The cross-county teleportation will take a little time, and it was already noon when Yagyu Natsuya and the women's basketball team from Sakakino Academy arrived in Chiba County.

Fortunately, the semi-finals and finals are played at night, so there is still time for Kato Otome and the others to arrange accommodation and meals.

The lodging was all booked in advance, but it was just because I temporarily joined a Yagyu Xiaye, but after discussing with the hotel staff, I also let Liusheng Xiaye stay.

After that, we went to have lunch together next to the hotel.

Because of the game at night, after lunch, everyone in the basketball club didn't intend to go to Chiba County for a stroll, but went to the basketball hall of the hotel.

The hotel where we stayed is very close to the gymnasium where the game will be played at night, so we don’t have to worry about the time, and there is also a basketball hall belonging to the hotel, which allows the staying team to train and maintain their standard while waiting.

Yagyu Natsuya is not a professional, so he did not participate in the training of the women's basketball club of Sakakino Academy. He came here with Kato Otome and Kanroji Nanami, mainly to cheer them up.

The victory of the game still requires the tactical play of the players and the team coach, and Yagyu Xiaye can't help much.


It didn't take long, two hours before the start of the competition, Yagyu Xiaye walked into the gymnasium where the Kanto competition was held in Chiba Prefecture together with Kato Otome and the others.

Sakakino Gakuen and his opponent were divided into Area A, while the High School Affiliated to Lingyang University and his opponent were divided into Area B.

Although it is a stadium, two games can be played at the same time, but it is not in one area, and the audience watching the ball has only one choice.

Everyone from the basketball club of Sakakano Academy came to the field, and behind them were some students from Sakakano Academy. These guys were not fans of the women's basketball club itself, but fans of a certain club, Kato Otome and Ganroji. Nanami's fans are more likely, because these two are the two absolute main players of the women's basketball club of Sakakino Academy.

Yagyu Xiaye did not go to stand with the students of Sakakino Academy, although Class [-] of the first year said that it would change.

However, that was only inside the school. After going outside the school, Liu Shengxiaye had no such plans.And with Yagyu Natsuya's level of professional knowledge, it is certain that he would not be able to piss in the same pot with those fans. He just needs to stand where the members of the women's basketball club of Sakakino Academy can hear him cheering.

Author's message:

Thanks to Dream Konghua, Brainless Ito Akira, Illusory Love, Illusionary to walk against the wall, lacusyuy, Red Lotus Moon for their rewards and monthly ticket support.

Chapter four hundred and sixtieth to win them

Although Area A and Area B are separate, they are in the same gymnasium, so the way to enter is the same.

And the noise alarmed Yagyu Xiaye.

Turning his head to look at the road he had just come by, there was a familiar person Yagyu Xia Ye saw there.

It was different from when Yagyu Xiaye and Sakakano Academy Girls Basketball Club came in just now. There were many people on both sides of the walk to cheer, and there were people from both teams in Area B.

One of the teams is the people from Lingyang University Affiliated Middle School who joined hands with Kato Otome and the others in Sakakino Academy to participate in the Kanto competition.Yagyu Xiaye only knew five of the main players, and the Yagyu Kubei he was looking forward to did not appear in the team with those people.

The momentum on the other side was not smaller than that of the High School Affiliated to Lingyang University, but Liu Shengxiaye only knew one of them.

Hiratsuka Shizuka was actually in that team, but didn't she teach Chinese?

Although they enjoyed the treatment of the star team when they entered the door, it was impossible to block the door, so the two teams also walked towards the B area after greeting their fans.

The spectators in Area A also saw the excitement at the entrance, but they didn't plan to go to the next door to watch the game in Area B, because they were fans and spectators of the two teams in Area A, and they still had a degree of loyalty.

If Yagyu Kubei was not in the team of the High School Affiliated to Lingyang University, Yagyu Xia Ye had no intention of going to the High School Affiliated to Lingyang University, but he was thinking of going to see Shizuka Hiratsuka later or after the game.

After the two sides practiced for a period of time, the semi-final match began.


Liu Shengxia Ye didn't know much about basketball games, but he also had his advantage, that is, Liu Sheng Xia Ye had a much clearer grasp of the general situation of the situation than the coaches and players on the field.

During the period, Yagyu Natsuya also cheered for Kato Otome and the others. When Kato Otome, Ganluji and others responded to Yagyu Natsuya, they were seen by the fans of Sakakino Academy behind them.

However, when they saw that it was Yagyu Natsuya, they had no objection to Yagyu Natsuya. After all, Yagyu Natsuya's performance at the Sakakino Academy sports meeting was really terrifying, even if they were a group, He didn't think about challenging Yagyu Xia Ye, let alone the students from Class [-] of the first year.

Halfway through the third quarter, Yagyu Xiaye already knew that Sakakino Gakuen on the field would have a hard time losing, so he didn't stay in Zone A to watch the game.

When Liu Sheng Xia Ye walked towards the B area, he didn't attract the attention of others, because they were all staring at the game on the court.

Area A and Area B can communicate with each other. When Liu Shengxia came to Area B, he was also taken aback by the atmosphere of the scene.

Unlike Zone A, the supporters of both teams in Zone B are a little crazy.

The women's basketball club of the High School Affiliated to Lingyang University is made up of second-generation guys. Coupled with their good looks, they have many supporters even in other counties, not to mention there are many high schools affiliated to Lingyang University. The students also followed here today.

And their opponents are local, and they already have a lot of fans.

The game on both sides started together, so now it is also the last quarter of the third quarter.

The difference between the two sides was only five points, but Liu Shengxiaye knew that the women's basketball team of the High School Affiliated to Lingyang University was going to win.

Winning or losing over there is not in Yagyu Xiaye's consideration, he came here mainly to find Shizuka Hiratsuka.

On the seat behind the bench, Yagyu Xiaye found Shizuka Hiratsuka, and now she looked bored watching the game in the field, and she didn't care about winning or losing.

"Are you part-time sports?" Although there are many fans of both teams, there are actually many vacant seats beside Shizuka Hiratsuka, and Xia Ye Yagyu sat on the vacant seat very unceremoniously.

Shizuka Hiratsuka, who had no energy, raised his head unexpectedly when he heard Yagyu Xiaye's voice.

"You know my whereabouts?"

Yagyu Xiaye shook his head, Hiratsuka Shizuka believed that he had investigated her whereabouts through the power of Yagyu's family.

"I just accompanied our school here to play the game. I found you when you entered the door before. I came to say hello to you during the gap."

"You are from Sakakino Academy in the neighboring district, not from the High School Affiliated to Lingyang University?" Shizuka Hiratsuka believed that Yagyu Xiaye was not lying.And she knew that Yagyu Kubei was from the High School Affiliated to Lingyang University, and as Jiubei's younger brother, Yagyu Natsuya was from another school in Sakakino County, which made Hiratsuka Shizuka a little strange.

"My sister and I are not in the same school. Your school looks like it's about to lose." Yagyu Xia Ye looked at the competition field. The difference between the school in Chiba County and the High School Affiliated to Lingyang University had been eliminated after the third quarter. Pulled into nine points.

Shizuka Hiratsuka also looked at the field at this time, and when the players from both sides returned to the bench to rest, Shizuka Hiratsuka stood up.

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