"Aren't you little girls being too careless? If this continues, our victory will be stolen from us."

Shizuka Hiratsuka's sudden utterance also surprised the students of her school's women's basketball team. Although she knew that Shizuka Hiratsuka came with her today, she had no complaints about their games, so there was no pressure.

However, now Hiratsuka Shizuka stood up and expressed dissatisfaction with them, and Hiratsuka Shizuka's words were not wrong, they were indeed lax today.

"I need you to defeat this school in Sakano County, and then go and defeat another school in Sakano County." Shizuka Hiratsuka gave an order to her school's girls' team.


The students of her women's team looked at Yagyu Xia Ye who was beside Shizuka Hiratsuka this time, because Yagyu Xia Ye stood up and waved to their opponents at this moment.

Teacher Hiratsuka didn't want her school to lose to the school that the boys around her knew.

"We understand!" The girl team members of Shizuka Hiratsuka School stood up and signaled to Hiratsuka.

Hiratsuka Shizuka sat down contentedly. Originally, she had no idea about the school's women's team, but after knowing that Yagyu Natsuya was a student of the Sakakano County School next door, she had new ideas.

As she told the women's team members before, she wants to beat Yagyu Xiaye's school.

After waving to the students of the High School Affiliated to Lingyang University, Liu Shengxia Ye also sat down helplessly. He also didn't expect that his arrival would bring such a big change to the competition in Area B.

Compared with the women's team of Zongwu High School, the members of the women's team of the High School Affiliated to Lingyang University were a little confused, because they couldn't understand what Liu Shengxia's waving just now meant.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The relationship between the women's basketball club of the High School Affiliated to Lingyang University and Liu Shengxiaye is not very good. Although she apologized to Liusheng Xiaye before, and Liusheng Xiaye also expressed that she didn't care about that incident, but the disharmony between them is always there.

So, what did Yagyu Xia Ye mean by waving just now?

Just because of Yagyu Kubei, I simply greeted them, and reminded them to be a little more careful when waiting for the next game.

If it was Yagyu Xiaye alone, they would not have considered so many issues, but now there is a woman beside Liusheng Xiaye, and that woman seems to be the leader of their opponent's school.

If they were connected in this way, they would have to start analyzing what Liu Shengxia Ye was waving just now.

However, this kind of communication without face-to-face is difficult to analyze. After the timeout is over, the players of both sides play again.

It was just a performance of offense and defense, Yagyu Xia Ye and Hiratsuka Shizuka saw the difference.

"It seems that it was really just because we didn't pay attention before." Shizuka Hiratsuka said to Yagyu Xia Ye who was beside her.

Just now it was the offense of Zongwu High School and the defense of the High School Affiliated to Lingyang University.Judging from the intensity of the game Yagyu Xia Ye came to see, Sobuko's attack would not end so easily and score.

Although what Shizuka Hiratsuka said was good, after being reminded by her, the students of Sobu High School have regained their senses and their attack power has improved, but in the view of Yagyu Xiaye, the most important thing is the High School Affiliated to Lingyang University Indecision in the defense.

"Your opponent is not quite right." Liu Sheng Xia Ye said.

"Of course it will be wrong, because they are the one being chased, and this field is our home field, and the lead in front is nothing." Regarding the performance of her school girls' team, Hiratsuka Jing is quite satisfied now, especially After listening to Liu Shengxia Ye's words.

After that, Liu Sheng Xia Ye didn't say anything more, because the two said something different.


The fourth quarter of the High School Affiliated to Lingyang University was completely the performance of the first goal, so it was reversed by Zongwu Gao in the end, and the reversal score was a little bit more.

Shizuka Hiratsuka stood up and applauded the players of Sobu High, and when Yagyu Natsuya stood up, the person attached to the adoption university shook hands with the students of Sobu High and went back to the locker room without looking at it at all. Yagyu summer night.

Although Shizuka Hiratsuka applauded, she didn't go down to celebrate with the students of Sobu High, because after seeing the end, Shizuka Hiratsuka also saw that something was wrong with the women's basketball team attached to the adoption university.

However, now that Sobu High has won, it is impossible for Hiratsuka Shizuka to wait for the players of the girls' basketball team of the Lingyang University Affiliated Middle School to recover, and then play another game.

"Did you do it on purpose?" Hiratsuka Shizuka didn't sit down, because she was planning to leave here, anyway, Sobugao had already won the competition.

But there is a question that she still wants to ask. She can know that after Yagyu Xiaye waved to the players of the women's basketball team of the High School Affiliated to Lingyang University, their performance will be poor at the beginning of the fourth quarter.

"What?" Yagyu Xiaye didn't understand what Hiratsuka Shizuka meant when she asked.

Looking at Liu Shengxia Ye's reaction, I know that Liu Sheng Xia Ye did not do it on purpose, but the behavior of the girls in the High School Affiliated to Lingyang University is definitely related to Liu Sheng Xia Ye.

"where do you live?"

"I live in the hotel booked by the school, which is next to the gymnasium."

"I'll take you there, I'm familiar with this place." Shizuka Hiratsuka said to Yagyu Xiaye.

Yagyu Xiaye did not refuse, while cheering for Kato Otome and the others, Yagyu Xiaye still wanted to visit Chiba County.

Instead of saying goodbye to Kanroji Nanami and the others, Xia Ye Yagyu and Shizuka Hiratsuka walked out of the gymnasium.


"Are you a little disappointed?" Seeing Yagyu Xia Ye looking around, Hiratsuka asked.

"No, it's just that I think it's possible for you to buy another car. It seems I'm overthinking it." Yagyu Xia Ye was looking for a car that fit Hiratsuka's temperament, but in the end he couldn't find it.

"I'm not as rich as you think, but if you're willing to buy me a car, I don't mind changing the style."

After Hiratsuka Shizuka finished speaking, she was going to take Yagyu Natsuya to walk back to the hotel reserved by Sakakino Gakuen.

However, the roar of the motor and the sharp brake sound appeared in front of Yagyu Xia Ye and Hiratsuka Shizuka at the same time. car.

It can be felt that this luxury car is coming for the two of them, or for Shizuka Hiratsuka.

The car door was opened, and a young man came out of it. From the age point of view, he was slightly older than Yagyu Xiaye, and it should be that Shizuka Hiratsuka was at about the same stage.

"Xiao Jing, let me just say that it is inconvenient not to have a car. Are you planning to walk back after watching the game?" Ignored Yagyu Natsuya who was beside Shizuka Hiratsuka, or thought that Yagyu Natsuya was completely unworthy to intervene in their conversation.

"I don't need you to worry about my affairs, and I don't know you well enough that you can call me Xiaojing. If there is nothing wrong, please step aside and don't disturb me getting along with my friends."

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