After hearing that it was the treasure of the store, Gui Yanye didn't want to follow, but Liu Shengxiaye had already passed by, so Gui Yanye could only follow.

After arriving at the showcase, the clerk began to introduce the origin of the treasure of the store to Liu Shengxiaye and Gui Yanye.Liu Sheng Xia Ye didn't believe in this so-called treasure of the store, it was just a gimmick, but at this time, Gui Yanye was already fascinated by the story of the shop assistant showing the diamond, which made Liu Sheng Xia Ye a little bit Accident.

"So what's the price of this?" Liu Shengxia Ye saw that the story was almost finished, and immediately asked the price.

"Because of its particularity, the price may be a little more expensive, and it costs 45."

The clerk's quotation directly frightened Gui Yanye, who was addicted to the story, she immediately woke up and was about to take Liu Shengxia Ye outside.

The clerk also saw this situation, and immediately said: "You two, our quotation is really not a scam, and I can guarantee that this diamond is only available in our store in China, and the others are all abroad. If you pay in cash, sir, you will become a lifetime member of our store, and you will get discounts when you come to our store to buy things, up to [-]% off."

Now the clerk no longer told Gui Yanye the story of the diamond, but promised Liu Sheng Xia Ye a discount after buying the diamond.

"Xia Ye, let's go, I don't need this diamond." Gui Yanye wanted to pull Liu Sheng Xia Ye out of the jewelry store again.

From the conversation with her mother, Gui Yanye knew some things about Liu Shengxia Ye that could be known by them. She was afraid that Liu Sheng Xia Ye was really persuaded by the clerk in front of her, so she bought the one directly. diamond.

The diamond is good, and the story told by the clerk is also very good, but Gui Yanye definitely believes that this diamond does not belong to her.

Unfortunately, this time, it wasn't the clerk of the jewelry store who forbade her and Liu Shengxiaye to leave, but someone broke in from the outside, and there was a loud noise.

"If you don't want to die, squat down for me." A very rough voice appeared in the jewelry store. While uttering threatening words, he showed the weapon in his hand to everyone in the store. gun.

Everyone was startled by the noise before, and when they saw a man with a black hood entering the jewelry store, and found that he had a pistol in his hand, they immediately squatted down screaming to avoid being hit. destiny.

Even the clerk who introduced diamonds to Liu Sheng Xia Ye and Gui Yanye before squatted down in fright, and leaned against the cabinet displaying the diamond rings to give his body a support.

Among the many people, Liu Shengxia Ye and Gui Yanye did not squat down. Liu Shengxia Ye blocked Gui Yanye behind him, but he still stood upright.

"Interesting, there are still people who are not afraid of death." When the robber saw Liu Shengxia Ye and Gui Yanye, he actually praised them, and did not immediately start robbing the jewelry store.

Gui Yanye pulled Liu Sheng Xia Ye behind Liu Sheng Xia Ye, and motioned Liu Sheng Xia Ye to squat down first, so as not to provoke the robbers, but there was no result.

"Boy, bring me the diamond beside you, it is my target this time." The robber pointed a gun at Liu Shengxia Ye and said.

"Sorry, I don't have the key, so I can't take it out." Liu Shengxia Ye didn't feel threatened by the gun, but told the robbers about the problems he encountered.

"There are so many troubles there." After the robber finished speaking, he shot the glass cabinet at the counter, smashing the glass cabinet directly, and then the diamonds inside were revealed.

The gunshots once again stimulated the emotions of everyone in the jewelry store. Some men desperately covered their mouths to prevent their female companion from making a sound.

"In this way, there will be no obstacles for you." The robber said to Liu Shengxia Ye.

"Of course, I will show you the diamonds, but you'd better not hurt anyone here."

"As long as we cooperate happily." The robber said this as if he was in the same group as Liu Shengxia Ye, but he was still pointing a gun at Liu Shengxia Ye.

After hearing the robber's assurance, Liu Shengxia Ye turned his head to signal Gui Yanye not to be nervous, then immediately walked to the booth, reached out and took out the previous diamond.

"Don't move, we are the police."

Just as Liu Sheng Xia Ye took out the diamond, he heard the voices of other people in the jewelry store, and at this time Liu Sheng Xia Ye saw the robber who was still arrogant before and immediately put the gun in his hand on the ground , I didn't mean to resist at all.

The policemen who came in suddenly were all in plain clothes, and they hadn't heard the siren outside before, so I don't know if they came here by chance or what.

A policeman walked up to the robber, picked up the gun and put it in the evidence bag on his body, and then looked at Yagyu Xia Ye who was holding the diamond now.

"I didn't expect that you are still this kind of person. It's really interesting to contract robbers to rob diamonds." Among the people who came in later, in addition to three people who were fully equipped with equipment, there was another one in casual clothes. Pretenders exist.

And this person, Liu Shengxia Ye, also knew him, and had conflicts with him.

When he was in Chiba County, Yagyu Natsuya drove Shizuka Hiratsuka's military car past his luxury car, but he never expected to meet him again in Sakano County under such circumstances.

"No, that's right. Xia Ye didn't participate in the robbery. He was threatened by the robber just now." Gui Yanye immediately explained after hearing that Liu Shengxia Ye was identified as the robber's accomplice.

However, Yuan Shan Zhengdao didn't listen to Gui Yanye's words, and asked the robber who was baked: "Did you do this robbery alone?"

"No, the kid over there is in charge of coming over to check the spots first, and then cooperate with me in this play."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The robber who robbed agreed with Yuan Shan Zhengdao's words, and also said that Yagyu Xiaye, who was holding the diamond ring now, was his accomplice.

After Gui Yanye heard what the robber said, he wanted to explain something to Liu Shengxia Ye, but the people around who stood up again because the robber was subdued by the police also started to discuss.

"No wonder you walked towards the most expensive diamond as soon as you came in at a young age."

"It turned out that's why he was able to stand, because they were all in the same group."

"And the robber just told him to cooperate."

"That girl should have been cheated, such a poor person."


Everyone here knows the treasure of this store, and before Liu Shengxia Ye took Gui Yanye straight to the most expensive diamond, making the people who bought diamonds here feel that they were looked down upon up.

It is also in line with their current thinking that Liu Shengxia Ye can suffer a little bit now.

At this moment, many people chattered about their views on Liu Sheng Xia Ye to Yuan Shan Zhengdao and his group, making Gui Yanye unable to explain to Liu Sheng Xia Ye.

"It seems that there are many witnesses here who can prove that you are in the same group. It seems that you need to go to the police station. Of course, if you can let Xiao Jing come now, it will be a different situation."

"I remember that Xiao Jing's name was not allowed to you." Liu Sheng Xia Ye reminded.

"I think what you should worry about most now is yourself. I will handle my affairs myself." After responding to Yagyu Xia Ye's reminder, Toyama Masamichi said to the police who came in: "Everyone, it's time to invite our The robber and his accomplices have returned to the police station together, this is a serious vicious armed robbery incident, and you need to supervise it carefully."

"We understand, you two, please come for me." When the policeman who came to the store was about to take away Liu Shengxia Yeer and the robbers who robbed him, Gui Yanye was not asked to take them away.

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