Yagyu Xia Ye's mobile phone standby screen is a photo of Ito Yuki and Gui Xin, two little girls, and they are threatened not to delete it.

Gui Yanye stopped eating, and of course Liu Shengxiaye would not let Gui Yanye's dinner go to waste, and began to eat slowly by himself.

Of course they won't eat all of them, Liu Sheng Xia Ye still left a little, worried that Gui Yanye would get up at night to look for something to eat, it would be bad if they didn't have it.


Gui Yanye stayed alone in the room for a long time, until Liu Sheng Xia Ye came to knock on her door to say good night to her, and told her that the hot water had been put away, and after she was asked to take a bath, Gui Yanye finally realized her reaction It seems to be going a little too far.

However, after Liu Sheng Xiaye saw the standby screen, Gui Yanye didn't know whether the legend was still alive or not, and if it didn't work, he could change it.

After Gui Yanye took a bath, it was already very late. When he passed the door of Liusheng Xiaye's room, he didn't hear any noise inside. Liusheng Xiaye should have fallen asleep.

Thinking of this, Gui Yanye returned to her room first, took the mobile phone in her hand, and then secretly opened the door of Liu Shengxiaye's room.

Because the two little girls were not at home anymore, the door of Liu Shengxia Ye's room was not locked, because he did not expect Gui Yanye to walk into his room at night.

Gui Yanye didn't disturb Liusheng Xiaye, and quietly came to the bedside. Seeing Liusheng Xiaye sleeping, Gui Yanye remembered the night when her mother Gui Manami brought Ito Moeko to the house.

Although there is no one in the family who makes her shy, but Gui Yanye is not here to kiss Liu Shengxia Ye, but for another purpose.

Turning on the camera function of the mobile phone, the angle was placed on Liu Shengxia's sleeping face in the summer night.

After the clicking sound, the photo of Liu Shengxia Ye appeared in the album.

Then, Gui Yanye found the settings in the phone, and changed the standby screen of the phone to the photo just taken.However, although the previous standby photos were deleted in the settings, the photos themselves are still in Gui Yanye's phone album.

After doing all this, Gui Yanye looked at Liu Shengxia Ye on the bed again.

Maybe you can try something like Caution and Xiaozhi.

This thought suddenly popped up in Gui Yanye's mind, and after the thought came out, his body actually reacted and approached Liu Shengxiaye's bed directly.

Kneeling easily on the other side of Liu Shengxia's bed, as long as he gently leans down, Gui Yanye can be like Gui Xin and Ito Zhi.

However, Gui Yanye still didn't fall down in the end.

Rubbing his hands on Liu Sheng Xia Ye's pillow, after approaching Liu Sheng Xia Ye with his head, he kissed him on the face.Originally, Gui Yanye planned to go further, but found that part of her hair was hanging down on Liu Shengxia Ye's face, causing Liu Sheng Xia Ye's face to move uncomfortably, and Gui Yanye immediately straightened up on the bed Her body and Liu Shengxia Ye's movements also calmed down.

"good night!"

After saying good night, Gui Yanye got off Liu Sheng Xia Ye's bed, and walked out of Liu Sheng Xia Ye's room with a flushed face.


The next morning, when Yagyu Xiaye was making breakfast, he found that the food left over from last night was not eaten, so it was not wasted, but was mixed into breakfast.

I thought that Gui Yanye would continue to avoid him, but I didn't expect that after one night, Gui Yanye seemed to be a normal person, and he didn't care about what he saw the standby screen of his mobile phone yesterday.

"Xia Ye, I'm going to be sorry for you today." Gui Yanye said to Liu Sheng Xia Ye when he was serving dishes in the kitchen.

The reason why he said this was because Liu Sheng Xia Ye wanted to go to school with her today to get rid of the haunted house.

"It's okay, I've already said that I'll help you." Liu Shengxia Ye didn't think it would be very difficult, but asked, "Yan Ye, yesterday..."

"Because I didn't find a good picture before, I used Xia Ye's picture as the standby picture. I have already changed it. Would you like to make sure?" Gui Yanye, who was explaining, was about to take out the phone and give it to Liu Shengxia Confirmed at night.

"No need, as long as you are fine, let's go to school after eating early." I watched it once by accident last night, even if Gui Yanye took the initiative today, Liu Shengxiaye would not watch it again of.

Liu Shengxia Ye was not sure about the standby screen of the phone, and Gui Yanye also breathed a sigh of relief.

Author's message:

Thanks to lacusyuy, Van der Sar not too much, Yueming, Youmeng Ruoyu for their monthly ticket support, thanks to Di Mingyu, You, Yao, trick me into bed, and Shi Wendi for their rewards of 100 happy coins each, and thanks to Yueming for their 1500 Happy coins reward, thank you

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Yagyu, Xia Ye, and Gui Yanye went to Sakakino Academy together after breakfast.

Although today is Saturday, I still met some students from Sakakino Academy on the train. It was because these people almost had the same purpose as them. They went to the school today and tomorrow to set up the stage for the school festival. You can freely enjoy the joy of the college festival in the first week of the week.

There were also students from Class [-] of the first year on the tram, so these people borrowed Gui Yanye from Liusheng Xiaye, and Liusheng Xiaye could only find a seat to sit down again.

Fortunately, it was not the time for work, so there were not many people in the car, and Xia Ye Liusheng found a seat easily.

The girls from Class [-] of the first year gathered around Gui Yanye, so Liu Shengxia Ye was only surrounded by female students from other classes.

They are all in the first grade, so they all know the relationship between Liu Shengxia Ye and Gui Yanye, and they have no plans to strike up a conversation with Liu Sheng Xia Ye, but discuss it in a low voice.

"Pure, you actually saw my standby screen."

Liu Shengxia Ye originally had no idea about their conversation, but when he heard the standby screen, Liu Sheng Xia Ye suddenly became interested, because the awkward atmosphere with Gui Yanye yesterday was caused by Gui Yanye's mobile phone. It was caused by the standby screen, so Yagyu Xiaye wanted to find some clues from the conversation between the two girls.

"Kanako, it's just a standby screen, there's no need for you to be so nervous, if you think it's a disadvantage, I'll show you my standby screen too.

"My standby screen and your standby screen have different meanings."

"It's different? By the way, why is your standby screen not your own photo, but the boy from Class [-], you're not secretly in love with him, are you?"

After the girl named Jun uttered her guess, her companion Kanako remained silent for a long time. Now both Yagyu Xiaye and the girl named Jun knew that the guess just now was correct.

"Kanako, isn't it? You seem to have never said a word. Do you think he can feel your heart if you make his photo into your standby screen?" Chun is very uncomfortable with such things. Cold, she wants her partner to wake up.

However, her companion Kanako didn't care, but asked instead: "Jun, haven't you heard the legend of the school?"

"The legend of the school, I don't know about such weird things, does it have anything to do with what you do?"

When Liu Sheng Xia Ye heard this, he also thought that Gui Yanye also knew the legend of the academy that Kanako was talking about.

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