"Very good, I believe the police are just." After Liu Sheng Xia Ye finished speaking, he took Gui Yanye and walked outside, but when he passed by Yuan Shan Zhengdao, he paused and said in a low voice: "This You were really lucky once, and you didn't attack the people around me, otherwise it wouldn't be so harmonious."

"My opponent is only you." Yuan Shan Zhengdao also responded to Liu Shengxia Ye.

"Blow Si Ting in the dark."


Kobayashi Ryosuke came out with Liu Shengxia Ye and Gui Yanye, he caught up with them and asked, "Do you need me to take you home?"

"No need, let's just go home by ourselves." Yagyu Xia Ye declined Kobayashi Ryosuke's proposal, and then said to him: "When I go back, I would like to express my gratitude to Senator Yukinoshita, and I will also present the one named Yukino My thanks are in order."

Yagyu Xia Ye didn't recognize it as Yukino, but Kobayashi Ryosuke's arrival must be related to that person.

"I'll convey it. Be careful when you go back."

"Thank you."

Watching Yagyu Xia Ye and Gui Yanye disappear from sight, Kobayashi Ryosuke took out his phone from his bag and sent a message.


At this time, Yukinoshita Genyoshi, the center of power in Sakakino County, had already held a meeting and was resting in the lounge, and there was another person in the lounge.

"Dad, is that incident resolved?"

"Xiaolin has sent a message. Although there was an incident, there were no casualties."

"It's fine, Dad, but it's not okay to be so chaotic under your rule."

"Since you choose to call me, you have confirmed the identity of the party who caused the trouble." Yukinoshita Xuanyi put the phone on the table, turned to his daughter and said.

Yukinoshita Yukino nodded, because Yukinoshita Yukino had confirmed Yuan Shan Zhengdao's identity, so Yukinoshita asked his father to send someone over, because the other people were really difficult to deal with.

"I'm not afraid of people from the Yuanshan family coming to make trouble in Sakano County. I won't let them do whatever they want when I'm here for a day. What I'm worried about is the person that the little guy from the Yuanshan family is targeting. If the matter breaks out, maybe I will return to Chiba County in despair in the end, but fortunately, he still knows how to measure."

Yukinoshita Xuanyi's words made Xue Nao feel very unbelievable, because he had never seen her father so unconfident.

Author's message:

Thank you for the rewards and monthly ticket support of Wuciyou, Meng, Halo, Xiaoxiao, Coffin Board, thank you

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Yukinoshita Genyoshi came to Sakano County not because he was not suitable to be an official in Chiba County, but because he had some conflicts with his family at that time, and Yukinoshita Genyoshi had some abilities.

But now, Yukinoshita Xuanyi is afraid that people will cause trouble on the territory under his jurisdiction.

"Father, shouldn't I ask you and let them solve it by themselves?" Yukinoshita Yukino asked.

Judging from the analysis of the information that can be known now, that person should have a feud with Yuan Shan Zhengdao, and not everyone can have a feud with Yuan Shan Zhengdao.Moreover, Yukinoshita Xuanyi was afraid of that guy causing trouble, which meant that he was not a good person.

"No, it's because you informed me that this ending happened." Yukinoshita Xuanyi didn't say that Yukinoshita Yukino should not notify her, and then said to him: "Yukino, you are coming to Sakano County this week What's the matter? Yang Nai didn't come together?"

You know, Moeko Ito is Yuki Ito's mother, and Gui Yanye is Gui Xin's sister.

However, now both of them are not as important as Liu Shengxia Ye in the eyes of the two little lolitas.

"The last time Yang Nai came to Sakano County by herself, she cut her hair. She said that she would not come here until her hair grew as long as before." Yukinoshita Yukino explained that she came alone Here's why.

Yang Nai actually cut hair longer than Yukino, which really surprised Yukinoshita Genyoshi, but he didn't know how much he cut, and he didn't know how long it would take to grow to the original length.However, Yukinoshita Xuanyi, who had already made the decision to go back, also knew that his tenure in Sakano County would not be too long, and he would see his eldest daughter Yango after returning, so he was not in a hurry.

"Then go back as soon as you finish your business. I'll send you back when you leave."

"No need, I know the way myself, and I won't get lost." Xue Nai rejected her father's proposal, and then asked: "Father, who is the person who is in conflict with Yuan Shan's family today?"

Although there was Gui Yanye beside Liusheng Xiaye at that time, Yukinoshita Yukino felt that Liusheng Xiaye and Toyama Zhengdao did not conflict because of Gui Yanye, and now she doesn't even know Liusheng Xiaye's name , that's why she asked her father Yukinoshita Genyoshi at this time.

And after hearing Yukinoshita Yukino's words, Yukinoshita Xuanyi didn't know whether he should tell Yukino about Yagyu Xiaye, but after seeing Yukinoshita's serious eyes now, he knew that if he didn't tell Yukino now, Xue Nai will definitely find a way to investigate Liu Sheng Xia Ye after she goes back, and she may also involve her sister Yang Nao.

"He is a first-year high school student at Sakakino Academy, and his name is Yagyu Natsuya. You don't need to know the rest, and you are not allowed to check his information with your sister after you go back. This is my reminder."

Xue Nai also understood her father's last reminder, so she didn't ask Liu Shengxia Ye any other questions, but asked: "Dad, is this person named Liu Sheng Xia Ye the one you mentioned last time?"

Yukinoshita Xuanyi looked at his daughter, but didn't find any other expressions on Yukino's face, so he said, "Yes."

"Then I know, Dad, I'm going out first."

After getting the exact answer from Yukinoshita Genyoshi, Yukinoshita Yukino also left the lounge because she had other things to do when she came to Sakakino County.

"That guy just said he wanted to say thank you to you." When Yukinoshita Yukino opened the door and was about to leave, Yukinoshita Xuanyi said something to her in a mysterious way, which made Yukinoshita Yukino pause for a moment, and then still left the lounge.


After experiencing the incident at the jewelry store, Liu Shengxia Ye and Gui Yanye had no intention of continuing to visit the market, but they also had no intention of going home.

Now when I go back, the two of us are still at home, because Moeko Ito told them when I went out today that I might come back a little later today.

Although winter is coming, you can still watch the sunset. Liu Sheng Xia Ye and Gui Yan Ye sit on the chairs in the park with a cup of milk tea each.

"Xia Ye, when will you leave here?" Gui Yanye asked suddenly after taking a sip of milk tea.

Originally, before today, Gui Yanye would not ask Liu Shengxia Ye about such things, because Liu Shengxia Ye had promised her, and she also believed Liu Shengxia Ye's promise.

However, going out alone with Liu Sheng Xia Ye today is the first time he has entered Liu Sheng Xia Ye's private life.

It was an incident at the jewelry store that allowed Gui Yanye to see the gap between her and Liu Shengxiaye, and it really wasn't something she could make up for with all her efforts.

If Liu Shengxia stayed at Gui's house all the time, Gui Yanye might know about it, but it would make her not admit it.However, after today's incident, Gui Yanye knew that it was impossible for Liu Shengxia Ye to stay at Gui's house forever. Liu Sheng Xia Ye would have a different life from Gui's family in the future, and Liu Sheng Xia Ye should have belonged to that living.

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