The other side of the phone was also stunned, did not expect Liu Shengxia Ye to be able to guess like this, apologized on the phone and said: "Sorry, I know that business should not be like this, but there is a reason why I have to do this. "

Chapter four hundred and ninetieth: The person who provides help

This is a bit interesting. It can be understood that those materials have been bought by someone, or it can be understood that because of his last resort, he cannot send them to Liu Shengxia Ye and Gui Yanye.

Now, Liu Shengxia Ye agrees with the latter, and continues to ask: "Isn't it not just your family's goods that are out?"

"Yes, the entire market is out of the materials you need." The boss of the supplier didn't mean to hide it from Yagyu Xiaye at this time, and directly said that all the suppliers were out of stock. It seems that they had once unified the caliber of.

"I see." Liu Shengxiaye didn't ask the supplier any more questions, because he couldn't find anything useful.

When Liu Sheng Xia Ye returned the phone to Gui Yanye, Gui Yanye asked, "Xia Ye, did an uncontrollable accident happen?"

"Sorry, Yan Ye, I think I ruined your academy festival arrangement."

Liu Sheng Xia Ye's sudden apology made Gui Yanye very surprised, and Gui Yanye said quickly: "Xia Ye, it's just that if the family's materials are gone, we can go to the school's sports warehouse to look for something that can be replaced. Maybe."

However, when Gui Yanye mentioned the school sports warehouse, his face turned red all of a sudden.

Because she just recalled, on the first day Yagyu Natsuya transferred to Sakakino Academy, one day she happened to be targeted by Kato Otome and Kanroji Nanami's team, and she finished her duty work far away, when she passed the school warehouse Encountered an indescribable scene.

Just now, he invited Liu Shengxia Ye to go to the small warehouse with her, and it felt a little strange after thinking about it.

"Yan Ye, it's not a matter of material." Liu Sheng Xia Ye didn't think of that matter, and all the answers to Gui Yan Ye were very natural.

"Isn't it just one family?" Although I heard Yagyu Xia Ye mentioned something when he was talking to the supplier, he was not sure.

"Yes, all the materials we ordered at the market last Saturday were out of stock, or they didn't want to sell them to us."

"That is the supplier established by our school. If they don't sell the materials to our school, where will they sell the materials?"

"It should continue to be sold to the school, but not to me and you."

"Why? We are also..." Gui Yanye didn't finish what he wanted to say, and immediately thought of something, and asked Liu Sheng Xia Ye: "Xia Ye, it can't be that person?"

Liu Shengxia Ye knew that the person Gui Yanye was referring to was Yuanshan Zhengdao, so he nodded without hesitation.

After getting an affirmative answer, Gui Yanye also fell silent. She really didn't expect that the confrontation between Yuanshan Zhengdao and Liu Shengxiaye would not end because of the incident at the jewelry store that day.I also understand why Liu Shengxia Ye apologized just now, because that person and Liu Sheng Xia Ye are in a hostile relationship.

"Xia Ye, I can't blame you for this. It can only be said that that person has gone too far. It is too late to go to the market to order those materials again. I think we should change the program. I am sorry for the previous I have worked hard on the program, and Xia Ye, you have helped me a lot, even if the program cannot be made in the end, I have no regrets."

In fact, after so many actions, the final show was ruined because of a wayward guy. Gui Yanye is still a bit regretful.But he didn't want to make Liu Sheng Xiaye feel bad because of this incident, so Gui Yanye decided to change the program during the college festival.

In the end, Gui Yanye was asked to change the show, and Liu Shengxiaye's resentment towards Yuanshan Zhengdao reached a new height.

Last Saturday, Yagyu Xiaye thought that Yuan Shan Zhengdao came to Sakano County just to cause an incident in the jewelry store, but now it seems that he thought simply.

It is necessary to have a good talk with Masamichi Yuanshan, but the most important thing at present is to revive the program that Gui Yanye prepared at the academy festival.

Is it necessary to use the power of the Yagyu family to find materials for making haunted houses?

At this moment, Yagyu Xia Ye's cell phone rang, it was not a call but a text message.

Taking it out to see the sender's name, Yagyu Xia Ye felt a little surprised, because it was Yukinoshita Xuanyi who sent the message.

However, when Yagyu Xiaye read the contents, he felt that this message did not seem to be sent by Yukinoshita Genyoshi, because as a county councilor, Yukinoshita Genyoshi would not be aware of the little things in the text message. .

This information reminded Liu Shengxia Ye of a name, and Xiao Lin Ryosuke had asked his name, but Liu Sheng Xia Ye had never met that person before.

However, now is not the time to verify whether Liu Shengxia Ye's guess is correct. After putting away his phone, Liu Shengxia Ye said to Gui Yanye: "Yan Ye, I have found the materials for the haunted house again. Let's go there now."

There are some contact information in the text message, but it has already been remembered by Liu Shengxia Ye, so there is no need to turn on the phone again.


Chiba County, Yukinoshita's living room.

Yukinoshita Yukino's computer was still placed in front of the Yukinoshita sisters, and the computer was still on, which means it was still in use just now.

"Xue Nao, do you think there is nothing wrong with what you did just now?" Yukinoshita Yono looked at Yukino who had been holding the phone before and just put it down.

"I believe Dad will make the right choice." Yukinoshita Yukino didn't have the slightest worry.

Although the Yukinoshita sisters have decided not to search for things related to Yanagi Natsuya, but it is still possible to search for things related to Yagyu Natsuya, such as the activities of Sakakino Academy, and some things that happened at Sakakino Academy , such as the academy festival that is about to start.

The message that Yukinoshita Xuanyi's mobile phone sent to Liusheng Xiaye before was sent by Yukinoshita Yukino first to her father, and then asked Yukinoshita Xuanyi to send it to Liusheng Xiaye.

In fact, at the market in Sakakino County last Saturday, when Yukinoshita Yukino saw Masamichi Toyama, he began to pay attention to Masamichi Toyama’s actions in the market, so Masamichi Toyama prevented those suppliers from supplying Yagyu Yukino Yukino also knew about Xia Ye and Gui Yanye's haunted house materials.

At that time, Yukinoshita Yukino didn't know the identity of Yagyu Natsuya, so even when he arrived at the jewelry store, Yukinoshita Yukino didn't remind Yagyu Natsuya, but just called his father Yukinoshita Genyoshi and said that there might be a Something uncontrollable happens.

And last week when I went home to search Yagyu Xiaye, and found that Yagyu Xiaye had a deep background, Yukinoshita Yukino didn't know what to say to Yagyu Xiaye.

It just so happened that Yukino sent a message to her father after finding out about the Sakakano Academy Festival today.

Author's message:

Thanks to Shuke 8788880358, Burning Eternal Night, and Instant Fireworks z for their monthly ticket support, thanks to Qingcheng Chihaya, Instant Fireworks z, Hu Yongtao, Stormy Pumpkin, Yiyan, Wuxing, and common sayings for their support, and thanks to Randy for his blade props ,thanks.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Yukinoshita Yukino didn't directly send a text message to Yagyu Xiaye. The first thing is that she doesn't have Yagyu Xiaye's cell phone number. What happens is beyond their control.The second is because of their father Yukinoshita Genyoshi's reminder that there is no need to break it yet.

As for the matter of not leaving a message to help Yagyu Xia Ye, Yukinoshita Yukino also thought about it, but when she thought about the time when she was with her father in Sakakino County, Yukinoshita Genyoshi was jealous of Yagyu Xia Ye, prompting Yukinoshita Yukino to send texted her dad.

"Then the mystery man's time has been resolved. Shouldn't you be preparing for your school's festival?"

"I don't have any shows."

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