In the end, Liu Sheng Xia Ye still chose to send a text message.


In the cafeteria of Alipay Company, Katsura Manami and the three daughters were eating the bento prepared for them by Yagyu Xiaye, while Moeko Ito, who had just joined the company, was in front of a staff meal.

"Yusheng-kun's cooking is really good, much better than the staff meals here." I had the breakfast prepared by Liusheng Xiaye at Gui's house in the morning, and I already knew what Liusheng Xiaye's cooking is like Yes, but when Yagyu Xiaye compared the bento of Qingpu Wu Sanmei with the staff meal of Alipay, I found that the staff meal here is really weak.

However, Yagyu Xia Ye prepared only three lunch boxes, and it seemed that no one of the three Katsura Manami girls wanted to share with her.

"I heard Moeko say that there is really a big difference between the staff meals and the bento prepared in the summer night. It seems that the company's canteen level should be improved." After hearing Moeko Ito's words, Xiyuanji pupa I stopped eating, but began to reminisce about the difference between Yagyu Xiaye's bento and the staff canteen meal.

"No, it's already pretty good that your staff meals can reach this level, there's no need to compare with Yagyu-kun's bento." Moko Ito immediately persuaded him when she heard that Nishizonoji pupae wanted to reform the food in the cafeteria road.

Because this is just the difference between her lamenting the staff meal and the bento made by Yagyu, and there is no other meaning.

And at this moment, Qingpu Wu's cell phone rang.

It wasn't a phone call, so Qingpu Wu didn't intend to get up and leave. After taking out the phone, she found it a bit strange to see that the message was from Yagyu Xiaye's number.

After opening the message and reading it, Qing Pu Wu's face changed, but it returned to normal immediately, and then put the phone back.

"Mai, are you okay?" Katsura Manami, who was sitting next to Kiyoura Mai, saw the change in her expression and asked a little worriedly.

"It's okay, don't worry." Kiyoura Mai shook her head at Katsura Manami.

After hearing what Qingpu Mai said, Katsura Manami didn't ask too much, because she believed that Qingpu Mai could handle the problems she encountered.


In the evening, Qingpu Wu went home.

"I'm back." Pushing open the door and changing shoes at the entrance, Qingpu Wu smelled the smell of food and knew that it was prepared for her by her daughter Qingpu Setsuna.

After Qingpu Mai changed her shoes, she happened to see Qingpu Setsuna serving soup from the kitchen.

After seeing that it was her mother who came back, some joy appeared on Qing Pu's face for a moment, but it was immediately hidden, and he said almost formulaically: "Mom, wash your hands first, and you can eat right away."

"Okay, I'll be right back."

After putting away her bag, Kiyoura Mai went to wash her hands.

After finishing, she found that Qingpu Setsuna had already sat on the seat, and her meal was also served.

After sitting down, Qingpu Wu didn't eat right away, but said: "In a moment, we need to talk about things."

Hearing what Qingpu Wu said, Qingpu Setsuna was also a little surprised, and immediately said: "Mom, last time I was able to understand that I agreed to you to go abroad because of Xia Ye's persuasion, and today I told you about the situation I am encountering now. he."

"The world and Yan Ye's little boyfriend?" After hearing her daughter mention Liu Sheng Xia Ye's name, Qingpu Wu deliberately expressed her impression of Liu Sheng Xia Ye in this way, mainly to see her daughter's attitude towards Liu Sheng Xia Ye How the hell is it.

Sure enough, after listening to her mother's words, Qingpu suddenly showed a disappointed expression, but just like Qingpu Wu before, it was immediately hidden.

"Xia Ye, Shi Shi, and Yan Ye are not lovers, they are just friends." Qing Pu Shan denied what her mother said.

"Well, regardless of their relationship, what I want to tell you today is about your study abroad." Qingpu Mai said to Qingpu Setsuna.

Author's message:

Thanks to Laosun Teleportation, Kan Yuetong, and Luo Lisan for their monthly pass rewards.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Qingpu Setsuna was a little surprised, because this was the second time her mother came back to talk to her about going abroad.

In fact, on the first night when her mother came back, Qingpu Setsuna told her mother her decision to agree to go abroad, and did not get a reply from Qingpu Wu that day, but on the second day, Qingpu Setsuna was told by Qingpu Wu told them that they don't need to go abroad to study now.

Qingpu Setsuna didn't quarrel with her mother, but she didn't say much with her mother Qingpu Mai either. After that, the relationship between the two was just like before Qingpu Mai traveled abroad.

But today, Qing Pu Wu mentioned the matter of going abroad again, and it was after she told Yagyu Xia Ye about it on the school rooftop.

Kiyoura Setsuna hoped that Yagyu Xiaye could help her, but such a quick removal of the effect was beyond her expectation.

"Mom, do you still want to stop me from studying abroad? After all, you were the first to propose it, and you want me to agree the most." Since they wanted to talk, Qingpu Setsuna didn't have any hidden thoughts, and asked straight to the point.

If her mother still wants to deny it like the first time, then there is no need to talk about it for the rest of the time.

Fortunately, this time Qingpu Setsuna did not immediately deny it.

"Setsuna, what do you hope you can learn when you go abroad?" Although Qingpu Mai asked Qingpu Setsuna to go abroad at the beginning, but at that time the most thoughtful thing was to keep Qingpu Mai away from right and wrong before she became an adult.

After listening to her mother's words, Qingpu Setsuna replied: "Education that is different from that in China, and then studying a major that can help others can contribute to my strength."

"Helping someone? Is the target Yagyu-kun?"

Without getting an answer to this question, Qingpu Wu continued to ask: "Setsuna, do you think if I go abroad to study with you now, can I learn something?"

Qingpu Wu's question stunned Qingpu for a moment, she was not talking about her all the time, why was she transferred to Qingpu Wu in a blink of an eye.

"Mom, what do you mean?" Qing Pu asked in a moment of confusion.

At this time, Qingpu Wu decided to tell her daughter Qingpu Setsuna something, so she said: "The thing is like this..."


Qingpu Mai talked about some things about Alipay, but she didn't explain the relationship between this company and Yagyu Xia Ye, only that she founded it together with Xiyuan Temple World's mother and Gui Yanye's mother.

Now, because Moeko Ito was unexpectedly invited by Katsura Manami to join the company, Kiyoura Mai found that her talents were getting less and less able to keep up with the company's pace.

If this continues, she might become a burden to the company.

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