"Is this your means of revenge?" Liu Shengxia Ye did not resist, handed the diamond in his hand to the approaching policeman, and then said to Yuan Shan Zhengdao.

"Sorry, I don't understand what you mean. You are now an accomplice of a robber with a gun, and I just happened to pass by here. When I see acquaintances, I always have to come and say hello."

"Is it because of this guy or your chief, Shimajima Yamashita, that you called the police?" Seeing that he was about to be handcuffed, Yagyu Xia Ye asked the person who wanted to torture him.

After the name of Shimaji Yamashita was uttered, the police who wanted to torture people hesitated a little, because this time they came out to the police because they really had no intention of the bureau, and they were private policemen who followed Toyama Masamichi.

Judging by Yagyu Xiaye's appearance, he shouldn't just know the name of their chief, Shimajima Yamashita, so he hesitated.

Yuan Shan Zhengdao didn't like such hesitation, and immediately urged: "Hurry up and leave here, so as to evacuate the frightened people here."

Yagyu Xiaye reached out to the policeman, but he was not handcuffed.

At this time, a siren sounded outside, and it seemed that more than just a police car was coming.

In this way, the policemen around Liusheng Xiaye really didn't dare to think about Liusheng Xiaye's opponent, and they stayed away from Liusheng Xiaye.

"What happened here, why did you call the police and didn't report it." A voice with a very bad tone sounded from outside, and almost ten people walked in from outside immediately.Different from the three plainclothes policemen before, all the policemen who came in this time were fully armed, and it was SAT who came in.

The person who came in this time was Shimaji Yamashita, chief of the Sakakano County Police Department. He didn't pay attention to his three plainclothes subordinates, and he didn't pay attention to Toyama Masao who wanted to approach him, but immediately came to Yagyu Xiaye's place. around.

However, when he walked over, he gave orders to the person he had just brought.

"Unload the gun!"

"Mr. Yagyu, are you okay?" Shimaji Yamashita walked up to Yagyu Xiaye and asked.

Now Yagyu Xiaye is trying to calm Gui Yanye down, after hearing what Yamashita Shimaji said, Yagyu Xiaye turned around and said: "It's okay, it's just that an outsider almost defined him as an accomplice of a robber, Director Yamashita, you If you come a step late, you might be able to see me in the police station."

Being called an outsider by Yagyu Xia Ye, Masamichi Toyama who was controlled was not convinced, he struggled in the hands of the SAT troops, and said to Shimaji Yamashita: "I am from the Toyama family in Chiba Prefecture, you have no right to do this for me."

After hearing Toyama Masamichi's words, Yagyu Xiaye didn't say anything, but waited for Shimaji Yamashita to deal with it.

Shimaji Yamashita waved his hands to let the members of the SAT unit let go of Toyama Masamichi first, and then asked, "What are the Toyama family doing here?"

"I just predicted that there would be a robbery here, so I asked the police patrolling around here to help a little bit, and I didn't mean to call the police indiscriminately. Now it seems that there are robberies, and I should be the accomplice. wrong."

Now that the chief of the Sakakino County Police Department has come out, Toyama Masamichi can no longer bring Yagyu Xiaye back.

"The police in Sakano County will solve the incident in Sakano County. You don't need people from Chiba County to give pointers, and you are not a police officer, so you are not qualified to give pointers to our police work. As for the robbery Bandits, we will take them back for proper interrogation, take them back first." The last words were obviously addressed to the troops he brought later.

"I'm not..." When the robber who came to rob here wanted to explain something, he was immediately knocked out by the SAT member next to him, and he was not given a chance to speak, and he was not allowed to take off the Over the top.

"I will remember the way Director Yamashita handled the incident. If there is nothing else, I will go back first."

Yuan Shan Zhengdao wanted to leave here, but when he saw the person coming in from the outside at this time, he stopped.

"The people of Yuanshan's family are really imposing. They have been like this since they left Chiba County. I really don't know how many years your father can protect you?" It was Yukinoshita who came in and spoke to Yuanshan Zhengdao Kobayashi Ryosuke, Xuanyi's assistant, but after he finished speaking, he opened his mouth to explain: "Senator Yukinoshita asked me to say this. Councilor Yukinoshita is in a meeting right now, so I don't have time to come here."

After finishing speaking to Masamune Toyama, Kobayashi Ryosuke also walked up to Yagyu Xia Ye and asked, "Mr. Yagyu, have you met Miss Yukino?"

Author's message:

Thanks to Night Dance Fantasy Burial, Chixia Baiying, Quiet Eyes, Penglai Mountain Hui Ye, I give you, Meng, Tiandao Master, monthly tickets for fetching water and drinking. Thank you for the reward from Grandmaster Tiandao and lacusyuy.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Let these people go out first." Yagyu Xia Ye did not answer Kobayashi Ryosuke's question, but asked Yamashita Shimaji to send out the people from the jewelry store. Of course, during the process of sending out, they must Tell them to keep silent.

After listening to Yagyu Xiaye's words, Shimaji Yamashita also asked his subordinates to invite everyone out of the jewelry store, including the owner and staff of the jewelry store.

Only the relevant personnel are left in the jewelry store.

After everyone had left, Yagyu Xiaye said to Kobayashi Ryosuke, "Sorry, I don't know the person you just mentioned, and I'm a little surprised that you can appear here."

What Liu Shengxia Ye said was the truth. When the robber started to frame him as an accomplice, Liu Shengxia Ye thought that this matter would be clarified only after going to the police station.Unexpectedly, not only Shimaji Yamashita from the Sakano County Police Department rushed over immediately, but Genyoshi Yukinoshita also photographed his assistant Ryosuke Kobayashi and said a name Yagyu Natsuya didn't even know.

Does this matter have anything to do with that person named Xue Nai?

After hearing Yagyu Xiaye's answer that he didn't know Yukino, Kobayashi Ryosuke also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.In fact, Yukinoshita Xuanyi asked Kobayashi Ryosuke to come here not to clear the suspicion for Yagyu Xiaye, because Yukinoshita Xuanyi knew that with the relationship between Yagyu Xiaye and that person, he would definitely not let Yagyu Xiaye have trouble.

The reason why Kobayashi Ryosuke was brought over was to confirm the first question that Kobayashi Ryosuke asked Yagyu Xia Ye.

Now that Yagyu Xiaye has denied it, then Yukinoshita Xuanyi's worries can be put aside.

"I think Yukinoshita's family is more prestigious than mine. After arriving in Sakakino County, they actually had contact with the police here. You should plan to go further when you go back." If you were taught a lesson by Kobayashi Ryosuke , Yuan Shan Zhengdao definitely couldn't swallow that breath, but it was obvious that Yukinoshita Genyoshi asked Kobayashi Ryosuke to bring those words before.

"The relationship between us is not as good as you think. The reason why I appear here is because Senator Yukinoshita has a personal relationship with Mr. Yagyu."

Kobayashi Ryosuke's words made Toyama Masamichi look at Yagyu Natsuya very unexpectedly. He really didn't expect Yagyu Natsuya to be connected with Yukinoshita's family even though he was related to Hiratsuka Shizuka.And Kobayashi Ryosuke mentioned Yukino's name just now, Toyama Masamichi knew that it was the name of Yukinoshita Xuanyi's second daughter.

"Is he the future son-in-law of your Yukinoshita family?" Toyama Masamichi appeared here to attack Liusheng Xiaye. He must have investigated some information about Liusheng Xiaye, so he knew Liusheng Xiaye and the girls around him. They're all just high school students.

Coincidentally, Yukinoshita Genyoshi's second daughter is also a high school student, so that's why he asked about it.

"Mr. Toyama, I hope you don't say this a second time in the future, because we can't persuade the congressmen when they get angry." Although Kobayashi Ryosuke didn't explicitly deny it, what he said was already a warning to Toyama.

After listening to Yuan Shan Zhengdao's words before, Gui Yanye, who was about to ask Liu Shengxia Ye, also stopped moving immediately.

Liu Shengxia night felt Gui Yanye's previous actions, turned around to signal Gui Yanye not to be nervous, and then said to everyone: "I hope this farce can be cleaned up here, the boss has to do business, but I hope I should accept it." Those who punish must still be punished."

The latter words were obviously addressed to Shimaji Yamashita, not for him to punish Toyama Masamichi.

Because even if he was the director of Sakakino County, it was terrible that he really couldn't punish Toyama Masamichi who came from Chiba County. What Yagyu Xia Ye was referring to was of course the masked robber who was taken away by them before.

"Don't worry, it doesn't matter if it's a robber or a member of the police, you can deal with it as you like." Shimaji Yamashita's words also bypassed Yuanshan Zhengdao.

Because there was only one active robber caught at the scene, and three people went to the police without authorization. As for Masamichi Toyama, who asked the three of them to go to the police, he was not a member of the police force, so he was not included in Shimaji Yamashita's words.

At this time, Yagyu Xiaye also didn't dismantle this word game played by Shimaji Yamashita. He has already wasted enough time in the jewelry store, and now he can't buy anything if he wants to buy anything. It's better to take Gui Yanye back first.

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