Gui Yanye was also stunned by Liu Shengxia Ye's sudden confession, because Liu Sheng Xia Ye didn't give her any response no matter what her initiative was before.

Is it a victory now?

Gui Yanye didn't know anymore, but she knew that she was very happy now, so even if she wanted to refuse to wake up the two little lolis, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, Gui Yanye's body was close to her. Get to the side of the bed, then lower down to Yagyu Xia Ye's face again.

The two kissed again.

This time, Liu Shengxia Ye didn't stick out his rebellious tongue again, but it was a bit longer than the last kiss.

It took a long time for the kiss to end.

"Xia Ye, I like you too!"

Gui Yanye also confessed to Liu Shengxia Ye in a very low voice.

However, after the confession, Gui Yanye did not stay in this room, but left Liu Shengxiaye's room instead.

Because she was afraid that if she stayed any longer, she would not be able to help owning Yagyu Xia Ye like the two little lolis Gui Xin and Ito Zhi.

Liu Shengxia Ye didn't stop Gui Yanye, and he couldn't stop him being held by two little lolitas.

Regarding Gui Yanye's sudden confession, Liu Shengxia Ye had some thoughts before, and after feeling Gui Yanye's actions tonight, he said it.

In this way, Gui Yanye won't have the expression of suddenly losing him.

Whether facing Yagyu Xiaye, or getting along with other people such as Xiyuan Temple World or Qingpu Setsuna, Gui Yanye's emotions can be easily sensed.


When Liu Shengxia woke up the next day, he didn't feel the existence of the two little lolis, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, and felt that it was possible for the two little lolis to go back to their room.

After coming out of the room and finishing washing, Liu Shengxia Ye did not perceive the existence of other people in this family.

When I came to the room of Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, I opened the door and found that there was no sign of them.

After closing the door, Liu Shengxia came to Gui Yanye's door again, knocked on the door first, but got no response.

The door was pushed open directly, and the empty room inside indicated that the owner inside had not been seen for a while.

Liu Sheng Xia Ye looked at the clock hanging on the wall, and then closed the door of Gui Yanye's room.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

At this point in time, it happened to be the time when Yagyu Xia Ye woke up at Gui's house on weekends, but now Gui Yanye's sister and Ito Yuki are no longer at home.

Originally wanted to go out directly, but found a paper on the table in the living room, it should be left by Gui Yanye.

After opening the note and reading the contents inside, he was sure that it was Gui Yanye's.

In the note, Gui Yanye said that they left so early because they received a message from Gui Manami telling them to go there earlier today.However, in the letter, Gui Yanye also said that breakfast was ready this morning, but lunch and dinner were not prepared, because Yagyu Xiaye was going out today to compete with Kato Otome and the others in the semifinals of the Kanto Division.

After reading the note, Yagyu Xiaye took it to the kitchen and found that there was a prepared breakfast inside.

"Thank you!"

Yagyu Xiaye crumpled up the note and put it in the trash can, and then began to bring breakfast out of the kitchen.


After breakfast, there was still time left for the appointment with the two daughters of Qihai from Ganlu Temple, but this time required Yagyu Xiaye to rush to the agreed place.

If it was just Kanroji Nanami and Kato Otome, Yagyu Natsuya could use the car that Shizuka Hiratsuka left him to take the two girls to the competition, but this time it was the women's basketball team of Sakakino Academy, Yagyu Natsuya The car cannot be fully loaded.

So I had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​driving and take a tram to meet Kato Otome and her team.

Although there were slightly more people traveling on weekends than usual, when Yagyu Xiaye arrived at the appointed place, it was not yet the agreed time.

However, because Kato Otome and their women's basketball team members have already arrived, Yagyu Natsuya can still be counted as late.

Yagyu Natsuya was familiar with the members of the Sakakano Academy women's basketball team, including their coach.

They were also a little surprised when they saw Yagyu Xiaye coming, but they still welcomed Liusheng Xiaye's arrival, because Liusheng Xiaye's impact on their team was positive.

Not only the two daughters of Qihai from Ganlu Temple, but also the rest of the department came forward to say hello to Yagyu Xiaye.

"Is there no home court in our school?" Liu Sheng asked after saying hello.

"Because it is the semi-finals and finals of the Kanto Division, they are not held in their respective prefectures. This time the stadium is in Chiba Prefecture, so it can be regarded as the home field for our opponents." Kato Otome answered Yagyu Xiaye's question question.

"Sakakano County will participate in our school?"

Now Yagyu Natsuya only knows that the women's basketball team of Sakakino Academy, where Kato Otome and the others belong, has reached the semi-finals, but Yagyu Natsuya doesn't know much about other schools in the county.

"The basketball team of the High School Affiliated to Lingyang University also reached the semi-finals with us, and our opponents were also two schools in Chiba County."

The school where the old sister was in actually reached the semi-finals, but I don't know if the old sister will appear on the field.Moreover, according to Nanami Nana from Ganroji just now, the women's basketball clubs of Sakakino Academy and Lingyang University Affiliated High School will not meet in the semifinals, so it is possible to meet in the finals, provided that they must defeat their respective opponents.

"It's good to be able to enter the semi-finals with the students from Lingyang. The same county, didn't they start together?" Liu Shengxia night looked around, but did not find the girls' basketball team of the High School Affiliated to Lingyang University silhouette.

"Xia Ye, don't look at it. The people in Lingyang are local tyrants, and they have a special car to pick them up. And if we all reach the finals, we are still opponents, so we will do things to help our opponents." Kato Otome said to Yagyu Xia Ye.

It turned out to be a special car, and Liu Shengxia Ye was a little envious of the people in Lingyang.

"Our special car is here too, let's go." At this time, Yagyu Xiaye pointed to the tram that had just entered the station and said to everyone.

Talking about the tram as their special car also made some students in the basketball club laugh out loud, but they didn't stop there and started queuing up to get on the bus.


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