiyuanji and Katsura Manami: "What do you think about the market of mobile shopping?"

"Mobile shopping?"

"It started to rise in some western countries, and Japan also has such a website, but the usage rate is not very high."

Katsura Manami and Xiyuanji pupa have different occupations, so their understanding of mobile shopping is also different.

"You can still shop with your mobile phone?" Xiyuansi pupa was very surprised.

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