Katsura Manami slightly raised her head, ready to shift positions.

Now that Liu Shengxia Ye's left cheek has been attacked by Gui Yanye, Gui Manami is going to attack the other cheek.

Katsura Manami is much taller than her daughter, so she doesn't need to use her hands on Liusheng Xiaye's bed to reach Liusheng Xiaye's right cheek like Gui Yanye.

His lips were about to touch Yagyu Xiaye's right cheek again, but was stopped by Katsura Manami.

Because Katsura Manami smelled the same smell on Yagyu Xiaye's right cheek as on the left cheek.

In other words, her daughter, Gui Yanye, had already been attacked by both cheeks of Liu Shengxia Ye.I don't know if Gui Yanye had already expected this kind of thing to happen at this time, so he divided her domain on Liu Shengxia Ye.

Both times failed, and time did not allow Katsura Manami to stay longer in Yagyu Xia Ye's room.

And Katsura Manami has one last goal.

Bend at a slightly smaller angle than before, Katsura Manami lowered her head and reflected her lips on Yagyu Xia Ye's lips, it was just like that, she didn't do anything superfluous.

However, when Yagyu Natsuya wanted to open his eyes to remind Katsura Manami that her breasts might affect Ito Yuki who was sleeping on the left side of Yagyu Natsuya, Katsura Manami spoke first.

"Good night!" Katsura Manami left Yagyu Xia Ye's lips when she spoke, and her voice was very low, so that it would not disturb Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, two little girls who were already asleep.

Yagyu Xiaye opened his eyes, and could only see the back of Katsura Manami who turned around, she had no intention of speaking out to persuade her to stay.


After Katsura Manami came out of Yagyu Xia Ye's room, she really went to the toilet once.

Back in Gui Yanye's room, I found Moeko Ito sitting on the bed.

"Mengzi, can't you sleep?"

"Manami, we're worried about the same thing."

"What's the matter?" Katsura Manami was a little confused, because she didn't think she and Moeko Ito had the same thing now.

"You also went to Yagyu-kun's room, right?" Ito Moko also saw Katsura Manami's surprised expression, and before Katsura Manami asked, Ito sister continued: "Although I can see that Yagyu-kun is very fond of Xiaozhi I'm drowning, but I still can't help worrying about what it will be like in a place I can't see. Fortunately, after I went to Yagyu-kun's room, I didn't find anything that made me uneasy. Manami, you are the same , After all, Xiaozhi is with Liu Sheng-kun just like Xiaozhi."

After listening to Moeko Ito's words, Manami Katsura also breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that Moeko Ito hadn't followed her.

She agrees with Moeko Ito's worry, but she doesn't have that worry, but it's better to answer Moeko Ito in this way now.

"Yes, after all, Liusheng-kun is a boy, I don't know if he can take care of Xiaoxin and Xiaozhi, but after seeing it with my own eyes, I don't have the worry you have."

Moeko Ito nodded, admitting that Katsura Manami was right, but now she has another worry.

"If Xiaozhi is used to Yagyu-kun's care, will she not like the way I take care of her in the future?" This is something Moko Ito has to think about, because she and Ito Zhi have been separated for a long time, and Ito Yuki has been living with Yagyu Xiaye during this time, if Ito Moeko takes her home in the future, Ito Yuki will definitely compare the two ways.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

These years have been busy making money, and I have little time to take care of Ito Yuki. Now that the case of Yagyu Natsuya appears, Ito Moeko suddenly doesn't have much confidence in herself.

Even if it is possible to take Ito Yuki home and live together, Ito Yuki's heart will definitely fall on the Gui family.

"About taking Xiaozhi home, you don't plan to do it overnight. After all, you need to give Xiaozhi a process of adaptation. You can stop taking Xiaozhi home, and come to home and Xiaozhi every week to rest. It’s best not to interact more, let her get used to your way of taking care of you, and then take her home later.”

Katsura Manami's suggestion Ito Moko listened to it, and this is the best suggestion for the current Ito Moeko.

"Thank you, Manami."

"Don't be polite, don't say that you are my friend, and I have already invited you into the company. I will definitely help you where I can help you."

"What kind of company did you establish?" Moeko Ito couldn't help asking.

When neither of them had an excuse to go to the toilet, they didn't fall asleep either. The two talked on Gui Yanye's bed, more about their daughters. As for Gui Manami, Xiyuan Temple Pupa and Qingpu The company founded by the three dancers did not mention anything.

"You'll know when you go to the company tomorrow." Although Moeko Ito has been invited, Katsura Manami didn't intend to reveal anything more to her.Except for the three of them and Liu Shengxia Ye, all the other working university students in the team signed confidentiality contracts.After so many days of preparation and research, they can already foresee the great power that Alipay will exert in the future.

At the same time, they also know that when Alipay really grows, they may not be able to grasp it, but it doesn't matter, because the one holding Alipay is Liusheng Xiaye, and Liusheng Xiaye is the young master of the Liusheng family.

The heirs of the Yagyu family other than Yagyu Kubei.

What's more, Katsura Manami, Saizonji Pupa, and Kiyoura Mai three girls don't have the idea of ​​becoming the world's richest. What they want to do is to let the Yagyu family see their role, let Yagyu Xiaye treat their daughter We can be better.

The second point, from now on, there should be no problem,

"Manami, what are you going to do about their sisters?" Moeko Ito asked Manami Katsura, of course Manami's two daughters, Gui Yanye and Gui Xin.

As someone who has been there, Moeko Ito knows that Gui Yanye has a good impression of Liu Shengxia Ye, and Gui Xin needless to say, Liu Sheng's status in her heart must be much more important than her mother Gui Manami.

"Of course, let them go." Gui Manami is not prepared to take care of Gui Yanye and Liu Shengxiaye, as long as Gui Yanye and Liusheng Xiaye can stick to that line.

Moeko Ito was very surprised by Katsura Manami's reaction, and said in surprise: "Manami, you don't intend to make Yan Yehe be careful..."

"No matter what happens in the end, I believe in Yagyu-kun."

Katsura Manami's trust in Yagyu Natsuya made Ito Moko feel a little incredible, it was exactly like the trust of lovers before, but Yagyu Natsuya and Katsura Manami seemed impossible to her.

"Actually, as long as you really want to take good care of Xiaozhi, Yagyu-kun can help you." Katsura Manami made a suggestion to Ito sister.

"Yagyu-kun, can you help me? What can I do?"

"I can't tell you this, you have to get to know it slowly in the process of getting along with Xiaozhi." After Katsura Manami finished speaking, she pulled the quilt over her body.

Knowing that Katsura Manami won't say much, Moeko Ito can only look forward to coming here during her break next weekend to get along with her daughter slowly.

"Good night!" Moeko Ito pulled up the quilt.


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