Sure enough, seeing that her companion couldn't understand, Kanako immediately explained: "In the history of our school, there used to be a very enviable couple, and the reason why they were enviable was also because of the standby screen of the mobile phone."

"So what's the relationship?"

"As long as you set the photo of the person you like as a price screen and no one will find out, then after a month, they will become a couple, and they will never be separated."

"Kanako, this topic of yours is a bit ridiculous, I don't believe it. But how long has your standby screen been set by you?"

"It's only three days to a month. I originally wanted to confess to him after the school festival, but now it seems that there is no play." Kanako was a little disappointed, and she didn't blame her in her tone Friends pure meaning.

"Isn't it just a confession? After the college festival, I'll go ask that guy out and let you confess to him. If he doesn't agree, I'll punish him."

"Forget it, it seems that God doesn't want me to be with him. It's pointless to force it. Besides, the college festival is a day for teachers and students of the whole school to gather for carnival. Maybe we can see someone more handsome than him." , at worst, just change to someone else.”

"Your mentality is very good, let's think about what to do with our college festival show. By the way, after the show is over, Kanako, is there any place you want to go?"

"I heard that there is a haunted house in the fourth class of the first year, maybe it will be very interesting." Kanako said.

"Didn't that person help?" After hearing where Kanako wanted to go, Junzai suddenly pointed at the location of Yagyu Xia Ye.

Only at this time did they realize that Liu Shengxia Ye was sitting not far from them, because they were completely silent on the matter of Kanako's standby screen before, so they ignored the commotion caused when Liu Sheng Xia Ye and Gui Yanye got in the car.

This time, Kanako and Jun didn't speak loudly when they saw the Lord.

The news that Gui Yanye from class four of the first year was going to set up a haunted house at the college festival was widely spread among the first graders.One is that because of Gui Yanye's status in the fourth class of the first year, some people from the fourth class of the first year went to promote her.

The second is Yagyu Xiaye's status as the ten-time champion.

Although the sports meeting has passed for a long time now, Yagyu Natsuya's title of Ten Champions has not yet fallen, and Yagyu Natsuya has made a lot of changes in Sakakino Academy after returning from Shengfeng Academy, so there are many A big increase in popularity is also very normal.

Fortunately, Yagyu Xia Ye didn't care about the conversation between Kanako and Jun after knowing the legend of the academy, so when Kanako and Jun looked at him together, it was a bit surprising. Could it be that they knew that he was eavesdropping just now? Can't they talk?

But it shouldn't be, Yagyu Xiaye's position is still a bit far from Kanako and Jun's position, and ordinary people simply can't do this.

So, after politely smiling at the two girls, Liu Shengxia Ye turned his head and looked in the direction of Gui Yanye.

Kanako and Jun were also relieved by Yagyu Xiaye's reaction, and they whispered together after seeing Yagyu Xiaye turn his head.

"It's a pity that Liuyu has already been booked, otherwise I can change another photo." Kanako said to Jun with a bit of regret, completely forgetting that if she really took the photo of Yagyu Xiaye and set it up If it is true, then the people around her now know about it, so it is not suitable for the conditions of the academy legend.

"And Gui is not the only one who made the reservation." When talking about Yagyu Xia Ye, Kanako Kazuya also expressed her opinion.

Gui Yanye and Liu Shengxia Ye from class [-] of the first year are a couple of CPs that are very popular in the first grade, especially after the sports meeting.

However, besides Gui Yanye, Xiyuan Temple World and Kiyoura Setsuna, who are in the third class of the year, have also communicated with Yagyu Xiaye CP.

Author's message:

Thanks to Yi Chihiro, Ye, and Xiaohei KID for their monthly pass support, and thanks to Setsuna Fireworks for the reward, thank you.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Of course, in addition to the three that have spread widely, there are also Kato Otome and Ganluji Nanami from the fourth class of the first year, just because almost everyone in the first grade knows those two and Gui Yanye's previous ones. Things, so I don't think Liu Shengxia Ye and those two will really have a CP relationship, although the relationship between Gui Yanye and the two has improved a lot since this period of time.

However, in other people's eyes, all these revolved around Liu Shengxia Ye, if Liu Sheng Xia Ye was gone, their conflicts would still rekindle.

"So let's focus on the college festival. Those from other schools are also acceptable, and the taste of cross-school romance should be good." Kanako said to her friend Jun.

"Okay, I really envy your character, I wish you a better life."

"We act together, so I will share with you good things."

"Forget it, I can't enjoy your things."

After Kanako and Jun smiled at each other, they stopped talking. After all, they now found that Yagyu Natsuya was by their side. Even if they didn't pursue Yagyu Natsuya, they didn't want to be rude to her.


The tram arrived at the stop, and the students of Sakakino Academy started to get off, including Yagyu Xia Ye and Gui Yanye among them.However, after getting off the car, Gui Yanye was still surrounded by the girls. He wanted to know what Gui Yanye was going to prepare in the haunted house, so Liu Shengxia Ye could only walk outside the crowd alone. .

When entering the school, Yagyu Xiaye saw Hikaru Kuroda whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

After Yagyu Xiaye came back from Shengfeng Academy, he also met Kuroda Hikaru several times, but they didn't talk too much.Perhaps because of family affairs, Kuroda Hikaru has not been with a few of her friends recently.

Today's Hikari Kuroda is not wearing the school uniform of Sacakano College, but a chef's attire.

"Kuroda-san, are you going to make a booth at the school festival?"

Kuroda Hikaru was also a little surprised to be greeted by Yagyu Xiaye, but when he saw Liusheng Xiaye was looking at her clothes, Kuroda Hikaru said: "Do you not believe that I can make western cakes?"

"There is no such thing. After all, you are a child who grew up in a bakery. How could I not believe you?"

"But I, a kid who grew up in a bakery, can't even reach half of your skills."

"No, your craft is better than mine."

"This is what my father said to me. Are you thinking that my father's ability to look at things is not good?" Hearing Yagyu Xia Ye's negation, Kuroda Hikaru pulled her father out.

This time, Yagyu Xia Ye had nothing to say, because if he refuted it, it would mean that he didn't believe Kuroda Hikaru's father.

Because Yagyu Xiaye learned the technique of making cakes in the bakery of Kuroda's family, Kuroda Hikaru's father can be regarded as half of Yagyu Xiaye's mentor, so respect for Kuroda Hikaru's father is still necessary.

"Where do you plan to open your bakery stall?" Yagyu Xiaye stopped discussing with Kuroda Hikaru about which of them is better at bakery.

"Don't worry, I won't put it in the classroom, because our classroom is used as a coffee shop, and it should bring some popularity to your haunted house. My booth is in the atrium of the school. If If you have time, come over here, don’t ask you to help me make western cakes, it’s okay to come over and eat a piece.” Even Kuroda Hikaru, who doesn’t often communicate with her friend Xiyuan Temple World and others, knows about it four times a year The matter of Ban Liusheng's haunted house in Xia Ye shows that the popularity of the haunted house is not low.

"Of course, I will come when it opens." Yagyu Xia Ye promised Kuroda Hikaru.

Although he promised to help Gui Yanye get rid of the haunted house, there is no guarantee that Liu Shengxiaye will be guarding Gui Yanye's side all the time during the academy festival, so that he can find some time to come and eat Kuroda Hikaru's food. Pie should be no problem.

Gui Yanye College Festival prepared a haunted house, while Kuroda Hikaru prepared a bakery booth. I don’t know what programs other people related to Yagyu Xiaye have prepared. It’s a pity that even today, Yagyu Xiaye Don't know anything about it.

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