Yagyu Xiaye's arrangement would not allow the two mothers Katsura Manami and Ito Moeko to sleep with their daughters.

"Xia Ye, you'd better go back to your room today, otherwise Xiaoxin and Xiaozhi will have an opinion." It's not that Gui Yanye doesn't want to accompany Guixin and Itozhi, two little lolitas, but be careful and Xiaozhi tonight. Xiao Zhi obviously wanted to relive the feeling of staying with Liu Sheng Xia Ye, and Gui Yanye would not destroy it.

"Well, Xia Ye, you should do what Yan Ye said. Anyway, we still have time in the future, so we just need to tidy up one more room and come out."

Gui Yan Ye's house actually has extra rooms, such as Gui Manami's room.

But because he hasn't been at home for a long time, and he didn't plan to stay for a long time when he came back last time, after all, he had an agreement with Yagyu Kubei.But now it is necessary to tidy up her room. Even if she can't go home because of the agreement with Yagyu Kubei, if Ito Moko comes here in the future and wants to take Ito Zhi away but can't take it away, she can sleep. her room.

However, there is no time to tidy up her room today, so Yagyu Xiaye and the two little lolitas share a room, Gui Yanye goes to sleep in the original room of the two little lolitas alone, and then she and Ito Zhi's mother Ito Moeko has a room.

After listening to Gui Manami's words, Yagyu Xia Ye didn't refute anymore, and walked to his own room. Anyway, it's not that he didn't sleep with the two little loli, and nothing major happened.


Liu Sheng Xiaye didn't know what was going on outside the room, anyway, after he returned to his room, he skillfully got into the space left by the two little lolitas on the bed, and then the two little lolitas hung up naturally on him.

Perhaps because of Gui Yanye's previous warning, the two little girls, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, didn't do anything excessive, they just asked Liu Sheng Xia Ye to tell them a nice story.

After Liu Sheng Xiaye finished telling the story, he found that the two little girls had already fallen asleep beside him. He looked out the window and estimated the time. Everyone in the room should be asleep now.

Just when Liu Sheng Xiaye was about to close his eyes and fall asleep, he heard footsteps outside the room, not going towards the toilet, but towards his room.

Could it be that Katsura Manami came to take away the day that belonged to her, but she didn't show it before.

Now I don't even have the chance to get up and refuse, because the two little lolis will notice if they get up together, and it won't be good if things get serious.

Liu Sheng Xia Ye could only stay quietly on the bed first, and wait for a chance to remind those who came in later.

The door was pushed open carefully without making too much noise, presumably someone who is very familiar with the structure of this home.

However, when the person who came in walked to the bed, Yagyu Xiaye knew that it was not Gui Manami, because the fragrance emanating from her body was fundamentally different.

There is only one person who is familiar with the structure of this family, and that is Gui Yanye.

I don't know why Gui Yanye came here at this time, but even if it was Gui Yanye who came in, Liu Shengxiaye decided to give Gui Yanye a reminder at the right time to let Gui Yanye leave his room.

However, when he felt Gui Yanye's movements, Liu Shengxia Ye had no intention of making a sound.

Because he could feel Gui Yanye's breath, it meant that the distance between Gui Yanye and him was getting closer.

In the end, Gui Yanye kissed Liusheng Xiaye's left cheek lightly, and when Liusheng Xiaye was hesitating whether to give Gui Yanye a reminder, he didn't feel Gui Yanye's breath leaving.

Therefore, Liu Shengxia Ye's right cheek was kissed by Gui Yanye again, and because Liu Shengxia Ye was lying in the middle of the bed, when Gui Yanye kissed the right cheek, her hand was placed on the bed to borrow strength, Fortunately, Yuki Ito, who was sleeping on the left side of Yagyu Xia Ye, was not woken up.

Afterwards, Liu Sheng Xia Ye felt Gui Yanye's breathing leave the range of the bed, and then heard footsteps leaving his room.

After Gui Yanye left, Liu Shengxia Ye also breathed a sigh of relief, but luckily Gui Yanye had no other intentions.

However, when Liu Shengxia wanted to fall asleep again, he heard footsteps again.

And this time, he didn't go to the toilet, but came to his room.

The sound of opening the door was much louder than last time, and now Yagyu Xiaye is not sure whether it is Katsura Manami or Ito Moeko. As for Gui Yanye, who just went out just now, he will not come in again.

Liu Shengxia Ye originally wanted to remind the person who came in when he approached the bed, but this time it was different.

The target of the person who entered the house this time was obviously not him.

Yagyu Xiaye felt that the quilt on the left was lifted up a little, and then heard the sound of kissing, it should be Moko Ito came to see her daughter.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After realizing that it was Moeko Ito, Natsuya Yagyu didn't intend to give any hints, because he and Moeko Ito met only today, and the only person who had a connection with both of them was Yuki Ito.And Yagyu Xia Ye stopped Moeko Ito from taking Yuki Ito home during dinner, the two of them should feel bad.

It's just that Yagyu Natsuya didn't perceive the sound of Ito's sister leaving, but fortunately, at this time, Ito Yuki, who was sleeping on the left side of Yagyu Natsuya, moved her body unconsciously on the bed, which made Ito Moeko step forward and leave Yagyu Xia Ye's room.

Two people came in consecutively in the room, Liu Sheng Xia Ye was completely sleepless now, but there was a little loli hanging on the left and right, so that Liu Sheng Xia Ye could not get up to relax or exercise to help sleep.

Just when Yagyu Xiaye was about to try to see if he could fall asleep for the last time, he heard footsteps again, so he could only close his eyes and pretend to sleep again, because he thought the footsteps were still coming towards his room this time .

The door was pushed open in a low voice, and when Liu Shengxia Ye wondered if it was Gui Yanye who came back again, he immediately changed his mind, because the smell emanating from his body was not right.

This time it was Katsura Manami, the last person outside this room.

Yagyu Xia Ye could feel Katsura Manami's breath getting closer to his face without opening his eyes, but in the end he didn't come close.


Katsura Manami knew that Moeko Ito didn't come out to go to the toilet, but came to Yagyu Xia Ye's room to see her daughter, and she could feel it from their conversation in the room before.

Now, after she excused herself to Yagyu Xiaye's room, she saw the quilt that had been pulled over Yuki Ito's body, which confirmed her guess.

It's just that Gui Manami is not coming to Yagyu Xia Ye's room to pull the quilt for Gui Xin.

It was agreed with Xiyuan Temple Pupa and Kiyoura Mai that the day Yagyu Xia Ye belonged to them, but three people were required to be present.

Now that Xiyuanji pupa and Kiyoura Mai are not here, Katsura Manami can't take advantage of Yagyu Xiaye's reason to eat alone at her house, and now there are two little lolis, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, sleeping beside Yagyu Xiaye.

However, if you can't eat alone, you can still enjoy other benefits.

When Katsura Manami was about to kiss Yagyu Xia Ye's left cheek, she stopped because she smelled a familiar smell.

It wasn't from Moeko Ito who slept with her tonight, but from Gui Yanye who slept in the room of the two little lolis, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi.

Gently moving her nose, Gui Manami confirmed that this was what Gui Yanye left on Liu Shengxia Ye's face.

Knowing this, Katsura Manami was not angry, because judging from the conversation with Gui Yanye, neither she nor Liu Shengxia Ye had reached that point yet.However, being able to come to Liu Sheng Xia Ye's room in the middle of the night and do such a thing, it seems that her daughter's feelings for Liu Sheng Xia Ye are not very weak.

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