When Yagyu Xiaye walked to Qingpu Setsuna, Qingpu Setsuna who was thinking of something didn't realize it until Liusheng Xiaye made a sound.

"Sha Mo, are you planning to practice Taoism on the rooftop?"

Yagyu Xiaye's voice brought Qingpu Setsuna back to his senses, he looked around Liusheng Xiaye, but he didn't see the figure of Xiyuan Temple World, Qingpu Setsuna asked: "Xia Ye, didn't the world come? "

"So it's because I'm not welcome here, I'm going to call the world up now."

When Liu Sheng Xia Ye turned around, Qing Pu stopped Liu Sheng Xia Ye in an instant, and said, "Xia Ye, I don't mean to be unhappy."

Qingpu Setsuna was not unhappy, but nervous.

Because even when Saiyuanji World was around, Kiyoura Setsuna would still keep a distance from Yagyu Xiaye, lest Saiyuanji World be aware of her feelings for Yagyu Xiaye.So today when she was alone on the rooftop, Yagyu Xiaye came up, making Kiyoura Setsuna worry whether the world of Saiyuan Temple would also come up suddenly, and then seeing her current situation with Yagyu Xiaye would think too much.

Liu Shengxia Ye turned around, sat beside Qingpu Setsuna very naturally, and asked, "Setsuna, you really don't plan to practice Taoism?"

The reason why I asked the second time was because Yagyu Xia Ye didn't see Qingpu Setsuna's bento today, because it was just during the lunch break, Qingpu Setsuna had no time to eat the bento at this time, and it was impossible to go to the cafeteria to eat it before going to the rooftop here.

After being questioned by Yagyu Xiaye, Qingpu Setsuna shook her head first, expressing that she had no intention of cultivating Taoism, and then saw that Yagyu Xiaye did not bring a lunch box today.

"Xia Ye, did you give your bento to the world?"

"No, because you haven't continued to practice cooking skills, and the world's own cooking skills are not very low, so I haven't brought bento to school for a long time."

"What about classmate Gui?"

"Yan Ye has been eating in the cafeteria during this time, and today is with Qi Hai and Otome."

Hearing that Yagyu Xia Ye said that Gui Yanye was with Kato Otome and the others, Kiyoura Setsuna was a little surprised.Although she and Xiyuanji World also mentioned about Gui Yanye to Kato Otome and Ganluji Nanami before, they did not expect their relationship to ease to this point in such a short time.

However, after knowing that Yagyu Xia Ye did not make lunch for Gui Yanye, Qingpu Setsuna also felt better.

"Na Xia Ye, you didn't have lunch, right? I'm not hungry now, why don't you try to eat first?" Qingpu Setsuna persuaded Yagyu Xia Ye.

However, in the face of Qingpu Setsuna's persuasion, Yagyu Xiaye was unmoved, and did not intend to get up and leave the rooftop to go to the school cafeteria for lunch, but asked: "Setsuna, if possible, explain what happened to you. Tell me, it’s a problem that can’t be solved if you’re always alone, and it’s going to make your friends worry.”


"Of course it's not just the world, there are people like me, Otome, Nanami, and Kuroda-san. Problems that can't be solved by one person can be helped by gathering everyone's strength." Yagyu Natsuya said to Kiyoura Setsuna.

After hearing that Yagyu Natsuya had mentioned the name of Xiyuan Temple World, Kiyoura suddenly realized that if she really didn't solve her problem, it might bring harm to her friends.

And now, there is a person who might be able to help her, and it is also the person Qingpu Setsuna hopes can help her.

"It's about my going abroad." Kiyoura Setsuna finally said what was bothering her.

However, Liu Shengxia Ye was a little confused after hearing this.

Because Qingpu Setsuna had encountered this problem before.At that time, Kiyoura Setsu did not want to go abroad, but finally, under the persuasion of Yagyu Xiaye, she agreed to allow her mother to study abroad, and in order to take good care of herself abroad, she also studied with Saiyuanji World in Radish Cooking, under the guidance of Yagyu Xiaye.

This decision was not told to her mother Qingpu Wu, in order to surprise her mother who had traveled abroad.

So what's the problem now?Liu Sheng Xiaye suddenly thought of something, but he decided to make sure first, and instead asked, "Sha Mo, what's going on this time? You don't want to go abroad anymore?"

"This time, it's not that I don't want to go abroad, but that my mother doesn't want me to go abroad." Qingpu Setsuna was a little annoyed when she said this, because Qingpu Wu's denial this time, didn't it mean that Qingpu Setsuna also completely denied Qingpu Setsuna's presence in the country along the way. effort during this time?And this kind of Qingpu dance that changes attitudes after a while makes Qingpu momentarily a little desperate. Can she live with her mother properly?

"Have you ever said why?"

"It is said that the level of foreign countries and domestic companies is similar. As long as she works a little harder in domestic companies, she can still take good care of me. However, what I need now is not this kind of care. I have to be responsible for my choice, but But she changes her choice anytime and anywhere, without considering my opinion at all."

After listening to Qingpu Setsuna's words, Liu Shengxia Ye understood a little bit.

Kiyoura Mai probably doesn't want to go abroad now, because after all, the Alipay matter has just started with Xiyuanji Jizi and Katsura Manami, and now is the time for them to work hard.

And Liu Shengxia Ye also understood that they did this not for themselves, but for their daughter.

It just seems that Qingpu Wu did not tell Qingpu Setsuna about the Alipay company, so she gave Qingpu Setsuna the image that her mother can change her decision at any time.

Yagyu Xia Ye felt that he should do something so that the relationship between Qingpu Wu and Qingpu Setsuna's mother and daughter would be less tense.

Author's message:

Thanks to Randy, yy unlimited, crocodile, Dongfang Yu, Moran Qianyingwu, Dreaming Yingxiong, Shuke 6731429952 for their rewards and monthly ticket support, thank you.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Now the problem is not with Qingpu Setsuna, but when the three daughters of Qingpu Wu are managing Alipay, Yagyu Xiaye will not intervene in it, so even if you want to persuade Qingpu Wu, you have to wait for their next meeting. I will.

"Setsuna, give me a little time, and I will help you persuade your mother if I can help you." Now Qingpuwu's three girls are all focusing on Alipay, and this month has passed almost half a month No, they didn't come to take away the day that belonged to them. Even if Gui Zhenami came back once, she just went out to play with Gui Xin and Gui Yanye.

"Xia Ye, thank you!" Qingpu Setsuna expressed his gratitude to Liu Sheng Xia Ye, and at the same time hoped that Liu Sheng Xia Ye could help her.

Because her mother, Qingpu Wu, was able to get Liu Shengxia Ye to take her home, it meant that Liu Sheng Xia Ye still had a certain status in her heart, and she should be able to listen to some of Liu Sheng Xia Ye's words.

"I feel much better after I said what I was suppressing in my heart, thank you!" Kiyoura setsuna sat up straight here, crossed his hands and fingers together, raised them up and stretched his waist, and said to Yagyuxia again Thank you for the night.

The two thank yous were different. After listening to it, Liu Sheng Xiaye said, "Since it's healed, let's go to the cafeteria to eat now, otherwise I won't have enough energy for the afternoon class."

Qingpu was a little moved for a moment, and was about to stand up from the chair, but immediately seemed to think of something, and asked: "Xia Ye, you haven't had lunch, do you want to go to the cafeteria together?"

This was the first time that Qingpu Setsuna took the initiative to invite Yagyu Xiaye, but the result made Qingpu Setsuna a little disappointed.

"Sorry, I ate a bit too much for breakfast, so I'm not allowed to eat lunch, and I won't waste much energy in the afternoon classes." Although Liu Shengxia has made changes in the school now, the difficulty of the courses It didn't make Liu Shengxia Ye feel any difficulty, as long as there were no mistakes.

"That's it, then I'll go to the cafeteria first." Hearing Yagyu Xia Ye's refusal, Qingpu immediately stood up from his chair and left the school's rooftop.

Yagyu Xia Ye didn't notice Qing Pu's expression, but his mind is not here now.

Yagyu Xiaye took out her mobile phone from her pocket, and then found Qingpu Mai's number.

Although they don't intend to get involved in the construction of Alipay by the three pupae daughters of Xiyuan Temple, but this incident is about the mother and daughter of Kiyoura Setsuna and Kiyoura Mai, so Yagyu Xiaye decided to call Kiyoura Mai first or Send a text message.

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