[Natsuya Yagyu, Sakakano Gakuen] This is the keyword that Yukinoshita Yukino entered in the search bar of the search engine.

The first thing that popped up were all text links, which couldn't make Yukinoshita Yukino judge which one was true, so he chose the category of pictures.

The one on the first page was not the person I saw today, but some pictures of Yagyu's family in history, so Yukinoshita clicked on the next page.

Before she was selected, Yang Nao pointed to a certain place on the screen and said, "Xue Nao, open it."

After Yang Nao took his finger away, and Yukinoshita Yukino saw the person on it clearly, he was also very surprised, because it was the picture of Yagyu Xia Ye, which was different from the one he met today. It can be seen that this photo should have been taken during the sports meeting.

After clicking on the picture, it automatically jumped to the related post. Instead of reading the content first, Xue Nai asked her sister Yang Nai, "Sister, do you know this person?"

"Is this the person you're looking for?"

Author's message:

Thank you for being me, waiting for a deal, Dark Night, Qingqian, Sily°Su Nuannian, Haha Dry Pot, Frustration, Salamanda’s monthly ticket support, thank you, Meng, Bo ICE Bing, Mingtian, Shizhi~~Shizhi, Fei Yafei, Sily°Su Nuannian, Zhi? Zun’s happy coin reward, thank you I am the wind, Shizhi~~Shizhi, Sily°Su Nuannian, Wang Hui, it’s me, Waiting for a blade knife for a ♂ deal, this one can't cut jj.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Yukinoshita Yoshino didn't know the name of Yagyu Natsuya, but he did know the person Yagyu Natsuya, because after hearing what Yagyu Natsuya said, after returning from Sakakino County, Yukinoshita Yoshino thought that she was similar to Yukino before. His long hair was cut.

Seeing Yukino's beautiful hair fluttering in front of her now, Yukinoshita Haruno is not worth it for her hair.

And now that Yukinoshita Yukino came back from Sakano County, the person who searched on the computer search engine turned out to be the person who asked her to cut her hair.

"Yeah, I met this person today. His name is Liusheng Xiaye. It's just that my father warned me not to search too much. Because this is the person my father mentioned to us last time. As for the specific reason What it is, I don't know very well."

After hearing what Yukino said, Yang Nai was also a little surprised, she really didn't expect that Yagyu Xiaye was actually related to her father Yukinoshita Genyoshi.

Could it be that the proposal to cut her hair that day was a trick to fool her?But recalling the day when he met Liu Shengxia Ye, Liu Sheng Xia Ye looked like he didn't know her at all, it didn't look like a fake.

Now that she knew the name of Yagyu Natsuya, Yukinoshita Haruno directly moved the computer in front of her, returned to the initial page of the search engine, and then entered the keywords of Yagyu Natsuya and Sakakino Gakuen.

"Sister, Dad told us not to live." Yukinoshita Yukino reminded her sister.

"No need, I know what Dad means. And the reason why you searched just now is because you want to know more about this thing called Yagyu Summer Night?"

Yukinoshita Yukino immediately stopped talking, because what Yang Nao said was not wrong at all.

What Genyoshi Yukinoshita said about not being allowed to cross the line should be referring to not being allowed to use the power of the Yukinoshita family to collect things about Yagyu Xia Ye, but the things that can generally be searched on the Internet are not within this scope.

She didn't stop her sister Yang Nao from continuing to search for Yagyu Xia Ye on the Internet, but looked at the computer screen with some expectation.

However, what surprised the Yukinoshita sisters was that they had already entered these two keywords, but they didn't find any more things about Yagyu Xiaye, and the pictures they found before were also in it.

However, after the link was entered, the things introduced were so simple that the Yukinoshita sisters couldn't find any useful clues at all.

Fortunately, Sister Gui Yanye finally found a link to introduce Liu Shengxia Ye.

This is a private blog, and the title of the content inside is Sakakano Gakuen Ten Crown Champions.

This is an individualistic headline. The post does not mention other things about Yagyu Natsuya, but the deeds of Yagyu Natsuya who won ten championships in the three-day sports meeting in Sakakino Prefecture.

"That's fine."

After reading this blog, the Yukinoshita sisters still feel a little surprised. You know, both Yukinoshita Yukino and Yono have met Yagyu Natsuya, but they both think that Yagyu Natsuya is not that kind People with advanced sports ability, but the facts in this post make the Yukinoshita sisters a little bit irrefutable.

"Wait a minute, I seem to have overlooked some parts before, I have to read it again." Yukinoshita Yukino pulled the computer in front of her again, the reason why she said this is because just now Yukinoshita Yukino Shut down that blog's webpage.

After clicking on the webpage, something unexpected happened to Yukino Yukinoshita, because it actually displayed an error message.

"Sister, did you turn off the internet by the way?"

"No, could it be that you ordered the wrong address?"

The two sisters looked at the lower right corner, but found that the network connection was fine, indicating that it had not been interrupted.

Then I closed the webpage with that error message, and when I returned to the previous page, I found that only one link was dark in color, which meant that Xue Nai did not make a mistake when she clicked for the second time.

"Click again." Yukinoshita Haruno said.

Yukinoshita Yukino moved the cursor on the dark link and clicked, this time the new web page was opened with the same error prompt as before.

"That's weird." Yukinoshita Yoshino returned to the previous interface in disbelief, clicked on another link, and entered the normal page strangely.Yukinoshita Yoshino clicked on a few more links, but she could still enter the page normally. Finally, Yukinoshita Yoshino clicked on the previous private blog about introducing Yagyu Natsuya Ten Crowns, but it still displayed an error.

"I finally know why Dad reminded you."

Having personally experienced a webpage being hacked, the two Yukinoshita sisters now understand that Yagyu Xia Ye's identity and background must be not simple, and it may have reached the point where even their father fears.

"Sister, we're still at this point." Yukinoshita Yukino reminded, now she regrets that she started searching for Yagyu Xiaye when she came back. If something really happened, their father might know implicated.

"Understood, this matter has never happened." Yukinoshita Yoshino closed the computer, not wanting to check the matter about Yagyu Xia Ye.

Yukinoshita Yukino didn't stop him either. Now that I know part of the information about Natsuya Yagyu, I know the name of Natsuya Yagyu anyway, and Sakakino Academy will not run away there. If you want to see Natsuya Yagyu in the future , just go directly to Sakakano Academy.

If you want to know about Liu Sheng Xia Ye, then just ask Liu Sheng Xia Ye directly.

Yukinoshita Yukino got up and brought the computer back to her room, while Yukinoshita Yono used her hands to pin the short hair that hung over her ears, wondering what she was thinking.


Another week has passed, and the atmosphere of the Sakakino Academy Academy Festival is getting stronger and stronger. On Saturday and Sunday, the students did not want to go on vacation, but went to complete their respective programs prepared for the Academy Festival.

Gui Yanye was also waiting for the materials she went to the market with Liu Shengxiaye to buy last week, but in the end what she waited for was not good news.

"What, the materials we ordered are gone, and it's too late to transfer them from the outside?" Gui Yanye asked in shock after answering a phone call.

Liu Shengxia Ye also heard the conversation on the side, and frowned slightly, beckoning Gui Yanye to give him the phone.

"Was your material bought by someone who appeared later on the day we made an appointment?" After answering the phone, Liu Shengxia Ye asked into the phone.

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